Sunday, July 30, 2017


Greetings good citizen. The greatest obstacle to overcome is today's title subject. The mighty *human carp has decided it can adapt to pretty much anything [which is how we came to be where we are] so there is no need to 'sweat' the small stuff.

Things will work out, right? They always have [for the survivors anyway.] Between the 'world of I' and D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F.? We do what we do to keep our own shit straight and throw the rest to fate. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be.

Perhaps it's the 'afterlife' thing and the fact that none of us is getting out of this alive that makes us all so stoic.

Sure, we could have a 'better life' but why bother? It's all gonna be over soon, no need to get your panties in a bunch about it.

Sort of brings us to my two favorite sayings, "If you think you can't you're right" and "Stupid is permanent, ignorance can be fixed."

No need to knock yourself out, all you have to do is wait, it will be over soon enough.

Or so you think. It's really amazing how misery can make time drag on. Waiting for the end really sucks.

Which leads us to the opposite side of the same coin, what is a life waiting to die worth? Why not just off yourself and have done with it?

If we came equipped with a switch we could use to turn ourselves off our species would already be extinct.

Problem is we aren't built to self destruct. Failing to do the task correctly has a whole bunch of consequences most of us don't want to risk.

Odd little trap, isn't it?

This is where the no need to kill yourself bug steps in and reminds you that it will all be over soon enough.

If the only thing keeping you alive is your imminent death then it's not much of a life, is it?

Wishing you were dead but unwilling to make your life worth living is a puzzle within a puzzle, both of them tinged with/by 'fear of failure'.

What's the worst that can happen? [you end up crippled, in agony and wishing you'd just left well enough alone, then you could have stuck with your original plan to eat/drink yourself to death!

Think we made some progress here. You're not so much afraid of dying as much as you're afraid of failing.

Too much irony that we're alive because we're afraid of screwing up our own suicide?

Which returns us to the original question...what kind of life is this?

It COULD BE much better than what it is but that would require some effort, mostly to remove the ignorant idiots that are ruining life for the rest of us!

Happy Sunday...[more ironic that this line of questioning is considered a sin, isn't it? Bet Spirit in the Sky doesn't have a good answer for any of these questions. How does that grab you?]


* Human carp: Some scientists regard the carp, which can be found all over the planet, the single most successful creature at adapting to its environment. Humans are, due to our cleverness [ironically enough] a close second.

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