Greetings good citizen, once upon a time it didn't matter what you did on your own time but as the feckless fled these shores for the cheaper there their banksters created for them, those of us that were left behind found their off the clock activities taking a heavy toll on their professional lives.
While the above article points to jobs the Chinese don't want [low volume, quick turnaround Mfg] that identical problem plagues the soon to be defunct retail sector because almost nobody can pass a Pee test.
Ever wonder why Wal-Marts are nearly devoid of employees? Because the people that normally, er, 'gravitate' towards that kind of mindless work have been forced to pee in a cup before getting the job.
Now our sputtering economy is being blamed on failed pee tests...and what do you suppose the geniuses running this shithole will DO about it?
That's right, they'll build more 'for profit prisons' and start 'sifting' for people who don't have prescriptions for their marijuana to fill them up.
Like (endless) War, there is ALWAYS money for prisons. There may not be enough for you to earn a living wage in but they got more than enough to lock you up!
WTF, good citizen. Is 'law & order' [handed down from on high by people that don't ever need to worry about peeing in a cup] really that valuable to society?
Sobriety is but people need to be educated to what's at stake. Floating through your workday is all fine and well until you lose an appendage to your diminished state of awareness.
But if your chances of EVER working in the 'mainstream' economy are slim to nil, who cares about the 'needs of commerce'?
Worse, who are the knotheads building for profit prisons then lining their pockets with tax dollars that would be put to better use elsewhere?
Isn't this an Epic Fail on all fronts, starting with borders so 'porous' that both drugs and, er [damn the imprecision of speech] 'foreign agents' can flow freely [feeding the investment community, this is what all of those trillions that have no place to go now that banks would go bust paying 5% interest on savings.]
If not for the 'underground' economy [drugs and human trafficking] what passes for our normal economy would seize up from lack of customers.
Retail limps along on EBT cards. Much of Wal-Mart's fortune comes from people on public assistance looking to make what little they get go as far as they can stretch it. How ironic these are the same people the drug smugglers and the police state preys upon?
Why is it like this?
Doesn't it bother you that they have MORE THAN PLENTY OF MONEY to play war and build prisons yet you are forced to live a hand to mouth existence? We are in zero danger of running out of ink & paper. [That said, we are very much in danger of money turning into confetti...[a la Zimbabwe or the profiteers of Wiemar Germany, post WWI.]
Nice work when you can get it, eh?
How long will it be before you recognize that the buying and selling BS HAS TO STOP!
We must put an end to the practice of one human 'profiting' off of another! If a paycheck is good enough for 95% of us it's good enough for ALL of US [or there is no US!]
Let's put an end to this US vs THEM BS.
Gonna be a whole lot better for the majority when we can honestly say WE.
Remember, it only continues because YOU let it happen!
Join the STRIKE Today!
Thanks for letting me inside your head,
While the above article points to jobs the Chinese don't want [low volume, quick turnaround Mfg] that identical problem plagues the soon to be defunct retail sector because almost nobody can pass a Pee test.
Ever wonder why Wal-Marts are nearly devoid of employees? Because the people that normally, er, 'gravitate' towards that kind of mindless work have been forced to pee in a cup before getting the job.
Now our sputtering economy is being blamed on failed pee tests...and what do you suppose the geniuses running this shithole will DO about it?
That's right, they'll build more 'for profit prisons' and start 'sifting' for people who don't have prescriptions for their marijuana to fill them up.
Like (endless) War, there is ALWAYS money for prisons. There may not be enough for you to earn a living wage in but they got more than enough to lock you up!
WTF, good citizen. Is 'law & order' [handed down from on high by people that don't ever need to worry about peeing in a cup] really that valuable to society?
Sobriety is but people need to be educated to what's at stake. Floating through your workday is all fine and well until you lose an appendage to your diminished state of awareness.
But if your chances of EVER working in the 'mainstream' economy are slim to nil, who cares about the 'needs of commerce'?
Worse, who are the knotheads building for profit prisons then lining their pockets with tax dollars that would be put to better use elsewhere?
Isn't this an Epic Fail on all fronts, starting with borders so 'porous' that both drugs and, er [damn the imprecision of speech] 'foreign agents' can flow freely [feeding the investment community, this is what all of those trillions that have no place to go now that banks would go bust paying 5% interest on savings.]
If not for the 'underground' economy [drugs and human trafficking] what passes for our normal economy would seize up from lack of customers.
Retail limps along on EBT cards. Much of Wal-Mart's fortune comes from people on public assistance looking to make what little they get go as far as they can stretch it. How ironic these are the same people the drug smugglers and the police state preys upon?
Why is it like this?
Doesn't it bother you that they have MORE THAN PLENTY OF MONEY to play war and build prisons yet you are forced to live a hand to mouth existence? We are in zero danger of running out of ink & paper. [That said, we are very much in danger of money turning into confetti...[a la Zimbabwe or the profiteers of Wiemar Germany, post WWI.]
Nice work when you can get it, eh?
How long will it be before you recognize that the buying and selling BS HAS TO STOP!
We must put an end to the practice of one human 'profiting' off of another! If a paycheck is good enough for 95% of us it's good enough for ALL of US [or there is no US!]
Let's put an end to this US vs THEM BS.
Gonna be a whole lot better for the majority when we can honestly say WE.
Remember, it only continues because YOU let it happen!
Join the STRIKE Today!
Thanks for letting me inside your head,
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