Monday, August 28, 2017

Stand or Fall

Greetings good citizen, as I keep harping on, we have some serious developments underway on the governmental front and if you don't stand ready to oppose them you won't stand a chance of resisting that which follows being stripped of your 'rights'.

As it stands basic human rights are shriveling under the withering assault by those who weild the banner of public safety. A worrisome rubric because push come to shove, it's only a small portion of the public whose safety they're concerned about.

Yet the 'voters' will remain paralyzed by the feckless media, believing they are in 'disagreement' over what is or isn't justice.

While YOU split hairs they are preparing to fight... with 'the law' on their side...which is how fascism usually begins

Comply or die is already the 'law of the land'. The question, as always, is what are YOU going to do about it?

Mr. Krugman closes his piece with a particularly damning indictment; one that asks where the split is between loyalty to your party and loyalty for those on the receiving end of government brutality?

Sidebar to today's RED FLAG is that President pussygrabber has ended 'restrictions' on giving your local police department 'lightly used' military equipment.

Ask yourself good citizen how you feel about tanks rumbling down your quiet country lane in pursuit of a speeder? How many of you would feel 'safer' if you saw armored vehicles parked in the yard of the local PD?

How much more 'overt' could the fascists be? Do you look at this and think 'I'm safe now' or do you think 'resistance is futile'?

The LAST THING those trigger happy morons need is more FIREPOWER!

But this is how it begins and it takes a USEFUL IDIOT like Trump to get the ball rolling.

Did I mention the end is near? Actually most of the SINGLE FACTOR cheered when the end came some forty years ago.

['Morning in America' for those of you not born then.]

Democracy, we're doing it wrong!

Um, I have switched tactics and now write with the assumption that the intelligent don't require [detailed] explanations.

Belaboring the obvious serves no one.

That said it also negates the need for this blog...but I'm not hanging up my 'spurs' just yet.

My audience is small to begin with, the feeble aren't interested and my betters are wisely keeping their heads down and plotting how they will deal with the coming storm.

Could be as simple as insisting you are a 'good republican' but that's only going to carry you just so far. Smart people tip their hand by remaining silent when the stupid protest...and it's the one flaw they can pick up on.

And I'm doing it again...

Enough for today, keep your head down and bon chance!


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