Greetings good citizen, different people have different 'takes' on what words mean and I just had a roundy-round with one of my siblings over the word 'destitution'.
Zero irony for it being my 'conservative' sibling. Funny how conservatives think if you aren't naked and stick thin from malnutrition, you aren't 'destitute'. This also explains why they see nothing 'wrong' with the 'working poor', people whose paycheck isn't enough for them to live on. People that regularly visit food pantries (stretching that with 'dumpster diving) and get their clothing from second hand outlets because 'the dollars' aren't there.
[You can bet the miserable S.O.B. that employs them wants for nothing! This is precisely the kind of bullshit A Simple Plan was created to wipe out via the Human Anti-Exploitation Law!]
So to my, er, 'narrow-minded' sibling, destitution ONLY describes say African Refugees fleeing civil disorder in the places they were unfortunate enough to be born in.
Having a roof over your head [even if you're squatting] food in your stomach (even if you got it from the trash) and shoes on your feet [regardless of how they fit] isn't 'destitution'.
If THAT is NOT DESTITUTION then what is?
We're past the point of 'psychosis' here good citizen. It's a MENTAL DISORDER when you fail to recognize human suffering for what it is! The WORST OFFENDERS? people who are themselves 'destitute'! [Often both 'mentally AND morally!']
How the wealthy must howl! What divine comedy it must be for the 'too stupid to know better' to sneer at people who are JUST LIKE THEM.
Now, my sibling is NO STRANGER to 'Hard Times' (none of them are, they just dealt with it differently.) It is her own experiences that 'hardened' her heart and blinded her soul.
Same goes for the vocal poor who are INCAPABLE of recognize suffering in others or the source of that suffering, which is why it continues. (the above is the very definition of 'psychosis' and the origin of psychopaths!) [How frightening is it to realize YOU are Surrounded by people who match this description...beginning to look like a lunatic asylum yet?]
The problem is compounded by their inability to see themselves in the same circumstances. They AREN'T any better off than those they condemn as 'Crybabies' and Whiners.'
Speak up and the 'superstitious peasants' will shout you down (instead of back you up) [Mustn't disturb the Masters, they'll tighten the screws even more if you complain about 'em! Shush!]
WTF good citizen? Seriously...just WTF!
United we stand but united we're not...[too busy sneering at those we 'think' are worse off (and thereby 'less') than we are.]
A solid look in the mirror accompanied by a split second of recognition of what was staring back would kill most of you!
Back to 'destitution' for a minute. My point (in the original exchange, this takes place via e-mail so 'nuance' is void) was that people with limited funds also found themselves with too much time on their hands . (in the context of why people bothered with the crappy media offerings these days) and the answer was 'nothing better to do.' Yet another contentious claim but 'volunteering' (the typical conservative 'chip shot') ISN'T a universal fix nor does it do pretty much ANYONE involved ANY good!
May solve a few people's 'time overload' but other than that it's 'free labor' for exercises in futility.
Think about this good citizen, charities exist to address PROBLEMS THAT SHOULDN'T EXIST IN THE FIRST PLACE!
[*ARRRrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhh!] (*random scream of mental anguish!) How fortunate (for the wealthy) that they made charitable contributions 'tax deductible?'
Worse, most 'charities' double as jobs programs for the useless rich!
But I digress, sadly, like most things the powerful 'abuse', Destitution is 'relative'. The very wealthy feel destitute when they can't take the summer off to lounge by the beach, not because they are too poor but because they are (rightly) paranoid. If a fox is guarding your hen house, YOU have no choice but to stay and guard the Fox.
You EXPECT him to eat some of the hens but if you don't stand ready to kill it, it won't stop at 'a few'.
So we return to the Overton Window where people's concept of 'outrage' is stretched, making the 'unthinkable'...'normal'?
Which is to point out that our feckless media has 'hardened' your heart so you no longer consider outrageous behavior 'offensive', worse, you are no longer sure if your sense of outrage is 'reliable'.
If other people don't speak up, is it really beyond the pale?
Yes it is good citizen but once again we return to the issue of our society being 'rudderless' making us both 'out of control' and helpless at the same time.
Mustn't let the feckless tell us right from wrong because the plainly don't give a fig.
Readership is down but it's those 'two weeks' again and most folks have better things to do than browse the internet...then we have the destitute, who obviously don't [have something better to do.]
Another of the Herd of Elephants milling around in plain sight...that our politicians routinely [likely under penalty of death] 'ignore'.
One thing is certain, we can't ignore it much longer or the situation in Africa will be repeated here.
[Yet another 'quiz question' many of you know what I mean when I refer to the 'situation in Africa'?]
The abject lawlessness can't happen here...or can it?
Thank you for letting me inside your head,
Funny the things that occur to you as you wrap up a how the 'poverty' of the mind, the ignorance of the general public is preying on itself, creating precisely the conditions we fear the most...all so 'a few' can be so rich they don't know what to do with it all!
Literally redefines 'mental illness'.
Zero irony for it being my 'conservative' sibling. Funny how conservatives think if you aren't naked and stick thin from malnutrition, you aren't 'destitute'. This also explains why they see nothing 'wrong' with the 'working poor', people whose paycheck isn't enough for them to live on. People that regularly visit food pantries (stretching that with 'dumpster diving) and get their clothing from second hand outlets because 'the dollars' aren't there.
[You can bet the miserable S.O.B. that employs them wants for nothing! This is precisely the kind of bullshit A Simple Plan was created to wipe out via the Human Anti-Exploitation Law!]
So to my, er, 'narrow-minded' sibling, destitution ONLY describes say African Refugees fleeing civil disorder in the places they were unfortunate enough to be born in.
Having a roof over your head [even if you're squatting] food in your stomach (even if you got it from the trash) and shoes on your feet [regardless of how they fit] isn't 'destitution'.
If THAT is NOT DESTITUTION then what is?
We're past the point of 'psychosis' here good citizen. It's a MENTAL DISORDER when you fail to recognize human suffering for what it is! The WORST OFFENDERS? people who are themselves 'destitute'! [Often both 'mentally AND morally!']
How the wealthy must howl! What divine comedy it must be for the 'too stupid to know better' to sneer at people who are JUST LIKE THEM.
Now, my sibling is NO STRANGER to 'Hard Times' (none of them are, they just dealt with it differently.) It is her own experiences that 'hardened' her heart and blinded her soul.
Same goes for the vocal poor who are INCAPABLE of recognize suffering in others or the source of that suffering, which is why it continues. (the above is the very definition of 'psychosis' and the origin of psychopaths!) [How frightening is it to realize YOU are Surrounded by people who match this description...beginning to look like a lunatic asylum yet?]
The problem is compounded by their inability to see themselves in the same circumstances. They AREN'T any better off than those they condemn as 'Crybabies' and Whiners.'
Speak up and the 'superstitious peasants' will shout you down (instead of back you up) [Mustn't disturb the Masters, they'll tighten the screws even more if you complain about 'em! Shush!]
WTF good citizen? Seriously...just WTF!
United we stand but united we're not...[too busy sneering at those we 'think' are worse off (and thereby 'less') than we are.]
A solid look in the mirror accompanied by a split second of recognition of what was staring back would kill most of you!
Back to 'destitution' for a minute. My point (in the original exchange, this takes place via e-mail so 'nuance' is void) was that people with limited funds also found themselves with too much time on their hands . (in the context of why people bothered with the crappy media offerings these days) and the answer was 'nothing better to do.' Yet another contentious claim but 'volunteering' (the typical conservative 'chip shot') ISN'T a universal fix nor does it do pretty much ANYONE involved ANY good!
May solve a few people's 'time overload' but other than that it's 'free labor' for exercises in futility.
Think about this good citizen, charities exist to address PROBLEMS THAT SHOULDN'T EXIST IN THE FIRST PLACE!
[*ARRRrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhh!] (*random scream of mental anguish!) How fortunate (for the wealthy) that they made charitable contributions 'tax deductible?'
Worse, most 'charities' double as jobs programs for the useless rich!
But I digress, sadly, like most things the powerful 'abuse', Destitution is 'relative'. The very wealthy feel destitute when they can't take the summer off to lounge by the beach, not because they are too poor but because they are (rightly) paranoid. If a fox is guarding your hen house, YOU have no choice but to stay and guard the Fox.
You EXPECT him to eat some of the hens but if you don't stand ready to kill it, it won't stop at 'a few'.
So we return to the Overton Window where people's concept of 'outrage' is stretched, making the 'unthinkable'...'normal'?
Which is to point out that our feckless media has 'hardened' your heart so you no longer consider outrageous behavior 'offensive', worse, you are no longer sure if your sense of outrage is 'reliable'.
If other people don't speak up, is it really beyond the pale?
Yes it is good citizen but once again we return to the issue of our society being 'rudderless' making us both 'out of control' and helpless at the same time.
Mustn't let the feckless tell us right from wrong because the plainly don't give a fig.
Readership is down but it's those 'two weeks' again and most folks have better things to do than browse the internet...then we have the destitute, who obviously don't [have something better to do.]
Another of the Herd of Elephants milling around in plain sight...that our politicians routinely [likely under penalty of death] 'ignore'.
One thing is certain, we can't ignore it much longer or the situation in Africa will be repeated here.
[Yet another 'quiz question' many of you know what I mean when I refer to the 'situation in Africa'?]
The abject lawlessness can't happen here...or can it?
Thank you for letting me inside your head,
Funny the things that occur to you as you wrap up a how the 'poverty' of the mind, the ignorance of the general public is preying on itself, creating precisely the conditions we fear the most...all so 'a few' can be so rich they don't know what to do with it all!
Literally redefines 'mental illness'.
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