Greetings good citizen, Once again we are told the sputtering economy is due to 'poor productivity' while the axiom 'you get what you pay for' is repeatedly being rubbed in our face.
Not a 'new' problem and it shouldn't even BE a problem except for Marx's theory of 'surplus value'.
Zero irony is lost on the idea that a capitalist is also a's their job to wring as much value as they can out of you for less and less, er, 'compensation'...which they themselves 'pocket'.
Naturally, the 'eye on the ball' crowd [more work, same pay] have lost track of the fact that the pauperized worker is also their CUSTOMER.
Not only stupid up front but stupid on the backside as well.
If your customer [or in this case the market for your product continues to shrink, driving down demand] can't afford your product, you are foolish to produce more than you can sell. Rather than reduce output, you reduce your workforce and whip what remains even harder.
Sound familiar? Did I mention the people running this crapfest are morons?
They know they are trapped but they are rats in a cage, they honestly don't know what else to do?
A lot of them dream of what life would be like if they didn't have the 'responsibility' of running a business, it really is miserable work...but then they consider what it would be like working for somebody else and grit their teeth...because they know it's worse.
Literally trading a tiny bit of freedom/autonomy for none at all.
But our focus has become too narrow, let us zoom out and look at the larger picture, shall we?
How many of you KNOW what the goal of 'globalization' is? Business was already 'world-wide' so what's this globalization but a fancy buzzword for same-old, same-old?
Globalization is NOT about spreading commerce to the very limits of civilization, globalization [now nearing it's bitter end] is more fully known as the 'global consolidation of market share'.
Neutron Jack Welch told us as much back in the early 80's but nobody was picking up what he was laying down. Now the Wizard of Menlo Park's creation lies in ruins and we're all the poorer [except Jack] for it.
Even the bonehead of the century didn't see what decimating his customer base would do to the company.
In yet another indictment against nepotism, turns out Jack was Reggie's son-in-law.
JP is probably spinning in his grave.
How fortunate for GE that its corporate parent was JP Morgan?
Dunno if that is still the case...once gutted the shell may have been sold off to whoever is playing the 'greater fool' these days.
Would such a transaction make the news? Hard to say considering how closely guarded the business world is these days...if they tell you ANYTHING it's because they WANT YOU TO KNOW.
Another important thing to keep in mind is what you KNOW and the TRUTH are two entirely different subjects!
Situations are seldom what they appear, this is another 'penalty' of living a lie made worse by the liars we allow to rule us.
Can you 'handle the truth'? It's likely you'll never know because you have let someone else make that decision for you.
Um, just checked the preview and this one is getting over long. You won't be amused I could have wrapped up the whole piece with the statement 'starve the customers and you starve the economy'.
You all KNOW that but what can you DO about it?
Do you really want me to tell you AGAIN?
Didn't think so.
Let me digress once more, went to the theater last night to see Valerian, a movie the critics panned as being 'too derivative' [like the endless remakes/reimaginings of King Kong and other tired old classics.]
Has conservatism seeped so deeply into our society that ANYTHING that questions the judgement of leadership is branded as 'unwatchable'?
You're missing a damn good film because 'Conservo-whackos' don't like having their 'values' examined.
What the corporate owned media did to this film [only one other couple was in the theater] speaks volumes regarding what they are doing to YOU on a daily basis.
Just a little something to think about as we wrap this one up...
Thanks for letting me inside your head, now go see Valerian! It's an imaginative romp!
Not a 'new' problem and it shouldn't even BE a problem except for Marx's theory of 'surplus value'.
Zero irony is lost on the idea that a capitalist is also a's their job to wring as much value as they can out of you for less and less, er, 'compensation'...which they themselves 'pocket'.
Naturally, the 'eye on the ball' crowd [more work, same pay] have lost track of the fact that the pauperized worker is also their CUSTOMER.
Not only stupid up front but stupid on the backside as well.
If your customer [or in this case the market for your product continues to shrink, driving down demand] can't afford your product, you are foolish to produce more than you can sell. Rather than reduce output, you reduce your workforce and whip what remains even harder.
Sound familiar? Did I mention the people running this crapfest are morons?
They know they are trapped but they are rats in a cage, they honestly don't know what else to do?
A lot of them dream of what life would be like if they didn't have the 'responsibility' of running a business, it really is miserable work...but then they consider what it would be like working for somebody else and grit their teeth...because they know it's worse.
Literally trading a tiny bit of freedom/autonomy for none at all.
But our focus has become too narrow, let us zoom out and look at the larger picture, shall we?
How many of you KNOW what the goal of 'globalization' is? Business was already 'world-wide' so what's this globalization but a fancy buzzword for same-old, same-old?
Globalization is NOT about spreading commerce to the very limits of civilization, globalization [now nearing it's bitter end] is more fully known as the 'global consolidation of market share'.
Neutron Jack Welch told us as much back in the early 80's but nobody was picking up what he was laying down. Now the Wizard of Menlo Park's creation lies in ruins and we're all the poorer [except Jack] for it.
Even the bonehead of the century didn't see what decimating his customer base would do to the company.
In yet another indictment against nepotism, turns out Jack was Reggie's son-in-law.
JP is probably spinning in his grave.
How fortunate for GE that its corporate parent was JP Morgan?
Dunno if that is still the case...once gutted the shell may have been sold off to whoever is playing the 'greater fool' these days.
Would such a transaction make the news? Hard to say considering how closely guarded the business world is these days...if they tell you ANYTHING it's because they WANT YOU TO KNOW.
Another important thing to keep in mind is what you KNOW and the TRUTH are two entirely different subjects!
Situations are seldom what they appear, this is another 'penalty' of living a lie made worse by the liars we allow to rule us.
Can you 'handle the truth'? It's likely you'll never know because you have let someone else make that decision for you.
Um, just checked the preview and this one is getting over long. You won't be amused I could have wrapped up the whole piece with the statement 'starve the customers and you starve the economy'.
You all KNOW that but what can you DO about it?
Do you really want me to tell you AGAIN?
Didn't think so.
Let me digress once more, went to the theater last night to see Valerian, a movie the critics panned as being 'too derivative' [like the endless remakes/reimaginings of King Kong and other tired old classics.]
Has conservatism seeped so deeply into our society that ANYTHING that questions the judgement of leadership is branded as 'unwatchable'?
You're missing a damn good film because 'Conservo-whackos' don't like having their 'values' examined.
What the corporate owned media did to this film [only one other couple was in the theater] speaks volumes regarding what they are doing to YOU on a daily basis.
Just a little something to think about as we wrap this one up...
Thanks for letting me inside your head, now go see Valerian! It's an imaginative romp!
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