Friday, September 21, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as 'the sovereign' has traveled through Europe, From Spain to the Netherlands, to Britain then to the US and now guess where it's landed?

Links are hit or miss lately so I'll Provide you with one here then insert part of the article to which it leads to give you a hopefully clearer picture...

The country’s aggressive territorial claims and island militarization have put neighboring countries and the United States on the defensive, even as President Trump’s administration is stepping up efforts to highlight China’s controversial island-building campaign.

In congressional testimony before assuming his new post as head of the United States Indo-Pacific Command in May, Adm. Philip S. Davidson sounded a stark warning about Beijing’s power play in a sea through which roughly one-third of global maritime trade flows.

“In short, China is now capable of controlling the South China Sea in all scenarios short of war with the United States,” Admiral Davidson said, an assessment that caused some consternation in the Pentagon.

Returning to 'the point', shifting the center of global economic power to its new home is essentially complete.

The question facing the planets, er, depending on your POV, either 'residents' or 'infestation' is whether or not the feckless will deem it necessary to destroy civilization (again) so they can turn back the hands of time?

Back to when? To the days when people feared letting royalty catch them looking at them lest they be exterminated on the spot for looking 'threatening'.

Yeah, that part hasn't changed. They want to return to absolute power but they are already fearful, just like their ancestors were.

So it is we have this global exercise in 'sabre-rattling' that is INTENDED to bring the rest of the world to heel.

Fun facts good citizen? Did you know the Chinese military already dwarfs the US 'volunteer force' somewhat amazing considering the economic desert created by the act of shifting global economic power to its 'new home'.

Somewhat ironic that El Trumpo is being investigated for turning a blind eye to alleged 'Russian interference' in the 2016 election cycle considering how Nixon's opening the door to China turned out, isn't it?

Shall we sing the refrain children? [How f'n STUPID are you?]

It's not only the refrain, it's something you should be repeating to yourself everytime a paid shill tells you black is white and up is down...oh and it's 'raining money' somewhere over the rainbow...

Scientists investigating this baffling economic phenomenon...what's that? Nobody is investigating nevermind paying attention to the location of the global feckless?

Don't you think somebody should be? [The survival of the human race on this planet DEPENDS ON knowing who these people are and what they are up to 24/7!]

Considering this is happening right under your nose doesn't it make you wonder what else you have missed because you weren't paying attention?

How can we even hope to save ourselves if we are too stupid to realize our intelligence is being insulted [routinely.]

Will the last person leaving the planet please remember to turn the lie machine off?

Enough said, thanks once again for letting me inside your head...oh and you MAY want to lift your head and actually look around every once in a while, eh?


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