Greetings good citizen, do you suppose the parade of elephants will ever stop? There are so many of them it's no wonder nobody sees them!
One of today's headlines bemoans the gains Iran is making in neighboring Afghanistan [after Richistan spent close to a half Trillion dollars doing who knows what, but SAYING they were trying to establish a 'stable democracy'.
Let's think about that one for a order for Democracy to function properly it requires a corruption free environment.
Why is Democracy a failure wherever it is claimed to exist?
Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?
Wrong! The answer is the same one it always is...STUPIDITY!
We are TOLD we have a Democracy but what do we KNOW about the people who tell us what they want us to think?
It is IMPOSSIBLE to have a 'working democracy' when ALL of the other systems under it ARE CORRUPT!
It starts with the commerce system which wouldn't be corrupt if not for the justice system...why do they remain corrupt? Look no further than the Educational system!
Most of you MORONS wouldn't know corruption if it bit you on the ass! Oh, you know it when you see it but who do you report it to? The corrupt cops or the corrupt politicians?
Where is Dudley Du Wright when you need an honest man? That's Right! He's a CARTOON!
Who else thinks this 'go along to get along BS has gone on too long?
[Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?...(sigh) Alone again...naturally.]
I get ahead of myself [as usual.] Let me slip her into reverse for a moment...(you shouldn't notice a thing.)
Okay, returning to you know it when you see it...that part is true. [Leave aside the what to do about it part.] We ALL have a built in 'right vs. wrong' detector the clergy refers to as YOUR 'moral compass'. [We shall also ignore the other elephant in the room, where does preacher keep theirs? Quick to point out YOUR failings, they seldom own up to their own!]
Is there anything that ISN'T corrupt [other than advertised]? (Short answer: no.)
Why is everything...'spoiled'? The self-interested, those who put THEIR interests FIRST.
How do we prevent the self-interested from advancing their own agenda?
In politics they call it 'Sunshine' but what they mean is 'transparency'. Do you remember legislatures across the nation signing/enacting 'Sunshine Laws'...didn't last long, did it?
Some of you aren't old enough to remember the last (faux) attempt to 'drain the swamp'. Committees still meet 'in secret' so feeble were the sunshine laws because the politicians found the obligation of notifying the public when they were meeting 'too onerous'.
Actually, politicians can meet in secret all they want, it's when it come to enacting legislation [that none of them have time to read] that they feel the need to be 'above boards'.
This is why I advocate for Direct Democracy, so EVERYBODY knows up front 'what's in the box' (and what's 'expected' to come out of it.)
SINCE the Sunshine laws we have seen the repeal of the New Deal, the global collapse of the banking system and the 'suspension' of Habeas Corpus as well as the repeal of the prohibition against usury [the return of predatory 'payday' loans better known as 'loan-sharking'.]
THIS ONE came out of that 'empty suit' W!
Why are The Progressives NOT making political hay with this odious piece of legislation? They would be if our alleged Democracy had a corruption free environment to operate in, but that's not the case. What we have is opportunists pretending to represent/protect YOU!
All too easy to fall back on the 'what part of 'this IS Hell' don't you get? Made that much more hellish by the fact it doesn't have to be this way.
Except if we shrug and accept the notion that 'maybe we are 'too stupid' to deserve a better existence.'
If we accept this is 'as good as it gets' it will all be over soon and then there won't be anything to worry about...extinct is forever.
Are you ready to accept your fate or do you want to join the revolution and fight for a fair and equal society?
That asked, let me take a moment to dust off another aspect of me.
You'd have to slug through a tremendous amount of essays to uncover another of my 'hobby horses' and that is I'm a Humanist, a 'species first' type that honestly believes ALL humans are EQUAL. [The only ones I've met and disdain are the ones who think they are superior for any one of a variety of reasons...most heinous of these being 'the elect of god'. That god chose them for the life they were born into. Totally ignoring the fact they are the progeny of THIEVES!]
Which pretty much explains why the whole world is corrupt.
I suspect it's even worse than that but one step at a time, I think you'd agree.
Woe unto you, aware of the situation but powerless to alter a single iota by yourself.
I'd apologize but in the end it is what it is.
Thank you for letting ME inside YOUR head, in as much as it is, ya know? A lot of the junk in here ain't yours...
One of today's headlines bemoans the gains Iran is making in neighboring Afghanistan [after Richistan spent close to a half Trillion dollars doing who knows what, but SAYING they were trying to establish a 'stable democracy'.
Let's think about that one for a order for Democracy to function properly it requires a corruption free environment.
Why is Democracy a failure wherever it is claimed to exist?
Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?
Wrong! The answer is the same one it always is...STUPIDITY!
We are TOLD we have a Democracy but what do we KNOW about the people who tell us what they want us to think?
It is IMPOSSIBLE to have a 'working democracy' when ALL of the other systems under it ARE CORRUPT!
It starts with the commerce system which wouldn't be corrupt if not for the justice system...why do they remain corrupt? Look no further than the Educational system!
Most of you MORONS wouldn't know corruption if it bit you on the ass! Oh, you know it when you see it but who do you report it to? The corrupt cops or the corrupt politicians?
Where is Dudley Du Wright when you need an honest man? That's Right! He's a CARTOON!
Who else thinks this 'go along to get along BS has gone on too long?
[Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?...(sigh) Alone again...naturally.]
I get ahead of myself [as usual.] Let me slip her into reverse for a moment...(you shouldn't notice a thing.)
Okay, returning to you know it when you see it...that part is true. [Leave aside the what to do about it part.] We ALL have a built in 'right vs. wrong' detector the clergy refers to as YOUR 'moral compass'. [We shall also ignore the other elephant in the room, where does preacher keep theirs? Quick to point out YOUR failings, they seldom own up to their own!]
Is there anything that ISN'T corrupt [other than advertised]? (Short answer: no.)
Why is everything...'spoiled'? The self-interested, those who put THEIR interests FIRST.
How do we prevent the self-interested from advancing their own agenda?
In politics they call it 'Sunshine' but what they mean is 'transparency'. Do you remember legislatures across the nation signing/enacting 'Sunshine Laws'...didn't last long, did it?
Some of you aren't old enough to remember the last (faux) attempt to 'drain the swamp'. Committees still meet 'in secret' so feeble were the sunshine laws because the politicians found the obligation of notifying the public when they were meeting 'too onerous'.
Actually, politicians can meet in secret all they want, it's when it come to enacting legislation [that none of them have time to read] that they feel the need to be 'above boards'.
This is why I advocate for Direct Democracy, so EVERYBODY knows up front 'what's in the box' (and what's 'expected' to come out of it.)
SINCE the Sunshine laws we have seen the repeal of the New Deal, the global collapse of the banking system and the 'suspension' of Habeas Corpus as well as the repeal of the prohibition against usury [the return of predatory 'payday' loans better known as 'loan-sharking'.]
THIS ONE came out of that 'empty suit' W!
Why are The Progressives NOT making political hay with this odious piece of legislation? They would be if our alleged Democracy had a corruption free environment to operate in, but that's not the case. What we have is opportunists pretending to represent/protect YOU!
All too easy to fall back on the 'what part of 'this IS Hell' don't you get? Made that much more hellish by the fact it doesn't have to be this way.
Except if we shrug and accept the notion that 'maybe we are 'too stupid' to deserve a better existence.'
If we accept this is 'as good as it gets' it will all be over soon and then there won't be anything to worry about...extinct is forever.
Are you ready to accept your fate or do you want to join the revolution and fight for a fair and equal society?
That asked, let me take a moment to dust off another aspect of me.
You'd have to slug through a tremendous amount of essays to uncover another of my 'hobby horses' and that is I'm a Humanist, a 'species first' type that honestly believes ALL humans are EQUAL. [The only ones I've met and disdain are the ones who think they are superior for any one of a variety of reasons...most heinous of these being 'the elect of god'. That god chose them for the life they were born into. Totally ignoring the fact they are the progeny of THIEVES!]
Which pretty much explains why the whole world is corrupt.
I suspect it's even worse than that but one step at a time, I think you'd agree.
Woe unto you, aware of the situation but powerless to alter a single iota by yourself.
I'd apologize but in the end it is what it is.
Thank you for letting ME inside YOUR head, in as much as it is, ya know? A lot of the junk in here ain't yours...
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