Monday, July 10, 2017


Greetings good citizen, today's rhetorical question is 'How much is too much?' Unsurprisingly many of us are just a hairsbreadth away from pulling the plug ourselves as our frustration with *L.I.G. reaches the point where we can no longer find a reason to keep putting up with it.

Perhaps that's how things got to be as bad as they are.

Is your personal motto 'life is tough but so am I'? or would 'don't know, don't care' be closer to the mark? It's BOTH! [While singing "I'd love to be an Oscar Myer Wiener' with full abandon!] Got real circus going on upstairs, don't you?

Well, occasionally, when the world does a belly-flop on your shoulders [you are stricken in your heart by just how horrible people can be (and sometimes that person is the one in the mirror) so you start looking for a quick and effortless way to make an exit.

Eventually your inner chicken wins and you decide how 'inconsiderate' it would be, leaving a mangled corpse for someone else to deal with.

While the Church preaches it's a sin to discard god's 'greatest gift' but we really have to ask ourselves if Spirit in the Sky did any of us a favor expecting us to put up with this BS?

For many the answer is no. Can't live like this and I can't fix what's wrong (so the 'ultimate solution' begins to look a lot more inviting.)

What makes someone want to dump gas on themselves and light it? Same thing that makes people OD or run vehicles into the nearest solid object or dive off bridges into certain death.

Yet you refuse to stand up to those who make you want to end it all? How's that for a 'conundrum'? Afraid of dying (yet you WANT TO Kill yourself?)

Did I mention what curious creature we are?

What kind of existence is this?

Now we return to the world of is what YOU make it! [Leaving us with the obvious conclusion if your life SUCKS it's YOUR FAULT for not doing something about it!]

Wiggle your way out of that one if you can.

Time for another old 'truism' [one the supporters of the status quo hate.] "Better to die on your feet than live on your knees." How pathetic is it we can't internalize what this message means...and we're willing to sacrifice our own children into lives of servitude because we are too afraid to stand up to the tyrants?

Did that hurt? {Sure as hell is going to leave a mark!}

The thing that prevents most of us from offing ourselves is the fact we all have Born to Die stamped on our foreheads, the 'dirt nap' is in everyone's future so why rush things?

We're all waiting to see if somebody will come along and change things when the thing that needs changing is everyone's MIND!

NOTHING will change if you don't want change or if you're willing to just accept what you're handed! I have given you a blueprint that will radically alter mankind's future but you have to want that change!

Nothing I can do if you're TOO STUPID to see you'd (and more importantly, your kids) would be much better off NOT being enslaved by the feckless few or jailed by their minions.

If you don't think change is possible, you become correct. You have already defeated yourself.

One thing is can't kill an idea and I'm not the first one to think of ASP, variants have been around as long as civilization has existed. The Native Americans were the 'model' for ASP and their reign lasted ten thousand years!

It CAN be done but we first need to make a CHOICE!

There is no TRY, only 'do or not do'. You already know where the feckless few stand, the wildcard is looking back at you in the mirror!

If you are going to die REGARDLESS, at least try to make it worthwhile!

Do I ask too much?

Until next time...


As life becomes saturated with acronyms L.I.G. = Life in General

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