Monday, September 24, 2018


Greetings good citizen, 'The Giant' stirs uneasily in its slumber as it slowly begins to realize it's been hog-tied while it slept.

The Giant doesn't panic because no chain forged by the feckless is strong enough to bind it and the fools have used thread that will snap like they aren't even there when the Giant decides to move.

So it is Mr. Moore's latest effort tanked this weekend but the most aggressive of the 3M brand is a plodder, not a sprinter. A slow opening will be compensated for as the 'dead space' between the last Summer Blockbuster and next big tent movie for the holiday season. Weeks of nothing loom before us as Hollywood's intellectual bankruptcy manifests itself with re-treads from the past that are well beyond their 'sell-by' date.

But the feckless are nothing if not 'nostalgic', forever pining for times that never existed and memories of what never happened.

It is this disturbing display of dissonance that is waking the Giant from its slumber. The Giant doesn't remember it like that and it has the scars to prove it.

At the deepest level the Giant is disturbed by the lies and it knows if it doesn't act to stop the plotters it will lose a significant portion of its bulk.

Nobody respects a skinny, fat-headed giant.

In fact what the giant finds the most disturbing is that they plan on carving him into a thousand pieces, then he won't be a giant anymore.

In unity there is strength, in pieces he is nothing...and that's what the feckless have finally figured out.

A lone dissenter is easily silenced, and army of dissenters is another matter altogether. Humanity instinctively bands together which is why the media works so hard sowing discord.

Yup, those who claim provenance over the truth are no more your 'ally' than those who claim dominion over the law. Both are vested in asserting their own agenda which is the domination of our species.

This is why a for profit media only serves the predatory capitalist.

Ironically, Mr. Moore's anti-capitalist rhetoric was pointed to as the reason his latest film performed poorly. For reasons unknown the old, "the system may suck but it's the best one we've got" was trotted out by the critic in Variety's harsh review.

We are told [by the for profit media] that 'most adults' agree with notion that capitalism may be 'flawed' but it's better than any of the alternatives...[of which there is only one and it is IDENTICAL to the SHITSTEM we use except the 'owners' pretend the workers own the means of production while the self-appointed 'managers' produce and distribute the money...which is where both systems fall apart.

That is why A Simple Plan addresses the problems created by the (it shouldn't exist in the first place) Banking Industry.


Not only paychecks all around but total systemic transparency with nobody paying themselves outrageous sums just because they can.

Now THAT's the power of UNITY [with a healthy dose of Equality thrown in!]

With a level playing field EVERYONE prospers.

How sad this is 'unacceptable' to our self-professed 'betters'. [They feel they stole it fair and square and should be allowed to keep it (so nobody else can have any!)

How shameful it never belonged to them in the first place?

Libbies argue that they 'own' themselves when a greater lie has never been told. Alone each of us is dead, it is only united that we prosper! [Individualism is central to Libbie philosophy. Why do morons think answering to you and you alone is they way to go?]

(Sing the refrain children! 'How STUPID are YOU?')

This is tantamount to worshiping an entity that would let a cesspool like this one exist! How do they think they will be treated in the 'afterlife' if their god lets them be treated like dirt in this one?

This is a test...yeah, that's what they tell themselves. INGRATITUDE guarantees you eternal damnation!

Be 'grateful' for your shitty circumstances that other humans are responsible for...and accept that God trusts you to forgive those that screwed you while you wait to DIE!

Either we are some races abandoned lunatics or the people in charge are...

Regardless, I suspect the creator race infected us with its fringe belief systems.

They certainly taught us God to keep us working for our 'Heavenly Reward' [Just like a Libbie to use your own greed against you.]

Who are these 'Libbies' I refer to obliquely? We used to call them Neo-Cons but now they call themselves Republicans.

People who VOTE Republican call themselves 'Independents', which they think is pretty sly because they can blame their electoral fuckups on Liberals who flocked to the Independent banner when their party vanished after it was defunded for not playing ball with the money.

Hello, why do NONE of you remember this?

Worse, why do any of you think there is still such a thing as a Democrat in politics today?

{I ask of people who believe an imaginary spirit guides them from above and will take their immortal soul to Heaven IF they are 'good'...but only if they practice the 'right' religion, the one that puts MONEY above all else.

You know where this is going so I will spare you.

Keep on pumping, too bad there isn't any place to put the drain hose that ISN'T swamp!


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