Saturday, September 29, 2018


Greetings good citizen, despite all the admonitions to 'just be you' you are not and pretty much never have been 'you'. What passes for you is a reflection of whatever the media has taught you to emulate.

I read an opinion piece this morning that points at Friends as the lynchpin responsible for the rise of the 'anti-intellectualism' movement. If the picture is anything to go by I'm older than today's opinion provider and I stick with my nominee, the Simpsons.

In recent months I have repeatedly pointed to a well known human trait, that of mimicking what captures our curiosity, especially things we can use to get a rise out of others. [If the target takes offense our defense is we saw it on TV (which is supposed to make it okay for 'consumption' by the general public.) but everybody knows the bosses fired the 'censors' a long time ago and now you can't tell the difference between broadcast TV and cable...where you nominally agreed to a lower (moral) standard in pursuit of more 'realistic' artistry.]

Either way your chain is getting jerked and if you don't like it, tough.

What's 'worrisome' about you getting 'mislead'? It's how we got a billionaire president who 'masqueraded' as a 'regular guy/self-made man' when neither one is true...but he made you believe it by promising things he never delivered on. [Notice how TV has conditioned you to lower your expectations?]

The staggering part is anybody paying attention has seen he lied but some of you are still shoveling the manure, convinced the pony just has to be under there somewhere! [Otherwise how could there be this much shit?]

Naturally, one of the prerequisites of populism is having a gullible audience and since TV fostered a precipitous drop in intellectualism, the gullible stand ever ready to be mislead!

Do you ever look around you and wonder if everyone is an idiot? [Part of my 'major malfunction' is I DON'T watch TV so I'm not, er, 'brainwashed'.] I would imagine most of my readers are likewise afflicted. TV is for 'entertainment' and it stops being entertaining if I have to completely disengage my mind just to watch.

For my 'fellow travelers' [those who find themselves surrounded by morons wherever they turn] I wish to tell you that the damage done by the brain drain isn't permanent. The duped will quickly see that they have been lied to but lack the mental horsepower to figure out what to do about it.

This is the danger we face, this is where the Zombie Apocalypse will come from, the mindless whipped into a frenzy by the feckless will attack likely during an election and the resultant martial law will result in chaos nationwide!

But we have been headed this way for the past couple of decades, since the last of the adults have left the public stage.

When you hear of rioting, take cover. They are hoping to catch YOU out and about, flee if you can and if not use ANY available weapon. You're smart, you'll at least make some of them pay...[better to die on your feet than to beg for mercy that isn't there!]

When the [TV] 'addicts' figure out they've been duped (again) they are going to need leadership and that's where YOU come in.

Ironically the feckless will likely exterminate the idiots once they have performed their singular purpose. That's an order bound to go sideways even with the most diligent planning but 'Man Plans and FATE laughs!'

Even the feckless are basically stupid.

Um, tis shopping day and the 'non-dupes' don't need my advice so I'll cut this short and let you get on with the important things you have to do.

Um, if you suspect you're one if the Zombies I refer to above, do yourself a favor and turn the 'idiot box' OFF!

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head, [see, I'm not watching TV, I'm writing this!]


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