Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Thought War (the endless battle for 'hearts & minds')

Greetings good citizen, as you go about your routine, whatever that may be, Preznint Pussygrabber is in Hanoi for his second meeting with Rocketman, the youthful leader of North Korea that bested him so handily in the first.

I will once again plead my case for invoking the 25th amendment, especially if this turns into a repeat drubbing by a clever young man with little to lose.

That said, the kabuki dance matters little, it's the 'handlers' behind the scenes we need to worry about.

Yesterday I stood you in front of the mirror and pointed out who ULTIMATELY is the problem here but that is only HALF of the problem considering your tongue is in your shoe, a decidedly good thing considering where your head spends most of its time...

Let's backtrack a little to yesterday and ponder the subject of women in the military vs the need for a military in the f'n first place.

Look across the landscape, what do you see? Nature in retreat because human psychopaths WHO ARE INCAPABLE of defining what money/commies/god are [STOP] Take a moment and look at your definition of what each of those things are, now roll them over in the light and see if any of them would hold even a single drop of water. You wouldn't know a commie if it bit you because, like god and money THEY ARE ALL FICTIONS, LIES WE ARE TAUGHT to manipulate us! No good citizen, YOU supply the bogeymen, the feckless just push the buttons stoking your fear/hatred of the (literal) unknown/fiction.

Is THIS any way to run an airline (manage a society of interdependent creatures?)

The penalty for treason is DEATH. Choose your words carefully because like GOD [Who nobody has EVER seen] TREASON will come storming out of the woodwork like it was never gone and the people wearing the blue suits will be the first ones up the light poles, followed closely by ANYONE wearing a robe.

No more fiction, JOB ONE never changes while the lies are constantly 'evolving'.

Listen up puddin' head! You may have delusions of grandeur but alone you'd last maybe a month when, in the course of doing EVERYTHING yourself, you'd eventually run afoul of what happens when you are forced to 'cut corners' and you get crushed to death (or worse pinned under) something you had no business trying to move by yourself.

There is no I in team but there is definitely a U in suck!

If you don't want to work/live together you will perish alone (and if we're lucky, you'll die asking yourself why nobody would help you...and just maybe your baseless high opinion of yourself would answer you. [Another lie you are taught by those who would swindle you out of everything you had.]

How reckless of your parents not to point out that you aren't designed to operate by yourself?

Which has also proven to be our collective downfall, cooperation requires trust and we are currently cursed with a justice system that provides zero penalty for 'untrustworthiness'. Swindlers will destroy society then laugh at their own cupidity!

They aren't 'smarter' than the rest of us, actually the opposite is true, their advantage is they know you are willing to trust them and they know they should be executed for being untrustworthy.

The same YOU that isn't cut out for operating on your own for extended periods. Most fatalities prior to professional caregiving (sadly for profit) was due to the bodies inability to nourish itself while resting so our internal repair system could deal with your injury, a situation compounded when the sickness was caused by sacrificing your systemic well being so others wouldn't have to do without.

Repeat the mantra: Survival is JOB ONE!

If the people 'managing' society CAN'T BE TRUSTED, they must be removed and replaced with system THAT DOESN'T IGNORE JOB ONE!

A civilization without trust is already doomed.

Think on that one for a while...

Until next time head. [I'd thank you for letting me in but it seems I've never succeeded in penetrating that thick skull that only understands ME & more.]



  1. A civilization without trust is already doomed.

  2. If the people 'managing' society CAN'T BE TRUSTED, they must be removed and replaced with system THAT DOESN'T IGNORE JOB ONE!

    You know the feckless aren't ignoring THEIR survival, it's YOUR'S the don't give a shit about.

  3. Yesterday I stood you in front of the mirror and pointed out who ULTIMATELY is the problem here but that is only HALF of the problem considering your tongue is in your shoe, a decidedly good thing considering where your head spends most of its time...

    Let's backtrack a little to yesterday and ponder the subject of women in the military vs the need for a military in the f'n first place.

  4. Let's backtrack a little to yesterday and ponder the subject of women in the military vs the need for a military in the f'n first place.

  5. Yesterday I stood you in front of the mirror and pointed out who ULTIMATELY is the problem here but that is only HALF of the problem considering your tongue is in your shoe, a decidedly good thing considering where your head spends most of its time...

    Let's backtrack a little to yesterday and ponder the subject of women in the military vs the need for a military in the f'n first place.

  6. Look across the landscape, what do you see? Nature in retreat because human psychopaths WHO ARE INCAPABLE of defining what money/commies/god are [STOP] Take a moment and look at your definition of what each of those things are, now roll them over in the light and see if any of them would hold even a single drop of water. You wouldn't know a commie if it bit you because, like god and money THEY ARE ALL FICTIONS, LIES WE ARE TAUGHT to manipulate us! No good citizen, YOU supply the bogeymen, the feckless just push the buttons stoking your fear/hatred of the (literal) unknown/fiction.

  7. Look across the landscape, what do you see? Nature in retreat because human psychopaths WHO ARE INCAPABLE of defining what money/commies/god are [STOP] Take a moment and look at your definition of what each of those things are, now roll them over in the light and see if any of them would hold even a single drop of water. You wouldn't know a commie if it bit you because, like god and money THEY ARE ALL FICTIONS, LIES WE ARE TAUGHT to manipulate us! No good citizen, YOU supply the bogeymen, the feckless just push the buttons stoking your fear/hatred of the (literal) unknown/fiction.

  8. Let's backtrack a little to yesterday and ponder the subject of women in the military vs the need for a military in the f'n first place.

    Look across the landscape, what do you see? Nature in retreat because human psychopaths WHO ARE INCAPABLE of defining what money/commies/god are [STOP] Take a moment and look at your definition of what each of those things are, now roll them over in the light and see if any of them would hold even a single drop of water. You wouldn't know a commie if it bit you because, like god and money THEY ARE ALL FICTIONS, LIES WE ARE TAUGHT to manipulate us! No good citizen, YOU supply the bogeymen, the feckless just push the buttons stoking your fear/hatred of the (literal) unknown/fiction.

  9. There is no I in team but there is definitely a U in suck!


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