Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Greetings good citizen, there is much hype in both directions regarding the need to live in harmony with the planet.

This is a thorny subject with some folks becoming militant/strident about how far they would go in enforcing their brand of conservancy upon the wasteful world around them.

Between Spirit in the Sky and Mother Nature few seem able to balance/reconcile the idea that no matter how well we conserve, change itself is inevitable, in fact irresistible.

So if global warming has you down remember our 'records' of weather on this planet cover the blink of an existential eye, when it come to 'normal' we 'know' less than nothing...and our species, while resilient, are veritable 'hot house plants' compared to hardier lifeforms elsewhere on this planet never mind other worlds.

To touch upon a sensitive topic, if the alternative to rolling back the social clock a thousand years is burning coal, well, I'm voting we burn coal rather than freeze to death come the next Ice Age.

Should we be burning enough to darken the skies, no! The idea is balance [without the irrational reliance on nature's ability to 'regenerate' as our back-up plan...and we might actually achieve that if we prevent the unscrupulous few from profiting off of the effort.]

In a world that is exhausting it's fossil fuel reserves at a breakneck pace does it make sense to you that EVERY motor vehicle manufacturer produce trucks [that only get 10 MPG when they're not idling?]

I belabor the obvious when I point out that 'for profit' society is incompatible with the need to live in harmony with what there is.

Especially in the face of an out of control population.

Under the current management scheme we are 'over-populated' but under the right management regimen we are merely 'approaching' maximum capacity.

Will we switch systems or suffer a massive die off 'so a few can be rich'?

You know what path we're on...the question is if you possess the intestinal fortitude to make the change before its too late?

Time presses good citizen so today's offering is shorter than usual...but no less important.

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


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