Greetings good citizen, every day is something...different and today we turn the scope on transportation or getting stuff where it needs to be, when it needs to be there.
While the tradition 'homestead' is a relatively 'closed loop' very few still exist. The capitalist 'ideal' of 'self-sufficiency' is a dream few can afford or (unsurprisingly) desire. The principal 'hole' in every homestead lies in the operators themselves. This hardy bunch ignores health issues as long as they can but eventually illness/injury comes along and they need A.) medical attention and B.) someone else to pick up the proverbial slack their absence creates.
While the homesteader is proud of their 'self-sufficiency' the homestead is itself a chain of things that NEEDS to be done in a certain order on a regular schedule or the whole place falls apart.
Without 'back-up' a homestead can quickly become a mass grave.
This is why modern 'agro-business' is compartmentalized, with workers specializing in different aspects of the operation. More importantly, farming started off being a 'communal effort', something the shiftless capitalist doesn't want you thinking about because 'unions' (or anything else that unites people against tyranny) is a 'bad thing' to a capitalist [who is primarily a selfish, heartless tyrant.]
They don't call it 'more for me' capitalism for nothing.
The main concern of EVERY capitalist is 'I' (more commonly called Me.)
Without the ability to get things where they need to be, when they need to be there commerce can't function.
What's the other 'Elephant in the room'? The one our self professed betters are ignoring because they don't have an answer (that preserves capitalism)
Notice how the C.O.M. conversation keeps flirting with the idea of a quasi Communist-Capitalist model? [where the public provides the labor and infrastructure and the Capitalists keep the profits?]
Not too long ago we would be asking 'Where are you going to find people THAT STUPID?' Well good citizen, the answer is right here in Murika!.
The (fatally) selfish and terminally stupid have succeeded in convincing the rest of us we are just as selfish-stupid as they are.
[What's THIS have to do with transportation? We're getting to it...patience, okay?]
The 'corporate owned, capitalist dominated Media' is now on a campaign to divide us further with their 'fake news' campaign. If all news is 'fake', who do you believe? Worse, we circle back to the less than half of what you see and even less of what you hear because NOBODY [including the people directly involved] knows the WHOLE story.
The capitalist media keeps us distracted from our original objective. Hard to stay focused on draining the swamp when you're up to your buttocks in Alligators!
[Eh, transportation? What's wrong with you?]
Like our homestead example in the opener, life and commerce in particular relies heavily upon TIMELINESS! Remove the ability to get what's needed, where it needs to be, when it needs to be there and your whole civilization falls to pieces.
Undisputable fact.
Transportation is so important we are born with the ability to move ourselves where/when we need to be somewhere [mostly to obtain what we need when we need it. But enough of that, you get the point!]
While it would solve the unemployment problem we'd still have serious timeliness issues if we were forced to 'hand carry' everything. So we resort to [energy intensive] vehicles to get the job done in as 'efficient' a manner as possible.
Keyword here is 'energy'.
We have extremely limited energy resources coupled with a rapidly increasing number of 'users'...can you 'visualize' how this could present a problem in the not too distant future?
Appreciate the WHOLE picture because 'transportation' is just a fraction of the larger energy puzzle. We use the SAME energy resources to heat water for sanitary purposes as well as heat our homes, many of which would be uninhabitable for portions of the year...and don't stupidly point at the woods and say 'what about that?' We'd 'denude' the planets' forests in a single year if we attempted to use wood as fuel.
But wait, then there is the energy we use to grow [nevermind transport] the food we eat! [the bulk of nitrates used in fertilizer comes from fossil fuels.]
Now how sanguine are you about EVERY vehicle manufacturer producing gas-guzzling TRUCKS as the race to be 'highest' on the planet's roadways continues to escalate?
Personal transportation MUST return to what we were born with or our species will exterminate itself most brutally via a combined curse of starving and freezing to death...all due to piss poor management.
Where are our politicians on this issue?
Where is this issue on your personal radar? It isn't there, is it? Why isn't it there? Because the media isn't concerned, we have enough 'for now'.
When we don't, are you going to worry about it THEN or do you think we ought to be MANAGING what's left rather than letting the feckless few continue to prance around like it doesn't matter!
I'm just a storehouse of rusty old sayings and yet another just sprung to mind...I know you've already written humanity off but they ARE your children, how can YOU be so heartless?
Don't you know? "Failing to plan is PLANNING to FAIL!"
Don't listen to the MORONS who tell you the earth generates more energy in a single revolution than humanity uses in year because you don't want to do anything that draws off the planet's 'momentum'. Think we're scroomed now, imagine conditions on a planet with it's solar day doubled? Do you have any clue what that would do to life on this planet?
Some of it would adapt but most of it would perish because rainfall patterns would shift [madly] and prolonged exposure to solar radiation would kill off most of the vegetation.
Only the idiot capitalist would rejoice over hours that were twice as long, the ultimate 'two for one' deal and it's completely free...(fat lot of good 'free' does you when you're dead!)]
Stupid is as stupid does and 'obeying' the stupid is its own reward.
Join the yesterday!
If we don't get our act together there won't be an act to save, it really is that simple. Why is nobody talking about this? Because the selfish A-holes don't want the public 'taking matters into its own hands'(...and screwing up their flaming finale!)
The whole energy issue becomes 'moot' once the 'mushrooms' start popping.
IF you fail to act [strike] there won't be any point in trying to avoid it.
You have ONE MOVE, don't screw up!
For those of you that need 'permission' to act, consider it given. I am telling YOU to strike NOW!
[No picket lines, no public protests, just stop doing what you're paid to do until we get some responsible people in charge that will make things happen!]
Hit the off button and stand there, or go home, it's really your choice.
In the end, it's ALL YOUR CHOICE!
If YOU don't stop it, it WON'T STOP!
Doesn't matter if they threaten to kill you, you're dead anyway.
Wake up and smell the coffee.
While the tradition 'homestead' is a relatively 'closed loop' very few still exist. The capitalist 'ideal' of 'self-sufficiency' is a dream few can afford or (unsurprisingly) desire. The principal 'hole' in every homestead lies in the operators themselves. This hardy bunch ignores health issues as long as they can but eventually illness/injury comes along and they need A.) medical attention and B.) someone else to pick up the proverbial slack their absence creates.
While the homesteader is proud of their 'self-sufficiency' the homestead is itself a chain of things that NEEDS to be done in a certain order on a regular schedule or the whole place falls apart.
Without 'back-up' a homestead can quickly become a mass grave.
This is why modern 'agro-business' is compartmentalized, with workers specializing in different aspects of the operation. More importantly, farming started off being a 'communal effort', something the shiftless capitalist doesn't want you thinking about because 'unions' (or anything else that unites people against tyranny) is a 'bad thing' to a capitalist [who is primarily a selfish, heartless tyrant.]
They don't call it 'more for me' capitalism for nothing.
The main concern of EVERY capitalist is 'I' (more commonly called Me.)
Without the ability to get things where they need to be, when they need to be there commerce can't function.
What's the other 'Elephant in the room'? The one our self professed betters are ignoring because they don't have an answer (that preserves capitalism)
Notice how the C.O.M. conversation keeps flirting with the idea of a quasi Communist-Capitalist model? [where the public provides the labor and infrastructure and the Capitalists keep the profits?]
Not too long ago we would be asking 'Where are you going to find people THAT STUPID?' Well good citizen, the answer is right here in Murika!.
The (fatally) selfish and terminally stupid have succeeded in convincing the rest of us we are just as selfish-stupid as they are.
[What's THIS have to do with transportation? We're getting to it...patience, okay?]
The 'corporate owned, capitalist dominated Media' is now on a campaign to divide us further with their 'fake news' campaign. If all news is 'fake', who do you believe? Worse, we circle back to the less than half of what you see and even less of what you hear because NOBODY [including the people directly involved] knows the WHOLE story.
The capitalist media keeps us distracted from our original objective. Hard to stay focused on draining the swamp when you're up to your buttocks in Alligators!
[Eh, transportation? What's wrong with you?]
Like our homestead example in the opener, life and commerce in particular relies heavily upon TIMELINESS! Remove the ability to get what's needed, where it needs to be, when it needs to be there and your whole civilization falls to pieces.
Undisputable fact.
Transportation is so important we are born with the ability to move ourselves where/when we need to be somewhere [mostly to obtain what we need when we need it. But enough of that, you get the point!]
While it would solve the unemployment problem we'd still have serious timeliness issues if we were forced to 'hand carry' everything. So we resort to [energy intensive] vehicles to get the job done in as 'efficient' a manner as possible.
Keyword here is 'energy'.
We have extremely limited energy resources coupled with a rapidly increasing number of 'users'...can you 'visualize' how this could present a problem in the not too distant future?
Appreciate the WHOLE picture because 'transportation' is just a fraction of the larger energy puzzle. We use the SAME energy resources to heat water for sanitary purposes as well as heat our homes, many of which would be uninhabitable for portions of the year...and don't stupidly point at the woods and say 'what about that?' We'd 'denude' the planets' forests in a single year if we attempted to use wood as fuel.
But wait, then there is the energy we use to grow [nevermind transport] the food we eat! [the bulk of nitrates used in fertilizer comes from fossil fuels.]
Now how sanguine are you about EVERY vehicle manufacturer producing gas-guzzling TRUCKS as the race to be 'highest' on the planet's roadways continues to escalate?
Personal transportation MUST return to what we were born with or our species will exterminate itself most brutally via a combined curse of starving and freezing to death...all due to piss poor management.
Where are our politicians on this issue?
Where is this issue on your personal radar? It isn't there, is it? Why isn't it there? Because the media isn't concerned, we have enough 'for now'.
When we don't, are you going to worry about it THEN or do you think we ought to be MANAGING what's left rather than letting the feckless few continue to prance around like it doesn't matter!
I'm just a storehouse of rusty old sayings and yet another just sprung to mind...I know you've already written humanity off but they ARE your children, how can YOU be so heartless?
Don't you know? "Failing to plan is PLANNING to FAIL!"
Don't listen to the MORONS who tell you the earth generates more energy in a single revolution than humanity uses in year because you don't want to do anything that draws off the planet's 'momentum'. Think we're scroomed now, imagine conditions on a planet with it's solar day doubled? Do you have any clue what that would do to life on this planet?
Some of it would adapt but most of it would perish because rainfall patterns would shift [madly] and prolonged exposure to solar radiation would kill off most of the vegetation.
Only the idiot capitalist would rejoice over hours that were twice as long, the ultimate 'two for one' deal and it's completely free...(fat lot of good 'free' does you when you're dead!)]
Stupid is as stupid does and 'obeying' the stupid is its own reward.
Join the yesterday!
If we don't get our act together there won't be an act to save, it really is that simple. Why is nobody talking about this? Because the selfish A-holes don't want the public 'taking matters into its own hands'(...and screwing up their flaming finale!)
The whole energy issue becomes 'moot' once the 'mushrooms' start popping.
IF you fail to act [strike] there won't be any point in trying to avoid it.
You have ONE MOVE, don't screw up!
For those of you that need 'permission' to act, consider it given. I am telling YOU to strike NOW!
[No picket lines, no public protests, just stop doing what you're paid to do until we get some responsible people in charge that will make things happen!]
Hit the off button and stand there, or go home, it's really your choice.
In the end, it's ALL YOUR CHOICE!
If YOU don't stop it, it WON'T STOP!
Doesn't matter if they threaten to kill you, you're dead anyway.
Wake up and smell the coffee.
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