Sunday, September 23, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as the more for me crowd sits on the hands of justice and grabs everything that isn't nailed to the ground (for themselves) civilization itself is collapsing because the forces of good are in disarray.

Like 'truth', 'good' is also a highly relative term. What's GOOD for civilization is, by definition, BAD for CRIMINALS.

If you ever wondered what a society lead by criminals would look like I preach to the choir when I point to our current circumstances.

The thing YOU need to be aware of is this can only go two ways...and we're already three quarters of the way down the wrong path...thanks to the criminals in charge!

The paid shills of the for profit media keeps dividing the public by focusing on racial/political differences and blaming the resultant chaos on that when it's the media's, er, 'disregard' for the criminal leadership that is responsible for the festering wounds our tattered society bears.

'More for me' always starts at the top. [Where there is nobody to tell the criminal that they can't have what isn't theirs...]

But I digress...the purpose of today's offering is to illuminate the 'the crosswords' society is facing.

Permit me to belabor the obvious a bit [it's how I roll, sorry] and point to the 'disinformation system' [which the public foolishly believes is 'infallible']

The criminals are very good at covering their tracks and making sure the internet doesn't give away their plans is the least of their accomplishments.

I know I'm going to blow some minds, people live with their minds neatly compartmentalized. They know what a 'king' is and if they were asked for synonyms for the word it is likely they would stop at Monarch, Ruler and Liege...some might throw Oligarch in there and they wouldn't be wrong.

Is a Don a king or is this leader an Emperor? [A king of kings...]

How about 'warlord'...doesn't have the same connotation as king but when you're face to face with one it makes little difference. Like the nobles of old, they operate with the 'blessing' of local chieftain.

Laws? Rights? They ARE the law and YOU have NO rights...this is what Mr. Moore was referring to in is 'get out the vote' plea. It's also what I was pointing at when I chided that we can't 'fix this' using the ballot box. You've brought a pen to a gunfight...and you're gonna die because YOU listened to STUPID!

I keep screaming about a return of monarchy but you lack the imagination to comprehend what I'm screaming about...and sometimes there is nothing worse than failing to be specific.

Look at the collapsing third world, where criminal 'warlords' hold absolute sway over their little 'fiefdoms'.

How many of you think 'that couldn't happen here'?

Because you think that it already is.

What YOU fail to recognize is how it begins...with the 'removal of opportunity'.

Law of survival number one, NOBODY can live in an economic desert...or, more succinctly, faced with 'slim pickings' survival personal often relies on YOU becoming a 'predator'.

This is social mismanagement 101. Keep the public at its own throat while you suck everything out of the area...dropping it in the hungry maws of THEIR KIDS (trust fund.) [They are innocent in their minds, they didn't do it for themselves, they did to to be 'good parents'.]

See how 'useful/crucial' controlling the public square has been for the criminals?

We COULD HAVE 100% employment TOMORROW but the 'will' to make that happen doesn't exist. All of those charities would go bust and we can't have that! Besides, how would they cover the taxes they pretend to pay? [Criminals don't work and they don't pay taxes...but YOU knew that, right?]

When you're living under a warlord it will be a little late to wonder 'how did I/we get here?'

In the meantime the 'illusion of freedom' is played out as elections come and elections go and nothing changes [the term for this is 'being hung with your own rope' but where did they get that rope?

Look inside you for the answer!

You think you are working for change but nothing happens...and after a while it dawns on you that nothing is going to happen...

How's that for 'stuck'?

Did I mention we could go on strike?

Well that was then and this is now, it's too late to strike.

It's NOT too late for ropes and ladders though! [Don't forget the torches, it all starts with burning out the collaborators!]

[Momma's don't let your babies be guardsmen!]

Ever wonder where summary execution for disobeying an order came from? [Think being ordered to murder your's also where summary execution's kissing cousin, fragging comes from.]

The feckless are evil and we must purge them from society!

But first things first or we will have to wait a long time for another chance...

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


That's the hell of it good citizen, happy, sad, will always be 'your head'...don't squander your time wishing you did something while you still could have, you will ALWAYS be able to act!

Even a pyrrhic victory is still a victory. [You don't have to win, you just have to make sure THEY don't!]

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