Greetings good citizen, one of the things apparent to most people (even those sleepwalking through this existence) is the tension created by waiting for the other shoe to drop. It is so thick you can almost taste it...and it tastes like shit.
Why are people 'antsy' over the rhetoric spewing out of the planet's capitols? Because Team USA is leading the charge back towards Authoritarianism. Unsurprisingly, some (soon to be former) Nation States have already become the defacto 'kingdoms' of self-made potentates.
If you start counting the number quickly becomes alarming as a cadre of royals conspire to 'win back' the thrones their ancestors fled [for good reason.] Zero irony they were the problem then just as they are the problem now.
Who is agitating to keep the 'refugees' out? The very same people who exported the nation's main industries...creating vast economic deserts in the process...see what happens when you fail to 'keep an eye' on spiteful, selfish children?
Maybe not for much longer, [Reagan found his grave first or he'd be on the 'short list'.] but there's a hank of rope out there waiting for the individual [Neutron Jack] that led the charge to divest the USA of it's 'independence loving' workforce.
After secretly passing legislation that banned sympathy strikes Reagan went on to fire Union Air traffic controllers wholesale and the unions were ALL broken in that single act! If any of them went on strike in support of another union the fines would wipe out the member's pension funds! How's that for a gun to your the banksters took all that money and the former union members PRESIDENT REAGAN sold out have NOTHING!
Tyranny never sleeps so it is we 'tip-toe' from day to day, hoping against hope that today isn't the day they decide to blow us and our children to kingdom come...although it would be preferable to what we are being forced to put up with just so 'a few' can be rich.
In retrospect, the COWARDS running our unions should have chosen their only and best weapon, SOLIDARITY!
The workers of this nation were sold out and today, like back before the original crash of 1929, union organizing will get you blacklisted (if it doesn't get you KILLED) 30,000 pro union workers were murdered by company security personnel for supporting the 40 hour workweek.
Now you can't find a 'full time' job, talk about a fuckaree!
What's the lesson here? Anyone that claims to be protecting you is really trying to screw you because the one you need protection from is THEM!
St. Ronald Reagan, whose 'peer group' were the children of the Robber Barons [he was also a lifelong Republican, a 'do nothing'] stole the union's only leverage and handed it over to very people HE was charged with protecting the public FROM!
Zero coincidence these are same people that 'write history' and they are already painting the treacherous Reagan as a Saint.
Funny how the Royals keep making the same mistake, they think that because they are the law that the law can't touch them. History has proven them wrong repeatedly but still they persist, thinking somehow people will accept being shit on as their 'natural place in the order of things.'
Not quite as bizarre is their belief that their initial inaction means they deserve a fate they didn't ask for.
Now do you see why 'treachery' is ever an always an execution offense?
Be True!
Thanks once again for letting me inside your mind,
PS: Isn't it ironic that pointing out to you what should be readily apparent to you is considered 'dangerous'?
Why are people 'antsy' over the rhetoric spewing out of the planet's capitols? Because Team USA is leading the charge back towards Authoritarianism. Unsurprisingly, some (soon to be former) Nation States have already become the defacto 'kingdoms' of self-made potentates.
If you start counting the number quickly becomes alarming as a cadre of royals conspire to 'win back' the thrones their ancestors fled [for good reason.] Zero irony they were the problem then just as they are the problem now.
Who is agitating to keep the 'refugees' out? The very same people who exported the nation's main industries...creating vast economic deserts in the process...see what happens when you fail to 'keep an eye' on spiteful, selfish children?
Maybe not for much longer, [Reagan found his grave first or he'd be on the 'short list'.] but there's a hank of rope out there waiting for the individual [Neutron Jack] that led the charge to divest the USA of it's 'independence loving' workforce.
After secretly passing legislation that banned sympathy strikes Reagan went on to fire Union Air traffic controllers wholesale and the unions were ALL broken in that single act! If any of them went on strike in support of another union the fines would wipe out the member's pension funds! How's that for a gun to your the banksters took all that money and the former union members PRESIDENT REAGAN sold out have NOTHING!
Tyranny never sleeps so it is we 'tip-toe' from day to day, hoping against hope that today isn't the day they decide to blow us and our children to kingdom come...although it would be preferable to what we are being forced to put up with just so 'a few' can be rich.
In retrospect, the COWARDS running our unions should have chosen their only and best weapon, SOLIDARITY!
The workers of this nation were sold out and today, like back before the original crash of 1929, union organizing will get you blacklisted (if it doesn't get you KILLED) 30,000 pro union workers were murdered by company security personnel for supporting the 40 hour workweek.
Now you can't find a 'full time' job, talk about a fuckaree!
What's the lesson here? Anyone that claims to be protecting you is really trying to screw you because the one you need protection from is THEM!
St. Ronald Reagan, whose 'peer group' were the children of the Robber Barons [he was also a lifelong Republican, a 'do nothing'] stole the union's only leverage and handed it over to very people HE was charged with protecting the public FROM!
Zero coincidence these are same people that 'write history' and they are already painting the treacherous Reagan as a Saint.
Funny how the Royals keep making the same mistake, they think that because they are the law that the law can't touch them. History has proven them wrong repeatedly but still they persist, thinking somehow people will accept being shit on as their 'natural place in the order of things.'
Not quite as bizarre is their belief that their initial inaction means they deserve a fate they didn't ask for.
Now do you see why 'treachery' is ever an always an execution offense?
Be True!
Thanks once again for letting me inside your mind,
PS: Isn't it ironic that pointing out to you what should be readily apparent to you is considered 'dangerous'?
Funny how the Royals keep making the same mistake, they think that because they are the law that the law can't touch them. History has proven them wrong repeatedly but still they persist, thinking somehow people will accept being shit on as their 'natural place in the order of things.'
ReplyDeleteNot quite as bizarre is their belief that their initial inaction means they deserve a fate they didn't ask for.
After secretly passing legislation that banned sympathy strikes Reagan went on to fire Union Air traffic controllers wholesale and the unions were ALL broken in that single act! If any of them went on strike in support of another union the fines would wipe out the member's pension funds! How's that for a gun to your the banksters took all that money and the former union members PRESIDENT REAGAN sold out have NOTHING!
ReplyDeleteSomehow the words 'better off dead' have lost all meaning...
Funny how the Royals keep making the same mistake, they think that because they are the law that the law can't touch them. History has proven them wrong repeatedly but still they persist, thinking somehow people will accept being shit on as their 'natural place in the order of things.'
ReplyDeleteWhat part of 'better off dead' don't you understand?
What's the lesson here? Anyone that claims to be protecting you is really trying to screw you because the one you need protection from is THEM!
ReplyDeleteTyranny never sleeps so it is we 'tip-toe' from day to day, hoping against hope that today isn't the day they decide to blow us and our children to kingdom come...although it would be preferable to what we are being forced to put up with just so 'a few' can be rich.
ReplyDeleteIn retrospect, the COWARDS running our unions should have chosen their only and best weapon, SOLIDARITY!
After secretly passing legislation that banned sympathy strikes Reagan went on to fire Union Air traffic controllers wholesale and the unions were ALL broken in that single act! If any of them went on strike in support of another union the fines would wipe out the member's pension funds! How's that for a gun to your the banksters took all that money and the former union members PRESIDENT REAGAN sold out have NOTHING!
ReplyDeleteMaybe not for much longer, [Reagan found his grave first or he'd be on the 'short list'.] but there's a hank of rope out there waiting for the individual [Neutron Jack] that led the charge to divest the USA of it's 'independence loving' workforce.
ReplyDeleteWho is agitating to keep the 'refugees' out? The very same people who exported the nation's main industries...creating vast economic deserts in the process...see what happens when you fail to 'keep an eye' on spiteful, selfish children?
ReplyDeleteThe workers of this nation were sold out and today, like back before the original crash of 1929, union organizing will get you blacklisted (if it doesn't get you KILLED) 30,000 pro union workers were murdered by company security personnel for supporting the 40 hour workweek.
ReplyDeleteNow you can't find a 'full time' job, talk about a fuckaree!
If you start counting the number quickly becomes alarming as a cadre of royals conspire to 'win back' the thrones their ancestors fled [for good reason.] Zero irony they were the problem then just as they are the problem now.
ReplyDeletefter secretly passing legislation that banned sympathy strikes Reagan went on to fire Union Air traffic controllers wholesale and the unions were ALL broken in that single act! If any of them went on strike in support of another union the fines would wipe out the member's pension funds! How's that for a gun to your the banksters took all that money and the former union members PRESIDENT REAGAN sold out have NOTHING!
ReplyDeleteWho is agitating to keep the 'refugees' out? The very same people who exported the nation's main industries...creating vast economic deserts in the process...see what happens when you fail to 'keep an eye' on spiteful, selfish children?