Greetings good citizen. We have been taught to think in terms of opposites. We think and even speak in terms of how things are either positive or negative.
The seeds of wisdom come from the realization that nothing is PURE. [Even concepts are 'tainted'!]
With this as a baseline we arrive at the shocking realization that in the absence of good, bad becomes 'normal' (less worse/unacceptable.)
Has our life become an exercise in choosing between 'lesser evils' (until we arrive at the choice between suicide and murder?)
The 'Overton Window' [the practice of playing 'shock & awe'] has removed 'good' from our sight leaving only 'less bad'.
Think I'm 'talking in circles' (or worse, confusing your already overtaxed mind with 'psycho-babble'?
Ask yourself right now, "What is 'GOOD'?"
First thing most of you think of is certainly the best...but it has it's downside by resulting in the greatest elephant in the room threatening humanity...over-population! (The direct outcome of (ironically) having 'nothing better to do'...)
What else is good? Is it lifting humanity out of poverty or is it ripping the throat out of your (imaginary) 'enemy'?
Why is one omnipresent and the other nowhere to be found? When you have no choice, whatever remains becomes 'normal'. [For the feckless, War is an endless buffet of opportunity!]
Today's 'enemies' (armed by the too much money and no place to invest crowd) face nuclear annihilation...except exterminating the 'terrorists' means wiping out the main engine of the underground economy! [a.k.a. criminal enterprise.]
Is ANY of this being reported on by the feckless media? No! Aren't you SHOCKED (nevermind being 'under awed') by this blatant misdirection of your already overtaxed imagination?
Here we are, a HALF TRILLION dollars poorer fighting 'global terrorism' for our very existence and not ONE 'News Organization' is asking 'where are the guns coming from?'
You don't want 'answers', you want ENEMIES!
Well, what is 'good'?
If you have to ask then there is something drastically 'wrong' with this picture. Isn't all of this 'technology' supposed to be 'improving' our lives?
Did I forget to mention we have lifted our foot from the necks of a race of 'mindless opportunists'? {The government that was supposed to be keeping them in check now belongs to THEM!]
What could go wrong?
Don't look now but you're soaking in it. [That fetid stench...that's you too! We call it 'desperation'...]
But I do have good news to share, they have found the cure to Alzheimer's and it's pretty straight-forward (although it seems very few can do it...)
In order to prevent 'brain atrophy' YOU HAVE TO USE IT!
Who says all the only thing you'll find here are 'doom & gloom'? [Quite the contrary, this site is the primary BEACON OF HOPE! (for ALL humanity!)]
Face it good citizen, if you are a 'regular' person, good is really just 'less bad'. If you want more good you're going to have to kick some dead ass for it [and there's nothing you like more than kicking dead asses! Good all by itself, isn't it?]
Need some motivation? Look no further than the poster child for Rich = Stupid and act accordingly [also targets just whose sitting parts are deceased!]
Aren't you glad you came? Share this with your bud's! [Go ahead, it's free!] What's better on a Friday than spreading some cheer?
Thanks for letting me inside your head!
The seeds of wisdom come from the realization that nothing is PURE. [Even concepts are 'tainted'!]
With this as a baseline we arrive at the shocking realization that in the absence of good, bad becomes 'normal' (less worse/unacceptable.)
Has our life become an exercise in choosing between 'lesser evils' (until we arrive at the choice between suicide and murder?)
The 'Overton Window' [the practice of playing 'shock & awe'] has removed 'good' from our sight leaving only 'less bad'.
Think I'm 'talking in circles' (or worse, confusing your already overtaxed mind with 'psycho-babble'?
Ask yourself right now, "What is 'GOOD'?"
First thing most of you think of is certainly the best...but it has it's downside by resulting in the greatest elephant in the room threatening humanity...over-population! (The direct outcome of (ironically) having 'nothing better to do'...)
What else is good? Is it lifting humanity out of poverty or is it ripping the throat out of your (imaginary) 'enemy'?
Why is one omnipresent and the other nowhere to be found? When you have no choice, whatever remains becomes 'normal'. [For the feckless, War is an endless buffet of opportunity!]
Today's 'enemies' (armed by the too much money and no place to invest crowd) face nuclear annihilation...except exterminating the 'terrorists' means wiping out the main engine of the underground economy! [a.k.a. criminal enterprise.]
Is ANY of this being reported on by the feckless media? No! Aren't you SHOCKED (nevermind being 'under awed') by this blatant misdirection of your already overtaxed imagination?
Here we are, a HALF TRILLION dollars poorer fighting 'global terrorism' for our very existence and not ONE 'News Organization' is asking 'where are the guns coming from?'
You don't want 'answers', you want ENEMIES!
Well, what is 'good'?
If you have to ask then there is something drastically 'wrong' with this picture. Isn't all of this 'technology' supposed to be 'improving' our lives?
Did I forget to mention we have lifted our foot from the necks of a race of 'mindless opportunists'? {The government that was supposed to be keeping them in check now belongs to THEM!]
What could go wrong?
Don't look now but you're soaking in it. [That fetid stench...that's you too! We call it 'desperation'...]
But I do have good news to share, they have found the cure to Alzheimer's and it's pretty straight-forward (although it seems very few can do it...)
In order to prevent 'brain atrophy' YOU HAVE TO USE IT!
Who says all the only thing you'll find here are 'doom & gloom'? [Quite the contrary, this site is the primary BEACON OF HOPE! (for ALL humanity!)]
Face it good citizen, if you are a 'regular' person, good is really just 'less bad'. If you want more good you're going to have to kick some dead ass for it [and there's nothing you like more than kicking dead asses! Good all by itself, isn't it?]
Need some motivation? Look no further than the poster child for Rich = Stupid and act accordingly [also targets just whose sitting parts are deceased!]
Aren't you glad you came? Share this with your bud's! [Go ahead, it's free!] What's better on a Friday than spreading some cheer?
Thanks for letting me inside your head!
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