Greetings good citizen, while our civilization has fallen apart due to our youth abandoning opportunities to 'socialize' in favor of devoting themselves to mastering their 'electronic babysitter'.
Folk from my generation were at least somewhat perplexed by their parent's being 'overly concerned' with what the neighbors we have birthed a generation that is more inclined to burn their neighbors out if they intrude/comment on/ridicule their private domains.
The 'cure' for this will be hard to swallow considering how much of the (failing) economy has shifted to the 'circus' side of the ledger. [Again, oldsters will catch the reference to Rome's increasing dependence on 'Bread and Circuses' to keep the populace, er, 'docile'.
While the 'desocialization' of our youth is a huge contributing factor to the looming collapse of 'modern' civilization, the opportunists among us have seized on 'void' created by a distracted populace to roll back social reform by more than a THOUSAND YEARS!
Not only have the scion of the rich rolled back the New Deal, they also repealed the Magna Carta AND NOBODY LIFTED A FINGER TO STOP THEM!
Maybe your dungeon master didn't give you permission to care about the 'real world'...and maybe the only 'world' that is real to you anymore exists on your hand held. That said, the 'real world' has no place, nevermind a 'need' for you...and that isn't going to end well by any stretch of the imagination.
While you no longer give a shit what the neighbors think, you have become accustomed to eating regularly and civilization is STILL only 9 meals deep...[on the third day all hell broke loose! ]
Which is to belabor the obvious [my 'specialty' thank you] desperate situations make for desperate acts and desperation is a terrible thing.
Not that the feckless care about what position they put you in, you can't touch them and they know it!
Our 'electronically induced' withdrawal from society has been seized upon by Royal wannabes who know not what they do...not that it's any excuse. You don't get a pass for your 'ignorance' nor will a shattered society forgive theirs.
The 'simple lesson' offered here is one you should have learned in kindergarten and that is actions have consequences, which is why it is imperative to 'follow the rules.'
[Quiz many of you just had the question 'there are rules' flash through your mind?]
The ones with the guns make the rules [seems we finally reached the realization that guns trump money (and just about anything trumps Trump.)]
Equally as, er, strange to folks of my generation is the reality that gold is no more valuable than a bitcoin, a bastardization of two monetary terms in a FEEBLE attempt to lend legitimacy to an empty concept.
You can't eat bitcoins anymore than you can eat gold and you can't eat promises either.
How do you feel about the feckless holding your food hostage now? [Think they will taste good with a robust Red?]
Zero irony that the zombie shows on TV is merely a parody of what life will become once the food chain collapses after the feckless scuttle it to open their escape route.
No zombies that 'magically' defy a world literally swimming in voracious bacteria, those zombies ARE you trying to find ANYTHING to keep you alive a few days longer. Will the feckless be 'merciful' and dispatch you to meet your maker with a bullet to the head?
Not likely. They know you have about thirty days tops even if you turn full cannibal. You'll die an agonizing death from eating spoiled meat.
Is that the future you want for your children? [So a few can be rich?]
Time to wake up and seize the day while you still have a chance!
[At the very least stop 'stupid' from throwing ALL of the food out!]
I apologize, today's offering is grim indeed...but only if you think about it.
Folk from my generation were at least somewhat perplexed by their parent's being 'overly concerned' with what the neighbors we have birthed a generation that is more inclined to burn their neighbors out if they intrude/comment on/ridicule their private domains.
The 'cure' for this will be hard to swallow considering how much of the (failing) economy has shifted to the 'circus' side of the ledger. [Again, oldsters will catch the reference to Rome's increasing dependence on 'Bread and Circuses' to keep the populace, er, 'docile'.
While the 'desocialization' of our youth is a huge contributing factor to the looming collapse of 'modern' civilization, the opportunists among us have seized on 'void' created by a distracted populace to roll back social reform by more than a THOUSAND YEARS!
Not only have the scion of the rich rolled back the New Deal, they also repealed the Magna Carta AND NOBODY LIFTED A FINGER TO STOP THEM!
Maybe your dungeon master didn't give you permission to care about the 'real world'...and maybe the only 'world' that is real to you anymore exists on your hand held. That said, the 'real world' has no place, nevermind a 'need' for you...and that isn't going to end well by any stretch of the imagination.
While you no longer give a shit what the neighbors think, you have become accustomed to eating regularly and civilization is STILL only 9 meals deep...[on the third day all hell broke loose! ]
Which is to belabor the obvious [my 'specialty' thank you] desperate situations make for desperate acts and desperation is a terrible thing.
Not that the feckless care about what position they put you in, you can't touch them and they know it!
Our 'electronically induced' withdrawal from society has been seized upon by Royal wannabes who know not what they do...not that it's any excuse. You don't get a pass for your 'ignorance' nor will a shattered society forgive theirs.
The 'simple lesson' offered here is one you should have learned in kindergarten and that is actions have consequences, which is why it is imperative to 'follow the rules.'
[Quiz many of you just had the question 'there are rules' flash through your mind?]
The ones with the guns make the rules [seems we finally reached the realization that guns trump money (and just about anything trumps Trump.)]
Equally as, er, strange to folks of my generation is the reality that gold is no more valuable than a bitcoin, a bastardization of two monetary terms in a FEEBLE attempt to lend legitimacy to an empty concept.
You can't eat bitcoins anymore than you can eat gold and you can't eat promises either.
How do you feel about the feckless holding your food hostage now? [Think they will taste good with a robust Red?]
Zero irony that the zombie shows on TV is merely a parody of what life will become once the food chain collapses after the feckless scuttle it to open their escape route.
No zombies that 'magically' defy a world literally swimming in voracious bacteria, those zombies ARE you trying to find ANYTHING to keep you alive a few days longer. Will the feckless be 'merciful' and dispatch you to meet your maker with a bullet to the head?
Not likely. They know you have about thirty days tops even if you turn full cannibal. You'll die an agonizing death from eating spoiled meat.
Is that the future you want for your children? [So a few can be rich?]
Time to wake up and seize the day while you still have a chance!
[At the very least stop 'stupid' from throwing ALL of the food out!]
I apologize, today's offering is grim indeed...but only if you think about it.
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