Monday, July 17, 2017

The whole freaking herd!

Greetings good citizen, Monday was the 'first day' of the workweek but the 24/7 gig economy threw that out the window. Now you work if there is work and Vaca and benefits are forgotten because you're lucky these days if you have anything that puts bread in your pocket.

[Reminder: if your job doesn't pay you enough to live on it's not your bosses problem, it's YOURS!]

Ask any 'failure to launch' victim, [someone that wasn't born into a family business or 'inherited' a spot on the force or got a 'leg up' from a relative or that rare friend who happened to know somebody and wasn't interested in taking the spot themselves. Altruism is all but dead in this tight labor market and shrinking economy.]

The thing that keeps Monday 'regular' for me is it's trash day [and has been since I moved here almost thirty years ago.]

That said has anyone else noticed there is a whole herd of elephants in the freaking room?

Worse, nobody is even looking at them. [Actually, they are 'dutifully' ignoring them because politicians only recognize WHAT THEY'RE FREAKING PAID TO SEE! [Serious stuff like where will transgendered children go the bathroom?]

If this is the best our deeply flawed decision making process can do [letting (only the deep pocketed) 'campaign donors' decide what is and isn't important to the functioning of society it no wonder the room became overrun with Elephants [just as there is zero irony in the fact that the elephant is the symbol of the party that created this logjam.]

All the same, stupid is as stupid does.

If our politicians are focused on which restroom kids who don't even have sexual identities yet will use, how the F will they deal with the trainwreck they have turned society's operating system into?

Short answer, they won't.

Since NO ONE is telling them 'capitalism is broken, FIX IT!' They just stand there and look at you like you're from another planet, taking the POV that you fail to appreciate the 'delicacies' involved with 'hooray for me and F you, capitalism.

When it ISN'T your JOB to ignore the elephants that are filling the room up with shit, where does this leave you? If you do get a forum you are accused of generating 'fake news' for attempting to blow things out of proportion.

Anyone want to argue the fact that capitalism is [and for the most part always has been] broken?

Can't go there because we have zero problems finding lunatics that will fight with fiery conviction that black really is white!

Since they can't deny it it's broken they will instead argue that YOU are broken for taking issue with the 'finest system ever created'. [Like they know shit from shinola!]

The world is full of freaks and most of them just like to hear themselves talk, making addressing issues next to impossible because discussion becomes 'all noise and NO signal'.

So we can only wonder what will come first? Will we drown in elephant shit or will we succeed in putting the herd back outside where they belong?

Weigh your options: you already KNOW you can't vote them out [they control the 'vetting' process. Only candidates willing to toe the campaign donor's personal agenda get case you wondered why politicians are 'unresponsive' at best.]

Probably not particularly helpful to point out (again) that we are totally mishandling the MONEY thing.

You want to put an end to the feckless buying political power? Make money NON-TRANSFERABLE, what part of YOUR MONEY IS FOR YOU! don't you understand?

How do we bring about these necessary changes?

Wanna fight in the streets? How about burn the place to the ground? Neither are as effective as going on strike. Shut this shit show down and watch them stand up and take notice but we need 100% cooperation for it to work!

UNITED WE STAND! [Divided, we're toast!]

If nothing else you should be seriously concerned over the corporate media's insistence that we are deeply divided.

WHAT THEY AREN'T saying is WHO is divided...the poor have always been a world apart from the privileged few...and THAT is the 'divide' they are talking about!

Conservo whackos keep winning elections [and we end up debating issues that only the deeply religious care about (while the rest of the world crumbles) is not due to the ideological divide but the monetary divide.]

Computers mean we can finally DO SOMETHING about the gulf between those who rob the rest of us so they live lives of luxury while the vast majority of us struggle just to survive.

You won't EVER find that on the ballot...and you have to wonder why?

They'll tell you that it's because you wouldn't want it taken away from you if the situation were reversed but these people were BORN to their lives so the odds AGAINST your joining them are somewhere between slim and none.

You could marry into it but that would be short-lived, the rich truly are different from you and I...and not in a good way.

IF I weren't championing a 'better way' I'd keep my mouth shut.

I belabor the obvious when I point out the flaws in capitalism, a system few are even aware of and even fewer know how it (really) works.

Correcting the flaws was easy, selling them is proving significantly more difficult because those the flaws in the system benefit don't want those flaws to go away [and we're ALL poorer for it!]

Team humanity or Team Snob?

Which side are you on? We already know which side the 'palace guard' favors...and you had best believe they KNOW you are SCUM! Why else do they stand beside your car with their hand on their weapon? They DON'T TRUST YOU...but you're supposed to trust THEM!


Readjust your sights and regroup, good citizen.Together we can turn this thing around, now that we have something WORTH FIGHTING FOR...and nobody has to fight! Just stop going along with the tyranny!

The choice [for once] is YOURS!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


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