Greetings good citizen, as 'The West' succumbs to the predation of (and by) its betters the rest of us have adopted a watch and see attitude as we wait for the rich to make us rich, ya know it's that 'trickle down' thing Reagan was always talking about.
The rational among us have known all along that even HE didn't understand HOW it was supposed to happen. The system has always been predatory and all he did was release the restraints on a rapacious beast, then he turned it loose upon an unsuspecting public.
It is PAINFULLY OBVIOUS that most of you don't understand how capitalism works. The only part you understand (barely) is the 'F-U Pay me' part.
Now 'our betters' (who have taken to calling themselves the haves and the have mores) think it's our fault for not knowing/understanding that the money that is supposed to be 'raining' from on high must first be sucked out of YOUR pockets!
[Ironically it doesn't have to be, they COULD just print more but the grifters understand the danger of 'too much money chasing too few goods and the chaos that causes. That's why prices are slowly going insane and markets around the planet are soon going to crash again [due to a dearth of customers] as the 'non-insiders' realize there is no 'safe place' when playing a game controlled EXCLUSIVELY by the self-interested.
Are YOU and insider? The new president of the San Francisco FED obviously (is if the news is true) but now we have to deal with onset of 'fake news' because the media has been jerking our chain (to keep us safe) since Gutenberg. The specific 'us' they're protecting varies from story to story but the truth is a potent tool and the public isn't to be trusted with it.
Well, the 'truth' that money is a lie and we are being robbed not of just our 'wealth' but our security and that of our children's is totally lost on the...foolish that trust too much.
Reagan instituted a 'REVERSE NEW DEAL' which was in fact the opposite of what Roosevelt implemented [Roosevelt created the most prosperous society this planet has ever seen after the incognito royals crashed the global economy by spreading the ruse that everybody was going to get rich from buying stocks on margin!]
But our 'betters' feared for THEIR children so they short-circuited the electoral system and put their own, er, 'puppets' in charge.
[Those damn trust funds are devilish hard to fill under a 90% tax rate! and O.O.C. inflation caused by the destabilization of the money supply [Nixon] required desperate measures.]
Remember, a conservative 'coup' is a conspiracy theory, especially if you backup to the Kennedy Assassination(s) followed by the Johnson 'abdication' resulting in the Nixon debacle (apparently Tricky Dick ALMOST rolled over on his backers and blew the whole coup to pieces but they whisked him into exile without murdering his whole family. Like Saint Ronnie, he left office and was never heard from again (probably because he spent the rest of his life heavily sedated.)
Anyhoo, while the corporate owned media wants you to believe this collapsing CF is completely 'organic' nothing could be further from the truth.
Capitalism is PREDATORY and DOESN'T WORK if left 'unrestrained'.
Believe me, if they thought they could get away with executing every other person they'd be doing it because that's what they did when they were nobles. Capitalism abhors surplus in case you haven't figured that one out by now, counterintuitive I know, more is considered better but only 'more for ME'. More production capacity is (under capitalism) a 'waste'.
The capitalist considers anything beyond THEIR NEEDS a 'waste' of resources.
Can you say mentally ill?
Good, I knew you could!
Understand what you're up against?
It's gonna take a couple of days but when you finally 'get it' it's going to hit you like a bag of hammers and your position will suddenly become 'clear'. It will also illuminate what you must do to survive on this planet with the rest of humanity.
ASP, an idea whose time has sad to point out it's that or extinction...and our 'betters' will chose EX every time [Where do you think 'rule in hell' comes from?]
Little humorous anecdotes that mental patients take to heart and the next thing you know we have genocide on our hands just so a psychopath can have a 'taste' of the 'good life'...
Is this what you want for YOUR kids?
Believe me, they want YOU to SERVE their kids...and NOTHING MORE.
They consider YOU expendable. If you refuse they will just keep going until they find someone cowardly enough to buckle under.
In this they find fear to be a very useful tool.
That's enough for today, don't want to overload your mind, the deep end is a scary place because the truth lives here.
The rational among us have known all along that even HE didn't understand HOW it was supposed to happen. The system has always been predatory and all he did was release the restraints on a rapacious beast, then he turned it loose upon an unsuspecting public.
It is PAINFULLY OBVIOUS that most of you don't understand how capitalism works. The only part you understand (barely) is the 'F-U Pay me' part.
Now 'our betters' (who have taken to calling themselves the haves and the have mores) think it's our fault for not knowing/understanding that the money that is supposed to be 'raining' from on high must first be sucked out of YOUR pockets!
[Ironically it doesn't have to be, they COULD just print more but the grifters understand the danger of 'too much money chasing too few goods and the chaos that causes. That's why prices are slowly going insane and markets around the planet are soon going to crash again [due to a dearth of customers] as the 'non-insiders' realize there is no 'safe place' when playing a game controlled EXCLUSIVELY by the self-interested.
Are YOU and insider? The new president of the San Francisco FED obviously (is if the news is true) but now we have to deal with onset of 'fake news' because the media has been jerking our chain (to keep us safe) since Gutenberg. The specific 'us' they're protecting varies from story to story but the truth is a potent tool and the public isn't to be trusted with it.
Well, the 'truth' that money is a lie and we are being robbed not of just our 'wealth' but our security and that of our children's is totally lost on the...foolish that trust too much.
Reagan instituted a 'REVERSE NEW DEAL' which was in fact the opposite of what Roosevelt implemented [Roosevelt created the most prosperous society this planet has ever seen after the incognito royals crashed the global economy by spreading the ruse that everybody was going to get rich from buying stocks on margin!]
But our 'betters' feared for THEIR children so they short-circuited the electoral system and put their own, er, 'puppets' in charge.
[Those damn trust funds are devilish hard to fill under a 90% tax rate! and O.O.C. inflation caused by the destabilization of the money supply [Nixon] required desperate measures.]
Remember, a conservative 'coup' is a conspiracy theory, especially if you backup to the Kennedy Assassination(s) followed by the Johnson 'abdication' resulting in the Nixon debacle (apparently Tricky Dick ALMOST rolled over on his backers and blew the whole coup to pieces but they whisked him into exile without murdering his whole family. Like Saint Ronnie, he left office and was never heard from again (probably because he spent the rest of his life heavily sedated.)
Anyhoo, while the corporate owned media wants you to believe this collapsing CF is completely 'organic' nothing could be further from the truth.
Capitalism is PREDATORY and DOESN'T WORK if left 'unrestrained'.
Believe me, if they thought they could get away with executing every other person they'd be doing it because that's what they did when they were nobles. Capitalism abhors surplus in case you haven't figured that one out by now, counterintuitive I know, more is considered better but only 'more for ME'. More production capacity is (under capitalism) a 'waste'.
The capitalist considers anything beyond THEIR NEEDS a 'waste' of resources.
Can you say mentally ill?
Good, I knew you could!
Understand what you're up against?
It's gonna take a couple of days but when you finally 'get it' it's going to hit you like a bag of hammers and your position will suddenly become 'clear'. It will also illuminate what you must do to survive on this planet with the rest of humanity.
ASP, an idea whose time has sad to point out it's that or extinction...and our 'betters' will chose EX every time [Where do you think 'rule in hell' comes from?]
Little humorous anecdotes that mental patients take to heart and the next thing you know we have genocide on our hands just so a psychopath can have a 'taste' of the 'good life'...
Is this what you want for YOUR kids?
Believe me, they want YOU to SERVE their kids...and NOTHING MORE.
They consider YOU expendable. If you refuse they will just keep going until they find someone cowardly enough to buckle under.
In this they find fear to be a very useful tool.
That's enough for today, don't want to overload your mind, the deep end is a scary place because the truth lives here.
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