Tuesday, September 25, 2018


Greetings good citizen, the public has been patient (to a fault) waiting for the economic miracle wrought by the division of labor concept to ease the economic hardships created by a life that hinges on MONEY.

Ironically nobody [with a pulpit to shout it from] finds it odd that those who benefit the most, do the least.

Did you think it was a 'done deal', that what we have today is 'as good as it gets'?

The thing you can't see around is the hand calling for patience while the feckless quarantine progress so they and theirs can enjoy opulence the way they believe is should be, personally.

Once again we run directly into the crisis of allowing the self-interested to achieve personal satisfaction and believing their job is done...[with a hearty 'I got mine', punctuated with a rigid middle finger!]

The ramrod that keeps pushing humanity down is wielded by the banker and defended by the lawyer...they should (and will be) exiled for their crimes against humanity.

How about the politicians who just stand there and smile, pretending they were elected to do nothing...maybe they'd think differently if their paycheck was reduced to match their performance.

How disturbing is it good citizen that EVERYBODY KNOWS the easiest, surest road to riches is taking dictation for those who rule over us all?

No, not 'the people', the owners of commerce...despite none of it actually being 'theirs'.

In a 'just' future, claiming to own anything will automatically revoke your membership in society.

Don't you think the first lesson everyone should be REQUIRED to learn is there is no such thing as 'ownership', we are ALL 'USERS'.

As 'users' we have a shared responsibility to use frugally, sustainably and wisely.

But alas, this isn't and never will be a 'perfect world'.

Still, it could be a hell of a lot better.

You aren't getting yours because the ramrod of oppression/exploitation prevents you from acting to better your circumstances.

There is no 'complaint dept' (although the voting booth is held up as one) so your issues remain precisely that, yours.

What do YOU do when those who are supposed to be working on your problems turn, give you a big shit eating grin and extend their rigid middle finger in your general direction...every day, all day?


That's what you've always done, why change now?

The answer you don't want to admit is you KNOW what's coming, we've had this dance before.

It's already begun.

Speak out and get shot...the law does nothing because the law shot you so it must be a 'good shoot'.

It started the way it always starts, guilty because we've all done something and even if this time they are wrong, maybe God is feeling you need a lesson...or some foolishness like that. [Wouldn't have nothin to do with bozo being called on the carpet and getting reamed because his 'production' is low, would it?]

Ever wonder why beat cops don't carry hand grenades? Not because of the safety hazard they obviously present but because most cops are ex-military and they all know what fragging is.

How would the politicians explain why police lieutenants keep getting fragged (usually while in conference with the chief)

[Yeah, I can wear your shoes too, traitor!]

Everybody know shit rolls downhill and no conversation that starts with the line, "What kind of fantasyland do YOU live in patrolman? Your ticket count is abysmal, can you explain that?"

Yup EVERY profession operates on the basis of 'need' and questions low production even though EVERYBODY knows police of any kind are jobs program, just like the military. BOTH are 'unnecessary'.

Which just goes to show you, crime doesn't start at the bottom, it starts at the TOP. ALL of the stuff that happens at the bottom is the RESULT of BS started by those mismanaging our society.

So...do you still think you can 'vote' your way out of this?

What kind of stupid are you? Normally that question would be rhetorical but of late I have encountered those whose entire thought process is faulty at best...(and not just in 'my opinion'.)

It's 'kinda' not their fault, they have been fed a line of BS and chose to accept it as gospel [like most people's relationship with spirit in the sky.]

Murika good, commerce good, commie bad, liberul bad, conservative good, save things! Stupid = happiness!

How bout you haters? White = good, Black = bad? How do you spot the 'good guy' in a Western? Think that was an 'accident'?

Anyone else think the shaman's preferred garb (black) is an accident? Is it because he is 'covered in sin' or is it because he is a sinner and unrepentant? [Church scandal anyone?]

Naturally this circle back to 'what is truth (sin)?' Do you know it when you see it? How can you be sure?

Seems we have lost our 'metrics' and the profoundly stupid are unable to remember the the equation is a simple, if it promotes PEACE and EQUALITY it is GOOD and if it promotes GREED AND HATRED it's BAD.

Now you have it spelled out for you so you have no excuses...

Thanks for letting me inside your mind,


What's worse, the ones who do it or the ones who point it out?

YOU decide...

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