Saturday, September 22, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as Mahar of the 3M gang was on last night and he had MM on as a guest to pump his latest film we have the rationale behind today's offering.

Insanity is an 'opinion' and 'crazy' is something we all know when we see it.

Republican's have become 'one trick ponies' believing there isn't anything a tax cut can't solve. Ironically being the party of denial wasn't winning them any friends so they charged at their single issue with the ferocity of an axe murderer pursuing a nubile teenager.

Here's the 'insane' part. Since taxes exist SOLELY to provide the capitalist owners with an income stream for what doesn't belong to them in the first place. This also serves to upend any possibility of a balanced economy. Since NOBODY can agree on what money is, nevermind what it's for...we end up with conundrums like this.

Taxes could be set to ZERO and the wheels wouldn't stop. The 'value' of money is already zero but that doesn't stop people from MURDERING one another for it.

What makes our bankrupt society run?

F-U Pay Me!

How many of you 'voted' for that?

Nor will you EVER.

Is this a question of money or insanity?

How bizarre the answer is BOTH.

Every one of us was born into this Faustian nightmare and all it's going to take to stop it in its tracks is the honest question of 'what are we doing?'

The question isn't insane, how we handle it is.

Does anyone know what the original question is?

It is 'survival personal'.

If we were vegetables all we would need to survive was soil, rainfall and sunlight...(and naturally favorable temperatures & atmosphere.)

But sentient life requires vegetables and lower life forms to survive. [Isn't hierarchy a bitch but without one we, er, haven't found the other.]

Not that sentient life that DOESN'T prey on lower lifeforms doesn't exist, it's just highly unlikely.

But we are drifting away from the point of this parable and that is the incredibly stupid things people believe thanks to 'go along to get along'.

Compounded by whole generations that never questioned the rationale behind the things they did.

Now let's return to where all of this started and the 250 year old practice of voting for people to make decisions in your name without ever consulting with you.

ORIGINALLY, in a far less complicated world, it was thought that keeping the number of representatives down would avoid/minimize conflict. Then the OWNERS of newspapers got into the act and started using their pulpit to 'steer' voters in the direction they favored.

Once the 'money' saw what the papers were doing they bought up the papers and the rest is history.

Hitler teaches us the power of public opinion and that lesson wasn't lost on the feckless who were already expert in using 'the 4th Estate' to guide if not outright influence 'public policy'.

UNDERSTAND: Since they are pushing society into its own cesspit the dial has been cranked to 'insane' leaving the public desperate for a return to 'rationalism'.

But can an insane society recognize rational after being immersed in bedlam since its inception?

We would have to return to the beginning and dismantle the BS the self-serving have normalized at the barrel of a gun...and that begins with money.

If there were no taxes [and there shouldn't be...any so there goes 'death' on it's own...again.]

There's a lesson on taxes being associated with death (as being inevitable) for those with a mind to grasp why the concepts association was made in this way.

It's back to Grandpa's (insane) knee and teaching the children so they will know what to EXPECT.

It's NOT 'Death and Taxes', it's OWNERSHIP and TAXES!

Under a 'free' society taxes are unnecessary. Taxes only exist so the owner can extract money [from society] for what doesn't belong to THEM!

If WE can't fix this we are doomed.

How do you fix this with the ballot box and the answer is YOU CAN'T!

This issue will never be on the ballot because the feckless don't want it there. [Change frightens them, especially changes they don't control.]

In this we encounter that famous thing philosophers are always eluding to and that is the 'human condition'.

Do you know what the 'human condition' is?


Ain't gonna fix that one with no ballot box. Only truth and it's assistant, education (based in truth) can win that one.

Problem with 'truth' is it's 'relative' and has many facets...and many of those facets play to the 'me-first' among us.

Zero irony we need to use the barrel of a gun to sweep away the self-serving BS the feckless have erected in the path of survival.

The ONLY road forward is UNITED And that is impossible if we are not EQUALS for without EQUALITY there can be no JUSTICE.

How sad for us all that we have squandered all of this time in pursuit a chimera we call 'truth'. Unity, equality and justice can be measured, the truth can't even be imagined never mind quantified!

I can only hope this post doesn't sail clean over the heads of those who have one to use.

Thanks for opening your mind,


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