Sunday, July 23, 2017

Better luck next time...

Greetings good citizen. Persistence has a value. If you persist you will eventually find your target audience. Until you do, today's title holds true.

Surrender is not an option. What's coming is too terrible to contemplate. Some believe our destruction is inevitable while others like myself prefer to believe where there's life, there's hope.

Sort of brings us to the fool's errand to save civilization.

Half of my audience doesn't even know I exist. Technology like this is a luxury they can't afford. If they knew they would be rioting in the streets [actually in some places they already are and that fire is spreading] The other 25 % could care less, they have it 'okay' and are stupid enough to believe if people aren't happy they should go get a job and quit 'whining'.

[Insert the 'hymn' here]

Don't know the hymn? (Last time I'm going to remind ya so don't forget it): If your job doesn't pay you enough to live on, it's not your EMPLOYER'S problem, it's YOURS!

Every one of those 'pat answers' spewed by political pundits like Rush reflect the willful ignorance and deep neglect nurtured by the CRIMINALS running this shit show.

Criminals don't care, they got theirs, too bad about yours [which they also got.]

Your BIGGEST MISTAKE is believing those in charge are JUST. [Or even remotely interested in anything other than 'the illusion of justice.']

Worse, good citizen, they don't care if you, er, 'suspect'. So long as you 'respect their authority' you can think what you like.

This brings us to the last 25%, the criminals and their 'dependents'. [Has to be a big number, why else do you think nothing changes?]

If it takes a gun to keep the population 'in line' [and here in modern day Galt's Gulch it takes exactly that!] you're not going to last very long.

If the rioting gets out of hand there will be dead bodies for miles around. [When the convention that prevents us from killing one another on sight is switched off, that's the end result.]

This is how the 'better safe than sorry' mindset plays out...and it takes a lot (once breached) to reset it back to 'live and let live.'

This is stuff you don't want to be messing with but if we stay on the course the morons have set for us, the end is nearer than anyone thinks...and it has absolutely zip to do with Spirit in the Sky.

[Don't think I need to remind you that once things go to shit, Spirit in the Sky will return with a vengeance! (the 'superstitious peasant' is always with us and chooses to resurface when society is in turmoil.] Woe be to the heretic when those who claim to know 'god's will' seize control (and they always do!)

[Anyone who questions the 'status quo' will be branded a 'heretic' and, er, 'martyred' for their heresy.]

Remember the Dark Ages? Morons really are 'one trick ponies', they only know 'comply or die'.

Do you really want to wait until 'next time?'

See ya in a thousand years.


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