Saturday, August 5, 2017

Lateness of the hour...

Greetings good citizen, Time waits for no-one. We can (and have) dithered while the palace guard [and our own fears] have kept our baser natures in check.

You know what has to be done but the will to do it [upsetting the proverbial 'applecart' in the process] isn't there.

Once again we want someone else to act while we watch (preferably from a point of safety.) That way if it goes badly (like it did in Turkey) we won't become collateral damage in the 'purges' that follow failure.

In yet another 'elephant in the room' situation, it is and always has been about 'survival'. Our inability to recognize the enemy [in this case those elected to protect us] has doomed our efforts from the start.

Problem with 'politicians' is it's not about 'the public good'. It's about 'party loyalty' and being 'responsive' to campaign contributors.

We don't have time (or the patience) to wait until another messiah shows up and points out the error of our ways. [A 'reckoning' is surely coming but it will be the 'wrong' kind, it will suppress those who speak against the status quo. [Bizarrely, tyrants believe if they can 'crush dissent' then all is well. If nobody complains, then everything is right with the world!

A world where complaints are met with death is just wrong in the first place.

Complaints and pickiness are how we move forward as a species. Quality is driven by 'dissatisfaction', probably a good idea to caution you better is a totally relative term.

W. thought things would be better if he were a dictator.

As I shared in a recent piece, having a beer with this man would be like drinking alone, he doesn't have a thought in his head!

This, ironically, made him the perfect 'empty vessel' for the presidency. How bizarre is it that they don't come much 'emptier' than the current 'Commander-in-chief'?

You saw this coming, didn't you? We have arrived at the question you've all been avoiding...HOW DO WE 'FIX' THIS?

You know the answer already...WE CAN'T! The 'mechanics' don't exist. The toolbox doesn't open on our side and the only drawer we can reach is barren.

[Doesn't matter who you elect if they ALL take their marching orders from the feckless few.]

Not going to spend a lot of time with this, you have other things to do.

Yesterday I told you we needed to shut this kabuki dance down. To achieve victory we need only 'kink' the supply lines, the 'cascading failure' will carry it the rest of the way.

The mystery lies in what percentage will do the trick? The feckless, in preparation for 'the final showdown', have already eliminated 'redundancy' so there is virtually zero 'back-up/flexibility' in the supply chain.

Since transportation is headed towards crisis levels, I'd guess less than ten percent would be enough to bring things to a screeching halt.

Not as 'daunting' as it appears...and the feckless are even stupider than you think they are! They've done half the work for us!

One good shove and it all comes tumbling down. We can fix it again fairly quickly but they intentionally made the supply chain fragile.

Now we need to exploit that stupidity!

Enjoy your vacation!


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