Saturday, February 23, 2019


Greetings good citizen, those not transfixed by the boobs on Fox (who cares if it's news, did you see the boobs on that bitch!) [Nope but I'm looking at the biggest one I've ever seen outside a bra and it's standing right here!] are wondering what it's going to take to get congress to invoke the 25th amendment? Pence may be little better than his running mate but at least the worst of his crimes to date are carrying water for the Felon-in-Chief.

Want to know what 'FAKE NEWS' is? It's ANY douchebag that claims there will be riots if Preznint Pussygrabber is impeached.

We've seen the photos of Trumps base. The two 'foot soldiers' arrested thus far are both in their early SIXTIES with long histories of MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES!

What do you want, scare tactics or reality? Apparently our legislators are having difficulty telling one from the other.

Trump supporters are a bogeyman created by the corporate owned media, the watchdog for the status quo [Me rich, you not! Remember them?]

Understand, those who 'pretend' to represent us aren't afraid of the electorate, like the rest of us they intuitively know there is something phony behind the muzzle the media wears. Only the willfully ignorant believe things are 'as advertised'.

Remember 'Tarzan's credo'? Of course you do, it's everywhere you go, wearing a blue suit and body armor...(just to show YOU they mean business.) That credo is COMPLY OR DIE.

Now students, what is 'tyranny'?

Rhetorical question, but you knew that.

Gone is the assumption that 'men, both good and true' still walk among us, those standards evaporated with powdered wigs and dueling pistols. Today it's all about leverage and deceit.

Everybody knows...

Yet the media likes to pretend the old days are still with us, just as the MAGA cap wearing morons believe all it takes to Make Murika GREAT Again is for everyone to wrap themselves in the flag and mumble the Lord's Prayer under their breath...[endlessly.]

It's not what they do when they aren't accepting the wisdom of the 'fair and balanced' Fox news propaganda/infotainment/agitprop.

When they are alone with themselves what do they think about? They rack their minds trying to pinpoint where it all went wrong but they can't find the answer because it is buried under a mountain of lies, starting with money and 'knacks' and why the ballot box produces nothing.

They get two steps from the cast iron boobs and their head turns into one.

With heads filled with conflicting information their minds keep returning to the lies that don't make sense but if that's not it, what is?

So it is that the 25th amendment is useless because the competence to invoke it doesn't exist, not on Main Street and not on Capitol Hill.

I leave this conundrum for the cognizant to puzzle over. Every problem has a solution, the puzzle here is how we focus the masses on the battle for equality, [with liberty and justice for all.]

I'll close with 'the equation' one more time: without Equality there can be NO JUSTICE and without justice there can be NO PEACE!

Without peace there can be no prosperity! Roll that one around in your noggin while you contemplate a planet at war with itself (solely) for personal enrichment.

Until next time,



  1. With heads filled with conflicting information their minds keep returning to the lies that don't make sense but if that's not it, what is?

    So it is that the 25th amendment is useless because the competence to invoke it doesn't exist, not on Main Street and not on Capitol Hill.

  2. Want to know what 'FAKE NEWS' is? It's ANY douchebag that claims there will be riots if Preznint Pussygrabber is impeached.

  3. Gone is the assumption that 'men, both good and true' still walk among us, those standards evaporated with powdered wigs and dueling pistols. Today it's all about leverage and deceit.

    Everybody knows...

  4. Want to know what 'FAKE NEWS' is? It's ANY douchebag that claims there will be riots if Preznint Pussygrabber is impeached.

  5. We've seen the photos of Trumps base. The two 'foot soldiers' arrested thus far are both in their early SIXTIES with long histories of MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES!

  6. Remember 'Tarzan's credo'? Of course you do, it's everywhere you go, wearing a blue suit and body armor...(just to show YOU they mean business.) That credo is COMPLY OR DIE.

    Now students, what is 'tyranny'?

  7. Trump supporters are a bogeyman created by the corporate owned media, the watchdog for the status quo [Me rich, you not! Remember them?]

  8. Understand, those who 'pretend' to represent us aren't afraid of the electorate, like the rest of us they intuitively know there is something phony behind the muzzle the media wears. Only the willfully ignorant believe things are 'as advertised'.

    Remember 'Tarzan's credo'? Of course you do, it's everywhere you go, wearing a blue suit and body armor...(just to show YOU they mean business.) That credo is COMPLY OR DIE.

    Now students, what is 'tyranny'?


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...