Monday, August 14, 2017


Greetings good citizen, we all talk but if we aren't hitting our audience over the head with a sledgehammer, very few of us 'communicate'.

Hipshooting here (so this is a 'fer instance') when we go to church it's not about what 'the communicant' [fill in your own blank, each religion is different] is saying; it's about being seen! People literally go to church not to 'hear the word of god' but for their neighbors (and the off chance that GOD may have detailed someone to keep track of your activities) who take attendance.

If you don't 'keep it simple' chances are you aren't communicating at all! You mouth is moving but nothing [decipherable] is coming out.

We [meaning everyone who has the attention span to read this far] are deluged with competing 'information'. It is your itty-bitty brain's job to filter out what is and isn't important.

As evidenced by recent headlines, not everyone's itty-bitty brain is up to the task.

The brain is a fickle, er, 'organ'...if you're hungry [or perhaps you just think you're hungry] your 'attention' turns to food, often squelching out everything else.

Ever wonder WHY, after explaining what needs to be done in mindnumbing detail, people ask questions completely 'off-topic' [giving us one of those 'where the fuck have you been for the past twenty minutes' moments.]

Did I mention fickle?

[Even the 'meme factory' know you can eventually get your point across if you repeat it enough times!]

How do people [like the protesters in Charlotte] get it so wrong? While the media is 'pitching' Saturday's bloody protest as 'White Supremacy' when one side turns out not to be celebrating 'White Power' at all but protesting the 'removal' of a historic artifact that probably shouldn't have been crafted in the first place.

Worse, now the public sees itself the way our self-professed 'betters' do, as scum that needs to be 'eliminated'. Thanks (totally off the mark) CORPORATE OWNED MEDIA!

Driving cars into crowds isn't 'new''s happened before and usually by someone that doesn't have the mental horsepower to understand what they've done.

These people used to be 'institutionalized' but once Reagan [why, at every point in our civilization, when something goes horribly wrong, the decidely evil conservative agenda pops up?] 'privatized' healthcare, turning millions of 'mentally challenged' individuals out into the streets to fend for themselves, [compassionate conservatism at its finest!] eventually even defunding the medications these people used to cope.

Don't remember the days when society took care of people not capable of caring for themselves? That's because that part of society dried up and blew away back in the early 80's...before most of you were born.

Nations with 'socialized medicine' don't have these problems. There's another infortunate word choice that reflects the 'opinion' of our betters...people who can't afford healthcare DON'T DESERVE IT!

We need to get the Exile train rolling PDQ [and you are OLD if you know what PDQ stands for!]

Our [half-wit] 'self professed' betters are plotting 'Helter Skelter'. We are reliving the 60's although this version is much darker because the media is in on it!

In a nutshell, we have to stop talking AT each other and start talking TO each other... the feckless few don't want that to happen and you can only wonder why.

Why do you think the owners of the public media don't want us talking to one another [without their 'parsing' what's being said?]

Wouldn't take to much REAL communicating to realize it's ALL been one huge 'misunderstanding, one the corporate owned media has been PAID to perpetrate.

Here's 'the kicker'.

If you can't trust the media, [and you already know you can't] who can you trust?

Thank you for letting me inside your head,

Once again reminding YOU that it is NOT my mission to tell you WHAT to think but to provide you with something to think about!


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