Greetings good citizen, I titled this blog 'The Futurist' to spark a dialog about the future but apparently not only do people not read anymore they also don't feel the need to contribute either.
Admittedly I shouldn't complain, the only people who comment these days are trolls trying to get a rise out of the other side which is hardly productive.
So I continue to post with the notion that at least my ideas are seeing the light of day rather than festering inside me, doing no one any good.
The most difficult factor to overcome is the bizarre notion that it is what it is and it can't be changed...or worse, that changing it will inevitably make it worse.
Why do you insist on living your life like you have to cross a room barefoot over freshly broken glass? FEAR of getting a splinter (that you're gonna get anyway) immobilizes you.
Put some shoes on and get moving damn you!
People like variety but bizarrely they fear change, probably why most of you are insane.
[First step to solving any problem is admitting it exists!]
Nobody is happy with the current wringer they find themselves trapped in BUT they prefer it to a wringer where they don't know what's coming and for truly bizarre reasons they can't imagine life without their heads in a wringer!
[Did I mention insane? Check.]
For the most part discussing changing the shit-stem is merely mental masturbation because we don't have access to either the controls or the moving parts. We can get access but that involves removing the people who currently operate that part of the system from their, er, 'assignment'. Those people don't know what they are doing, they were told what they are supposed to do and if anything went wrong to 'stop and call'...depending on what it is, the number they were given to call isn't the decision-maker it's an underling so they have to call someone else to find out what to do about the control point being seized.
Naturally the default reaction will be to call the police. So before you seize any controls you have to 'neutralize' to token local police force.
[This also answers the question of why concentrations of control points host large police forces.] (the 'expectation' is nobody will try to seize control of a control point...)
The police don't exist to protect you, they exist to protect the controls along with the people that put your head in the wringer!
Alone this problem is insoluble and united it still won't make it to the ballot box which leaves you where?
The current system exists to PREVENT putting rapacious capitalism on trial!
IF you (or anyone else) has a better way those whose power and wealth relies on the current set up aren't interested in hearing it. [Under A Simple Plan EVERYBODY works for a paycheck. Your money is for you from the cradle to the grave and when you die NOBODY gets it, your account is simply erased because EVERYBODY makes their own way!]
So the puzzle we, the oppressed and exploited face is how do we even open a dialog about the system that oppresses and exploits us?
Isn't the first part of this problem convincing a majority that a problem even exists? [Because the feckless media keeps blaming everything but the outdated system for the multiple crises facing society!
Money and capitalism have one thing in common, people DON'T UNDERSTAND EITHER ONE!
There will NEVER be a conversation centered on "Why do I have to pay for this?"
Mother Nature doesn't have a cash register...
So the nominal owner ends up with all the profits and the 'specialists' MONEY EXISTS TO SUPPORT continually gets the short end of the stick! [I'm pointing to the 'working poor' for those of you too feeble to comprehend this train of logic.] EVERY cog in the process does what it does so it doesn't have to do EVERYTHING themselves!
GOVERNMENT exists to insure nobody gets short changed...and now the feckless have paid the media to convince the morons that GOVERNMENT is 'the problem!'
Worse, the feckless have also seized control of the curriculum so school no longer teaches our youth the 'purpose of government'.
IGNORANCE is only compounded by the self-inflicted wound of stupidity and refusing to believe they have been lied to.
But a society with deep roots in the 'mystery of faith' is accustomed to illogical arguments defending the defenseless.
3/4's of you are convinced the system we've got is 'as good as it's going to get and if you got a bad deal learn to deal with it because there's no way to change it. [I'd dare say the percentage has slipped to 50% as the feckless see no downside to pushing as hard as they can. If they derail democracy they have autocracy waiting in the wings! [Think you're unhappy now? Try nowhere to run and nowhere to hide on for size in a world that perpetually burns. (because fire is the poor man/victim's only ally.)
I mean you can keep doing nothing and events will unfold on their own or you can step up and give you kids a fighting chance...
So far I'm not feeling you and it's a shame the kind of world your kids are going to inherit.
Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind (those of you that still have one...)
Admittedly I shouldn't complain, the only people who comment these days are trolls trying to get a rise out of the other side which is hardly productive.
So I continue to post with the notion that at least my ideas are seeing the light of day rather than festering inside me, doing no one any good.
The most difficult factor to overcome is the bizarre notion that it is what it is and it can't be changed...or worse, that changing it will inevitably make it worse.
Why do you insist on living your life like you have to cross a room barefoot over freshly broken glass? FEAR of getting a splinter (that you're gonna get anyway) immobilizes you.
Put some shoes on and get moving damn you!
People like variety but bizarrely they fear change, probably why most of you are insane.
[First step to solving any problem is admitting it exists!]
Nobody is happy with the current wringer they find themselves trapped in BUT they prefer it to a wringer where they don't know what's coming and for truly bizarre reasons they can't imagine life without their heads in a wringer!
[Did I mention insane? Check.]
For the most part discussing changing the shit-stem is merely mental masturbation because we don't have access to either the controls or the moving parts. We can get access but that involves removing the people who currently operate that part of the system from their, er, 'assignment'. Those people don't know what they are doing, they were told what they are supposed to do and if anything went wrong to 'stop and call'...depending on what it is, the number they were given to call isn't the decision-maker it's an underling so they have to call someone else to find out what to do about the control point being seized.
Naturally the default reaction will be to call the police. So before you seize any controls you have to 'neutralize' to token local police force.
[This also answers the question of why concentrations of control points host large police forces.] (the 'expectation' is nobody will try to seize control of a control point...)
The police don't exist to protect you, they exist to protect the controls along with the people that put your head in the wringer!
Alone this problem is insoluble and united it still won't make it to the ballot box which leaves you where?
The current system exists to PREVENT putting rapacious capitalism on trial!
IF you (or anyone else) has a better way those whose power and wealth relies on the current set up aren't interested in hearing it. [Under A Simple Plan EVERYBODY works for a paycheck. Your money is for you from the cradle to the grave and when you die NOBODY gets it, your account is simply erased because EVERYBODY makes their own way!]
So the puzzle we, the oppressed and exploited face is how do we even open a dialog about the system that oppresses and exploits us?
Isn't the first part of this problem convincing a majority that a problem even exists? [Because the feckless media keeps blaming everything but the outdated system for the multiple crises facing society!
Money and capitalism have one thing in common, people DON'T UNDERSTAND EITHER ONE!
There will NEVER be a conversation centered on "Why do I have to pay for this?"
Mother Nature doesn't have a cash register...
So the nominal owner ends up with all the profits and the 'specialists' MONEY EXISTS TO SUPPORT continually gets the short end of the stick! [I'm pointing to the 'working poor' for those of you too feeble to comprehend this train of logic.] EVERY cog in the process does what it does so it doesn't have to do EVERYTHING themselves!
GOVERNMENT exists to insure nobody gets short changed...and now the feckless have paid the media to convince the morons that GOVERNMENT is 'the problem!'
Worse, the feckless have also seized control of the curriculum so school no longer teaches our youth the 'purpose of government'.
IGNORANCE is only compounded by the self-inflicted wound of stupidity and refusing to believe they have been lied to.
But a society with deep roots in the 'mystery of faith' is accustomed to illogical arguments defending the defenseless.
3/4's of you are convinced the system we've got is 'as good as it's going to get and if you got a bad deal learn to deal with it because there's no way to change it. [I'd dare say the percentage has slipped to 50% as the feckless see no downside to pushing as hard as they can. If they derail democracy they have autocracy waiting in the wings! [Think you're unhappy now? Try nowhere to run and nowhere to hide on for size in a world that perpetually burns. (because fire is the poor man/victim's only ally.)
I mean you can keep doing nothing and events will unfold on their own or you can step up and give you kids a fighting chance...
So far I'm not feeling you and it's a shame the kind of world your kids are going to inherit.
Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind (those of you that still have one...)
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