Greetings good citizen, it is assumed that if you don't live under a rock [which may constitute a considerable improvement in your domestic situation for some] or that you aren't fixated on mentally undressing the Fox News readers that you have witnessed the rest of the corporate owned media applying a glossy, new top coat of LOSER on the party formerly known as the Democrats.
The 20 odd Democratic/Progressive candidates that have announced their candidacy are all running on a platform based on that old Ten Years After tune, I'd love to change the world. "Tax the rich, feed the poor 'til there are no, rich no more!" (and then what stupid? The song doesn't answer that, worse, it does end by saying 'I don't know what to I leave it up to YOU!'
Guess who has appointed themselves 'YOU?'
Nobody is 'surprised' by this yet they still think ONE of these two choices 'represents' them. [In fairness it's not like door number three actually exists. The stupid rich are keeping their powder dry for when they will need to use that 'third party' to defend them and their way of life!]
Democracy isn't's F'n DEAD! The money strangled it and pays for the kabuki dance that pretends to represent you!
The problem with this is nobody knows who is calling the shots from backstage, which is a considerable problem considering those same hands have their finger on the launch button of the planet's largest nuclear stockpile!
The rich are already suffering from a severe 'reality disconnect' starting with their belief that they aren't the problem! [They most definitely *ARE!]
These are the same people that saddle you with:
1.) Fake representation [You may vote for them but you can't do that if the rich don't fund them and if they hope to win re-election they better not forget who put them in office!]
2.) Abandoned the gold standard resulting in horrendous inflation AND severely eroded purchasing power!
3.) Stock markets that make THEM rich for no reason, there is NOTHING there!
4.) The F-U pay me system that ruins families and preys on those the feckless can't 'use'...and if they can't 'use' you, you can't play without becoming what THEY Call a criminal!
This isn't 1719, 1819 or 1919 so why are we still using a system our Great-great-great grandfathers saddled us with?
Zero irony this is due to the same people who insist THEY aren't the problem!
We have missiles capable of circling the globe in minutes yet we are still using a highly suspect [never mind vulnerable] system of collective decision-making. [When the current system was designed it took MONTHS to cross the Ocean, now we do it daily in hours.]
Worse, the system was 'weighted' towards what the few controlled and that is, er, 'wealth' for lack of a better term. [This is WHY money dominates politics!] Doesn't help that the average moron equates money with intelligence when NOTHING could be further from the truth!
Worse, those whose focus is on money don't understand life or the importance of community!
In order to return humanity to a sustainable future we must abandon the predatory banking system. How many democrats are talking about that? [Pointless to ask how many Republican's are, they are only there for the (free) beer.]
So as bitcoins and exotic cryptocurrencies flood the markets, further eroding confidence in already shaky established national currencies [does anybody else see 'world government' winking at you from behind those Foster Grants?]
You can't get the local government to hold itself accountable, add another layer and it will act with impunity! [It is already 'untouchable'.]
Personally this is a far more disturbing outcome than that of nuclear annihilation [because it lacks the instant death offered by the bomb] Being condemned to death via starvation by those that have no 'use' for you fits the 'a fate worse than death' parameters.
That said, those who fail to appreciate the benefits of civil society deserve no less.
Will you allow the media to twist you into knots as they attempt to frighten you into accepting 'more of the same/the devil you know' or will you finally wake up to the fact that the selfish, greedy predators among us will kill us all rather than surrender what never belonged to them in the first place!
I ask you once again, HOW STUPID ARE YOU?
Thanks for visiting, don't forget to help yourself to a heaping handful of wisdom on the way out!
* Their riches come from ownership and ownership persists because of them! NOBODY can own what we all need to survive and live within a civil society, it is IMPOSSIBLE! A society that permits this situation to exist isn't 'civil' by any stretch of the imagination. [Their leaders are ruthless savages.]
The 20 odd Democratic/Progressive candidates that have announced their candidacy are all running on a platform based on that old Ten Years After tune, I'd love to change the world. "Tax the rich, feed the poor 'til there are no, rich no more!" (and then what stupid? The song doesn't answer that, worse, it does end by saying 'I don't know what to I leave it up to YOU!'
Guess who has appointed themselves 'YOU?'
Nobody is 'surprised' by this yet they still think ONE of these two choices 'represents' them. [In fairness it's not like door number three actually exists. The stupid rich are keeping their powder dry for when they will need to use that 'third party' to defend them and their way of life!]
Democracy isn't's F'n DEAD! The money strangled it and pays for the kabuki dance that pretends to represent you!
The problem with this is nobody knows who is calling the shots from backstage, which is a considerable problem considering those same hands have their finger on the launch button of the planet's largest nuclear stockpile!
The rich are already suffering from a severe 'reality disconnect' starting with their belief that they aren't the problem! [They most definitely *ARE!]
These are the same people that saddle you with:
1.) Fake representation [You may vote for them but you can't do that if the rich don't fund them and if they hope to win re-election they better not forget who put them in office!]
2.) Abandoned the gold standard resulting in horrendous inflation AND severely eroded purchasing power!
3.) Stock markets that make THEM rich for no reason, there is NOTHING there!
4.) The F-U pay me system that ruins families and preys on those the feckless can't 'use'...and if they can't 'use' you, you can't play without becoming what THEY Call a criminal!
This isn't 1719, 1819 or 1919 so why are we still using a system our Great-great-great grandfathers saddled us with?
Zero irony this is due to the same people who insist THEY aren't the problem!
We have missiles capable of circling the globe in minutes yet we are still using a highly suspect [never mind vulnerable] system of collective decision-making. [When the current system was designed it took MONTHS to cross the Ocean, now we do it daily in hours.]
Worse, the system was 'weighted' towards what the few controlled and that is, er, 'wealth' for lack of a better term. [This is WHY money dominates politics!] Doesn't help that the average moron equates money with intelligence when NOTHING could be further from the truth!
Worse, those whose focus is on money don't understand life or the importance of community!
In order to return humanity to a sustainable future we must abandon the predatory banking system. How many democrats are talking about that? [Pointless to ask how many Republican's are, they are only there for the (free) beer.]
So as bitcoins and exotic cryptocurrencies flood the markets, further eroding confidence in already shaky established national currencies [does anybody else see 'world government' winking at you from behind those Foster Grants?]
You can't get the local government to hold itself accountable, add another layer and it will act with impunity! [It is already 'untouchable'.]
Personally this is a far more disturbing outcome than that of nuclear annihilation [because it lacks the instant death offered by the bomb] Being condemned to death via starvation by those that have no 'use' for you fits the 'a fate worse than death' parameters.
That said, those who fail to appreciate the benefits of civil society deserve no less.
Will you allow the media to twist you into knots as they attempt to frighten you into accepting 'more of the same/the devil you know' or will you finally wake up to the fact that the selfish, greedy predators among us will kill us all rather than surrender what never belonged to them in the first place!
I ask you once again, HOW STUPID ARE YOU?
Thanks for visiting, don't forget to help yourself to a heaping handful of wisdom on the way out!
* Their riches come from ownership and ownership persists because of them! NOBODY can own what we all need to survive and live within a civil society, it is IMPOSSIBLE! A society that permits this situation to exist isn't 'civil' by any stretch of the imagination. [Their leaders are ruthless savages.]
Democracy isn't's F'n DEAD! The money strangled it and pays for the kabuki dance that pretends to represent you!
ReplyDeleteThe problem with this is nobody knows who is calling the shots from backstage, which is a considerable problem considering those same hands have their finger on the launch button of the planet's largest nuclear stockpile!