Monday, September 10, 2018


Greetings good citizen, small wonder schizophrenia is so prevalent among our kind. We are raised to believe we are equal (on the surface) but even your 'whiteness' doesn't save you from being sorted into a social strata dictated by your birth.

Today we 'pretend' that we live in a 'classless' society, the working class [better known as the 'troublemakers' to the upper classes that pretend to no longer exist] were the first to go.

It is considered 'bad form' to refer to class although even the 'rich' have divided themselves into the 'Haves' and the 'Have-Mores'.

Understand, if YOU are neither then you aren't even in the equation! You (and your needs/circumstances) are off radar.

Nobody is paying attention...the perfect example of this is OUR REVOLUTION, one that arrives in your inbox unbidden and invites you to listen in on conference calls where you have no hand in setting the agenda [because your 'betters' have already decided what's important and what will have to wait until AFTER the 2nd coming...(yeah, the 'enlightened' have those freaks mixed in too.)

Aren't you a Christian child? (because if you aren't then the "If you believe you have received this e-mail in error" disclaimer applies, kindly disregard what we share here...or become a Christian.]

Zero irony that the 'illusion of change' is considered just as good as the 'illusion of representation' (to the foolish 'faithful'.)

Reagan lead the charge with his declaration that the scariest words in the English language are "I'm from the government and I'm here to help!"

Like everything else credited to a guy that needed a script to take a piss, the scariest words in any language are the ones that follow the abandonment of hope and those words are 'It's in HIS hands now...' [as anyone who has ever mumbled a desperate prayer knows.]

Only flaming Rand-tards fear government assistance because they think they will have to 'pay' for it.

I truly wish we DID have to pay for it because this whole clusterfuck would have collapsed a long time ago.

Once again I will belabor the obvious, we have to stop following the freaking CLUELESS! [Especially the ones that claim they are following 'God'.]

How unfortunate for the sane among us that cameras attract the weak minded like moths to a flame?

But I digress.

Class didn't vanish just because we (actually THEY) 'pretended' that the civil rights act wiped out class lines!

While the 'haves' know it's impossible to eliminate class, the 'have mores' have been chafing to turn the class spotlight off. If we're all equal it doesn't matter who has more money, right?

Did I mention that STUPID goes all the way to the top? [It's actually worse than that, they think believe WE are stupid and we have all seen where that kind of thinking leads...]

Being largely helpless/leaderless doesn't make them right.

It does, however, allow them to act with a brazen degree of impunity.

Which is the POWER OF case you were wondering if this was going anywhere. Above a certain class and nobody lifts a finger to stop them because errors at that level can't be erased, only excused and that is 'unlikely' without intervention...(not the divine kind either.)

Yeah, we still have those among us who are, er, 'above reproach', even the law doesn't dare touch them.

So if you are one of the feeble that BELIEVES Class is dead you are not part of the solution...which makes you part of the problem.

Not everything is 'black and white' but there are only two poles on the decision tree and we must choose one, share or slave?

Which will YOU choose?

[Too much for your mind to process but in the end it's all about the choices we make.]

Thanks for playing,


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