Sunday, February 10, 2019


Greetings good citizen...why the feckless believe they can keep getting a pass on their naturally mean disposition by insisting they are 'joking' whenever anyone takes offense to their pointed insults speaks volumes about the state of social discourse in what passes for a society these days.

A.) more truth is said in jest and B.) If you can't say it nicely maybe you shouldn't say it at all!

We can all take a joke but not every nasty comment that spews out of the brainlesses mouth is humorous by ANY stretch of the imagination.

Well, now that I've warmed you up guess who the cannon is pointed at today?

One battery is pointed at the media and the other is aimed at the feckless's politicians (because they sure aren't 'yours' no matter how hard they 'pretend'.)

Stupid is permanent because you can't teach somebody that already knows. All the FOOLS who think Trump is 'their boy' are stupid beyond belief.

Remember, these fucktards pretend to be your champions only to fail you repeatedly because YOUR desires aren't important enough to be acted upon despite a majority of society suffering due to neglecting these issues. [and no, a 'border wall' isn't affecting anyone INSIDE the US!]

How many of you are unclear on the concept of 'divide and conquer'?

Since the Republican/conservative revolution of 1980 (that for some unknown reason they stopped calling 'Morning in America' [because it was actually Midnight for Democracy] the lying press has been telling the too dumb to know better populace that we are 'divided' on what direction the 'non-existent We' want a nation that doesn't belong to us to go.

AGAIN I will make the 'outrageous' claim that 'the cognizant' [how many are we talking here? A few dozen...maybe less] are completely aware that they are being played and that PARTICIPATING IN THE FARCE means nothing is going to change.]

(That said, some of you fear that if you stop participating it will trigger a reaction most of us would rather not deal with. They do keep their eye on the 'voters list' probably more closely than you'd imagine. My life long history of voting Democrat has cost me although I have no proof of that.)

Like I said, I'm broken because I have repeatedly refused to go along to get along and that hasn't gone unnoticed. [But this isn't about me, it's about US...and no, I don't have a mouse in my pocket and I don't have any illusions either.

I WON'T tell you WHAT to think, it is my purpose to give you something to think about...and the wise will give it due consideration IF THEY WANT TO LIVE!

But hey, I can't MAKE YOU listen...not a secret that there are those who think otherwise and those people don't have YOUR BEST INTERESTS at heart, nevermind in mind.

In case you haven't noticed we are headed for a planet that is both leaderless AND rudderless. Nobody will be able to lead us because the feckless will put their life under a microscope, pointing out every flaw and magnifying every failure.

Now the Virginia Lt Governor has two accusers. Will the conservatives just keep lining up while averting their eyes from Preznint Pussygrabber?

A.) a majority of conservatives are female and B.) apparently it's okay if you're a 'celebrity'...and a Republican!

Anyone want to check the voting records and see which party the women accusing the Democrat are affiliated with? Because so far neither one wants to press charges or have their accusation scrutinized.

A reputation is easily so damaged and almost impossible to repair.

Never did anything, er, 'insensitive' as a child? Well if it was caught on film it will haunt you for the rest of your days.

But fret not, good citizen! There is a solution to this political CF.

Let the qualifications speak for they do under A.S.P.

You won't run on 'promises', you will run on your plan! Design a shitty plan and you aren't going to win. This also eliminates 'meat puppets' but life under ASP isn't anything like it is now, with the feckless constantly complaining that NOBODY can TAKE A JOKE these days!

Is PC really the/your 'enemy'? Um, PC will become a misstatement, it will no longer be acceptable to ridicule something and then pin it on your ideological opponent, when it really says that you have no decency.

You're a rotten person for implying it and an even worse one for 'pretending' it is humorous BECAUSE nice people would find the idea troubling!

It truly is the 'assault on decency' that is behind the divisions splitting our society.

While we're here let's address another 'elephant' that waltzed into the room shortly after the end of the last Ice Age.

Did humans really need to remain 'united' now that there wasn't an abundance of very large prey to take down?

Some of you don't 'appreciate' civil society because you STUPIDLY believe God will, er, protect and provide for you.

Not a single thought for the division of labor, which ruined the hunting grounds for the 'rugged individual'. You can see it in Alaska today, too many people trying to live off the land [again totally oblivious to the commercial interests strip mining the State to the bones.]

Did the show Yukon Men trip a wire? The show is gone and you can't help but wonder if the false image it created of 'Alaskan abundance' had something to do with it. Did the, er, 'actors' unite and tell Fox/Discovery to screw because self-styled 'survivalists' began flocking to the overhunted and overfished 49th state?

When did television stop being 'wholesome?'

When capitalist douchebags started using it to exploit the hopelessly gullible.

Where is 'your government' now?

ASP, and idea whose time has come!

No more parties and no more war and no more exploitation!

Finally, equality, liberty (ASP deposes ALL tyrants) and justice for ALL [and that includes YOU, Ladies!]

If you can't wrap your head around that, you're part of THE PROBLEM!



  1. How many of you are unclear on the concept of 'divide and conquer'?

  2. Did the show Yukon Men trip a wire? The show is gone and you can't help but wonder if the false image it created of 'Alaskan abundance' had something to do with it. Did the, er, 'actors' unite and tell Fox/Discovery to screw because self-styled 'survivalists' began flocking to the overhunted and overfished 49th state?

    When did television stop being 'wholesome?'

  3. Since the Republican/conservative revolution of 1980 (that for some unknown reason they stopped calling 'Morning in America' [because it was actually Midnight for Democracy] the lying press has been telling the too dumb to know better populace that we are 'divided' on what direction the 'non-existent We' want a nation that doesn't belong to us to go.

  4. When did television stop being 'wholesome?'

    When capitalist douchebags started using it to exploit the hopelessly gullible.

    Where is 'your government' now?

  5. Since the Republican/conservative revolution of 1980 (that for some unknown reason they stopped calling 'Morning in America' [because it was actually Midnight for Democracy] the lying press has been telling the too dumb to know better populace that we are 'divided' on what direction the 'non-existent We' want a nation that doesn't belong to us to go.

  6. Remember, these fucktards pretend to be your champions only to fail you repeatedly because YOUR desires aren't important enough to be acted upon despite a majority of society suffering due to neglecting these issues. [and no, a 'border wall' isn't affecting anyone INSIDE the US!]

    How many of you are unclear on the concept of 'divide and conquer'?

  7. Since the Republican/conservative revolution of 1980 (that for some unknown reason they stopped calling 'Morning in America' [because it was actually Midnight for Democracy] the lying press has been telling the too dumb to know better populace that we are 'divided' on what direction the 'non-existent We' want a nation that doesn't belong to us to go.

  8. A.) more truth is said in jest and B.) If you can't say it nicely maybe you shouldn't say it at all!

    We can all take a joke but not every nasty comment that spews out of the brainlesses mouth is humorous by ANY stretch of the imagination.

  9. A.) more truth is said in jest and B.) If you can't say it nicely maybe you shouldn't say it at all!

    We can all take a joke but not every nasty comment that spews out of the brainlesses mouth is humorous by ANY stretch of the imagination.

  10. Naturally, to remain mute in the face of tyranny is to accept your fate and only fools die on their knees...

  11. AGAIN I will make the 'outrageous' claim that 'the cognizant' [how many are we talking here? A few dozen...maybe less] are completely aware that they are being played and that PARTICIPATING IN THE FARCE means nothing is going to change.]

    (That said, some of you fear that if you stop participating it will trigger a reaction most of us would rather not deal with. They do keep their eye on the 'voters list' probably more closely than you'd imagine. My life long history of voting Democrat has cost me although I have no proof of that.)

  12. Did the show Yukon Men trip a wire? The show is gone and you can't help but wonder if the false image it created of 'Alaskan abundance' had something to do with it. Did the, er, 'actors' unite and tell Fox/Discovery to screw because self-styled 'survivalists' began flocking to the overhunted and overfished 49th state?

    When did television stop being 'wholesome?'

  13. Remember, these fucktards pretend to be your champions only to fail you repeatedly because YOUR desires aren't important enough to be acted upon despite a majority of society suffering due to neglecting these issues. [and no, a 'border wall' isn't affecting anyone INSIDE the US!]

    How many of you are unclear on the concept of 'divide and conquer'?


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...