Saturday, July 15, 2017

Regret in leisure

Greetings good citizen, we have all heard the meme, decide in haste, regret in leisure, well, the situation it doesn't cover is when the decision is made 'for you' by someone else and you're 'stuck with it'.

Like cattle in a chute, our lives are the result of decisions made by others for the rest of us.

It is the acceptance of these, er, 'conditions' that suspend our initial inclination towards killing one another on sight. [A convention that wears thinner every day.]

We are in fact edging closer to a point where we will once again be faced with the 'kill or be killed' decision every time we encounter another of our own species.

The 'fragile' bond that prevents us from murdering in self defense is 'trust'...a bond that is growing more fragile with each passing day as 'justice' becomes more 'illusive'.

The feckless don't care, they pay people to watch their back, you, on the other hand, are on your own.

The biggest thing protecting you is poverty. If there is nothing to be gained by killing you then it's 'easier' to ignore you, saving the energy it would take to exterminate you for later when you might need it for a more 'worthy adversary'.

This is also where 'regret in leisure' kicks in as someone you had the drop on earlier returns unexpectedly and gets the drop on you get to regret being...'apathetic' when you should have 'obeyed your instincts.'

You smile your best winning grin and hope numbnuts remembers you 'spared' them earlier, knowing he probably interpreted your earlier inaction not as 'mercy' but for what it was, 'miscalculation'.

When you only have seconds to live the leisure part goes right out the window...but when numbnuts DOESN'T kill you, he only disarms you it is that moment you realize you're in more trouble than you thought.

It is also the moment when you internalize that there are indeed 'fates worse than death'.

Now you get to regret not making your move [making a desperate lunge for your weapon, even if he struck a killing blow as you grappled, it would still be better than what's coming.

But no, you hoped [in vain it turns out] that you could reach the tiny spark of humanity we share, hoping for just one moment he could put himself in your shoes.

Why did you want to kill this guy on sight? Because you knew he would enslave you the moment he got a chance. Serial killers and slavers have one thing in common, neither of them has any use for 'mercy'.

Yet mercy and forbearance are what makes life worth living! We don't murder one another on sight because of the risk we might be exterminating a good and helpful being 'needlessly'...yet it is our own 'forbearance' that put us in this position, saddled with rules that condemn us to lives of misery while the few lord their power over us [often ignoring the same rules they 'hobble' the rest of us with.]

When justice isn't for all, it isn't justice.

You knew that...right?

Fool me once shame on you...let it go unpunished, shame on ME!

This is where you sit good citizen. You have been saddled with rules that prevent you and yours from enjoying your share of life's bounty.

Those 'rules' aren't going to change themselves.

If is to be, it's up to Thee!

Puddin' Head may want it all but you'll be satisfied with a simple fair shake.

As long as ol' greedy has their way [half of the thrill for ol' psycho is denying you yours!] and its tough to determine which he enjoys more, getting his or denying yours? [We think it's the latter that gives these twisted freaks more pleasure, they don't really have a good grip on what is or isn't 'theirs' in the first place.]

The mind really is a 'funny' [odd] place just as this being 'bent to the will of another' the most heinous crime one human can commit upon another and why the war against 'tyranny' requires constant vigilance.

The sick don't know they're sick but it's not an 'excuse'. Oh he's sick and didn't know better is an admission of fact and nothing more.

People who don't appreciate mercy deserve none.

Sort of a conundrum to opine that we need to be 'merciless' in eradicating those who possess none [not via murder but exile, the merciless have no place in civil society.]

If you can't make the 'hard decisions' then you have no place deciding for anyone else...and it's decisions like this that need to be made. Those 'incapable' of mercy aren't fit to live among us just as those, regardless of how kind, who are too stupid to think for themselves will not be allowed to participate in the decision-making process.

So let it be written, so let it be done.

[No one appreciate more than I the peril of leaving this sort of thing 'open to interpretation' but you have to let the chips fall where they may and pray the 'good' wins over 'stupid' [which is sadly omnipresent...]

In closing, let me share just one more thing...stupid really is EVIL. The inability to 'think things through' creates more havoc and harm than all of the ignorance in the world combined!

Small steps and we have a LONG way to go.

Ironically, it all starts here with the intellectual examination of what's broken.

Until next time, thanks for letting me inside your head.


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