Greetings good citizen, NY Times sent reporters out to learn if Independence [from taxation by the Crown] still resonated with the public.
[Naturally the article didn't specifically point to the reason why the merchant class revolted. The (untrue) propaganda has been that America is the world's 'Greatest Democracy' (despite only be able to vote for who will make decisions in your name without EVER asking you.)]
Unaware of the sham, people flocked here to be 'Free'. America's most 'saleable' asset was the ability of the individual to come here and literally 'buy' themselves a life. [A long time ago you could come with nothing and BUILD yourself a life but that is no more...not that they ever stopped selling that 'dream'.]
America WAS [prior to Morning in America] known the world over as 'the land of opportunity'. If there is one thing to take away from the FAILED Occupy Movement it is there are ZERO Opportunities here [if you aren't 'connected'] now.
Look at the 'refugee crisis', the media's cover is they are fleeing civil strife at home but if anyplace on the planet has been 'by-passed' by the economic boom of the past two decades it's been Africa and the Middle East, both mineral rich but politically destitute.
The people have no power. Worse, if you weren't born part of the royal family you have no prospects nor any future. You are living in a political powder keg that could explode at any time.
Your 'best chance' for ANY kind of future is to run to the EU [while it's still there.]
Did I mention that the current economic system only works for those who came before and they know it. If you don't like it, tough! They were here FIRST.
Wanna talk about 'population control', our numbers would be more limited than they already are if we played by 'their rules' [and make no mistake about it, we ARE playing by THEIR RULES!]
Here, on Independence Day, many of you might mistakenly think I'm pointing to an empty America in the title but you'd be incorrect, I'm pointing to the entire planet!
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
Capitalists are EVERYWHERE [while capitalism itself is screeching to a halt under its own contradictions, principal among which is its failure to provide access for more than half of the planet's participants!]
Do the 'math'. A handful of winners and Armies of losers...that NEVER works out well so you have to wonder WTF are they thinking...and it would surprise no one that the answer to that question is 'they're not' [as evidenced by the boneheaded moves unfolding before our astonished eyes!]
None are so blind as those that REFUSE TO SEE!
TOMORROW is a GLOBAL General STRIKE to 'protest' the untenable situation created by those who reap the most from capitalism but refuse to do anything about it!
You can pretend the strike isn't happening but how much longer do you think the collective 'we' will muddle through? Another year or perhaps we'll make it to the next election [which is guaranteed to be the shit show of all shit shows! We can't afford to let this blind ignorance continue.]
Many folks take vacation during the week of the 4th as a method of stretching out what little [if any] vacation they have.
We NEED a 'full stop'. [Although some people run on 'auto-pilot' doing 'what's expected of them' regardless of the circumstances so we will not see a full stop because some people have no clue what a 'patriot' is. [Worse, often these mental midgets think being patriotic is doing the opposite of what EVERYBODY ELSE IS DOING!]
They equate reliability with responsibility despite the fact that sometimes the 'responsible' thing to do stop being 'reliable' because those harming civilization won't stop or listen to reason.
THE MEDIA wants you to believe you are 'divided' [and on the picayune stuff we always have been and always will be!] But on the IMPORTANT STUFF we are UNITED LIKE NEVER BEFORE!
Sure, you'll find the occasional lame brain that disagrees [actually they're wishing out loud] that capitalism is finished, the for profit model only works when population size remains stationary. [even then it only 'works' for those running things, it never works for those who are condemned to 'just scrape by' on a paycheck.]
EVERYBODY KNOWS the system is broken and it's been broken for a few decades now [since the Seventies!]
Our political system isn't designed to put our economic system 'on trial' [despite the evidence it can't be fixed!]
Debt driven society stopped working when they saw what was happening with Out Of Control interest rates, capitalism was being choked to death by the opportunists it created.
So they dumped interest rates into the basement, screwing savers but hey, there wasn't anything left to 'invest' in either! [despite our infrastructure falling apart nationwide.] (I'll say it again in case you didn't get it the first thousand times, MONEY! We're doing it WRONG!)
Anybody paying attention KNOWS [which sadly means most of you DON'T] Labor force participation and homeownership rates have plummeted below those of the Great Depression. [Is this what the Donald was talking about when he promised to make Murika 'Great' again?]
What should really frighten you about these stats is that we have almost three times the people!
Riddle me this, how can the Dow be over 20,000 in a nation that doesn't make ANYTHING?
Is the 20,000 as imaginary as the assets backing it?
Don't look now but you're soaking in it! [Don't ask cuz you don't want to know!] (hint: it's what bulls make...)
Again, I repeat myself but it has to be done so bear with me. Protests in the street only put a target on YOU under the surveillance state we've become. Our only viable play is an across the board STRIKE/Walkout AROUND THE GLOBE!
The only way to stop the nonsense is to literally stop EVERYTHING!
THE STRIKE BEGINS TOMORROW! Sorry if this is the first you're hearing about it but the clock is running out and we don't have much time regardless. [Capitalism will crash and burn BEFORE the next Presidential Election.] (try to imagine what will replace Capitalism if the same mouth-breathers remain in charge? {Does the term 'Dark Ages' mean anything to you? Comply or die, extreme version!}
If we are successful the new world will be humming along before that time!
If you are puzzled as to what I'm selling look for the most popular posts, they are the ones that explain my proposed replacement for F-U pay me capitalism.
To paraphrase Arnold, Follow me if you want to live!
Thanks for letting me inside your head,
REAL 'Independence Day' is TOMORROW, Probably take all summer to win but we got nothing if we don't have time!
[Naturally the article didn't specifically point to the reason why the merchant class revolted. The (untrue) propaganda has been that America is the world's 'Greatest Democracy' (despite only be able to vote for who will make decisions in your name without EVER asking you.)]
Unaware of the sham, people flocked here to be 'Free'. America's most 'saleable' asset was the ability of the individual to come here and literally 'buy' themselves a life. [A long time ago you could come with nothing and BUILD yourself a life but that is no more...not that they ever stopped selling that 'dream'.]
America WAS [prior to Morning in America] known the world over as 'the land of opportunity'. If there is one thing to take away from the FAILED Occupy Movement it is there are ZERO Opportunities here [if you aren't 'connected'] now.
Look at the 'refugee crisis', the media's cover is they are fleeing civil strife at home but if anyplace on the planet has been 'by-passed' by the economic boom of the past two decades it's been Africa and the Middle East, both mineral rich but politically destitute.
The people have no power. Worse, if you weren't born part of the royal family you have no prospects nor any future. You are living in a political powder keg that could explode at any time.
Your 'best chance' for ANY kind of future is to run to the EU [while it's still there.]
Did I mention that the current economic system only works for those who came before and they know it. If you don't like it, tough! They were here FIRST.
Wanna talk about 'population control', our numbers would be more limited than they already are if we played by 'their rules' [and make no mistake about it, we ARE playing by THEIR RULES!]
Here, on Independence Day, many of you might mistakenly think I'm pointing to an empty America in the title but you'd be incorrect, I'm pointing to the entire planet!
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
Capitalists are EVERYWHERE [while capitalism itself is screeching to a halt under its own contradictions, principal among which is its failure to provide access for more than half of the planet's participants!]
Do the 'math'. A handful of winners and Armies of losers...that NEVER works out well so you have to wonder WTF are they thinking...and it would surprise no one that the answer to that question is 'they're not' [as evidenced by the boneheaded moves unfolding before our astonished eyes!]
None are so blind as those that REFUSE TO SEE!
TOMORROW is a GLOBAL General STRIKE to 'protest' the untenable situation created by those who reap the most from capitalism but refuse to do anything about it!
You can pretend the strike isn't happening but how much longer do you think the collective 'we' will muddle through? Another year or perhaps we'll make it to the next election [which is guaranteed to be the shit show of all shit shows! We can't afford to let this blind ignorance continue.]
Many folks take vacation during the week of the 4th as a method of stretching out what little [if any] vacation they have.
We NEED a 'full stop'. [Although some people run on 'auto-pilot' doing 'what's expected of them' regardless of the circumstances so we will not see a full stop because some people have no clue what a 'patriot' is. [Worse, often these mental midgets think being patriotic is doing the opposite of what EVERYBODY ELSE IS DOING!]
They equate reliability with responsibility despite the fact that sometimes the 'responsible' thing to do stop being 'reliable' because those harming civilization won't stop or listen to reason.
THE MEDIA wants you to believe you are 'divided' [and on the picayune stuff we always have been and always will be!] But on the IMPORTANT STUFF we are UNITED LIKE NEVER BEFORE!
Sure, you'll find the occasional lame brain that disagrees [actually they're wishing out loud] that capitalism is finished, the for profit model only works when population size remains stationary. [even then it only 'works' for those running things, it never works for those who are condemned to 'just scrape by' on a paycheck.]
EVERYBODY KNOWS the system is broken and it's been broken for a few decades now [since the Seventies!]
Our political system isn't designed to put our economic system 'on trial' [despite the evidence it can't be fixed!]
Debt driven society stopped working when they saw what was happening with Out Of Control interest rates, capitalism was being choked to death by the opportunists it created.
So they dumped interest rates into the basement, screwing savers but hey, there wasn't anything left to 'invest' in either! [despite our infrastructure falling apart nationwide.] (I'll say it again in case you didn't get it the first thousand times, MONEY! We're doing it WRONG!)
Anybody paying attention KNOWS [which sadly means most of you DON'T] Labor force participation and homeownership rates have plummeted below those of the Great Depression. [Is this what the Donald was talking about when he promised to make Murika 'Great' again?]
What should really frighten you about these stats is that we have almost three times the people!
Riddle me this, how can the Dow be over 20,000 in a nation that doesn't make ANYTHING?
Is the 20,000 as imaginary as the assets backing it?
Don't look now but you're soaking in it! [Don't ask cuz you don't want to know!] (hint: it's what bulls make...)
Again, I repeat myself but it has to be done so bear with me. Protests in the street only put a target on YOU under the surveillance state we've become. Our only viable play is an across the board STRIKE/Walkout AROUND THE GLOBE!
The only way to stop the nonsense is to literally stop EVERYTHING!
THE STRIKE BEGINS TOMORROW! Sorry if this is the first you're hearing about it but the clock is running out and we don't have much time regardless. [Capitalism will crash and burn BEFORE the next Presidential Election.] (try to imagine what will replace Capitalism if the same mouth-breathers remain in charge? {Does the term 'Dark Ages' mean anything to you? Comply or die, extreme version!}
If we are successful the new world will be humming along before that time!
If you are puzzled as to what I'm selling look for the most popular posts, they are the ones that explain my proposed replacement for F-U pay me capitalism.
To paraphrase Arnold, Follow me if you want to live!
Thanks for letting me inside your head,
REAL 'Independence Day' is TOMORROW, Probably take all summer to win but we got nothing if we don't have time!
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