Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Day 7: Feckless, it looks like this.

Greetings good citizen, every once in a while the Elephant in the room raises its trunk and sprays everyone with whatever's handy, if you're lucky it's only water mixed with spit.

I've been overusing the word 'feckless' quite a bit lately and I'm pretty confident some of you aren't clear what it looks like so here is a prime example of what I'm talking about.

Since the end of World War II, American foreign policy has understood the role of economic development in the prevention of conflict around the world — providing a subtle yet powerful contribution to the United States’ own national security.

Poverty reduces the opportunity cost of violence. Scarcity intensifies competition over resources. Inequality pits have-nots against haves. And poor states are weaker — less able to contain conflict once it breaks out. President John F. Kennedy summed up the argument more than half a century ago: “A more prosperous world would also be a more secure world.”

President Trump isn’t buying.

This is what you get when you combine the titles of 'Leader of the Free World' with the Leader of the Freebooting Capitalists! [people more interested in 'profits for me' than social stability.]

Feckless means 'careless disregard' [usually for consequences] but a Devil may care attitude is the last type you want in charge of World Peace.

Ironically, without peace there can be no prosperity but after 'Morning in America' the Hawks ate the Dove for breakfast then went searching for something/one else to kill.

Remember, without peace there can be NO PROSPERITY. (Although as this article points out, without prosperity there is little peace.) Which is why the justice and equality pieces of the social puzzle come first. Without Equality [for all] there can be no Justice and without justice there can be no peace! [and without peace there can be no prosperity.]

The 'focus' of A Simple Plan is creating economic equality as a cornerstone of Justice and 'simplifying' the justice system so it works regardless of 'rank' [the ability of the powerful to circumvent justice is a poison pill to EVERY society.] Break the law, get exiled HAS TO apply to EVERYONE and not just the destitute.

Understand, Jail is the criminal's waiting room [often their 'remote office.'] Removing criminals from the general population 'temporarily' does ZERO to 'rehabilitate' them. Exile is the only proven cure for those who can't abide by the rules we all AGREE to live under.

Upon displaying proof that a child has the mental competence to understand the consequences of their actions, they will be presented with the choice. They can agree to the laws of civil society or they will be free to go to an island where people are free to make their own rules [if those people are willing to accept them.] Door number three is immediate exile. [if the laws of civil society aren't to your liking, you can live anyway you choose in Exile.]

As you might imagine, those who don't think much [or try to avoid it because it makes their little head hurt] will opt for Freedom Island, which will start off 'free' and rapidly descend into a Lord of the Flies situation.

It's a choice you probably won't live to regret. There's exile and certain starvation or 'Paradise and eventual starvation as the 'feckless' battle against one another for domination of the island's resources.

In case you were wondering this is also why US 'aid programs' achieve so little. It's because the STUPID let the locals 'administer' the aid and it becomes the 'local currency' [a variant of 'gold rules'...]

Did I mention the world is being run [into the ground] by college educated IDIOTS?

Again this all plays to the conservative/capitalist belief that the desperate are more 'pliable' than the contented.

The trouble with 'contented' people is they ask question, sometimes questions without good answers. [like why is a paycheck good enough for me but you get to keep EVERYTHING? Annoying questions like that.

Oh and they also aren't as 'hungry' as the desperate are...and you know what Marx's THEORY of 'surplus value' says!

How can I maximize profits if people won't produce more than they need?

Again, Money, we're doing it WRONG! [truly kind of bizarre I'm the only one saying this because it's obvious this system is fooked!]

Leading back to the theory we are 'made things' intended 'by design' to eventually 'self destruct'.

Why don't anyone else's thinking parts work correctly?

Seriously good citizen, this is frightening.

Thanks to those of you how have the presence of mind to let me inside your head,


There's 'scary stupid' but this is ridiculous! What do you mean why am I looking at you?


  1. Exile is the only proven cure for those who can't abide by the rules we all AGREE to live under.

  2. A jaunty hat tip is due once again to 'The Wanderer'...


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