Saturday, September 1, 2018


Greetings good citizen, while the feckless ignore the consequences of their actions as they focus their limited attention on the I pay you twenty bucks but now you owe me forty 'game' society is gearing up to play the natural outcome of 'using money to make money'.

Since I can't pay (because the more I borrow, the more I owe) I have to do whatever it takes myself (Including kill) to get what I can no longer afford.

Um, the uptick in violence throughout society is being accelerated by the agents of Wealth Protection Services more commonly known as the Police.

It is NOT their job to 'protect society' but to protect those who claim to own what we all need to live and the claims of those owners as well.

Talk about rocks and hard places...well, you took the paycheck now it's time to face the fact it was 'nice while it lasted'.

Working FOR the criminals makes you one as well, can you appreciate that?

You are the hammer behind FU-pay me!

Now you're about to see the 'bill' come due, payable with your life.

The 'collateral damage' will be even worse...but to say you weren't thinking of that when you accepted the job isn't an excuse now.

Zero irony the ONLY person you're a 'hero' to is the assholes that put you in this position. The ones that cut your paycheck from the public trough.

The real conundrum here is THEY expect YOU to DIE FOR THEM...and pretty soon it will be 'with them' (an idea that is hardly comforting on any level because you relied on their 'power' to protect you and the people you let down because of your misplaced 'trust'.)

Yes officer, it isn't just yourself you placed in jeopardy, is it? Your victims will not give YOU (or yours) a pass because you were 'just doing your job'...despite it not being 'your fault' the justice system is fried and basically exists to protect criminals.

That part gets you zero sympathy. You knew full well what you signed up for.

What should be giving you weak bowels is the growing awareness (combined) with being thrown under the bus by the people that cut your paycheck. (They make sure you're not prosecuted for killing a deadbeat in the process of doing your job but that hasn't made the public fear you, it made the public more combative!)

THEY are squeezing the people you encounter making life difficult for them and by extension, driving them to commit desperate acts that you have to respond to.

Funny cycle, isn't it?

Not ha-ha funny either.

It's the variety of 'job security' nobody wants.

Under A simple plan the job won't even exist because crime won't occur [no customers due to no cash.] You'll be, er, 'required' to actually perform a useful function.

Can you swing a paintbrush or push a lawnmower? [Because both will be 'real jobs' and both will pay a living wage.] Because the predators will be eliminated [nobody gets what the 'till' collects. the ONLY way to get money is to WORK FOR IT!]

I include that 'explanation' because most don't understand why we do things the way that causes problems nor would they figure out how to do it so the problems don't recur.

We truly are 'neck deep' in stupid.

The mission objective is to stop the 'crazy train before it derails and takes civilization with it. [The criminals don't care as evidenced by the perpetual state of war we find ourselves saddled with.]

[Ironically they think that is 'ha-ha' funny. Particularly the part where we're powerless to stop them.]

DId I mention society is overrun with criminals?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


[PS: you'd also be amazed at how quickly it all falls apart once we sever their control by eliminating cash.]

Money truly is 'evil' [when deliberately 'mishandled'.]

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