Sunday, August 27, 2017


Greetings good citizen, seems everybody is squawking about justice but like all 'relative terms', seems few could pick justice out of a line-up even if it was the only item there.

Now we have a...'dolt' in charge of the nation making mince-meat of the legal system...and those 'the Dolt' appointed to run the justice system are clueless regarding what to do about it. [or if the should/CAN do anything at all.]

Remember, for evil to succeed all 'good men' need do is remain still & silent [or be silenced by the monied media.]

Circling back to the central issue of nobody being able to pick this 'justice' character out of a line-up...

Every government has a 'Justice Department' (and like their 'Intelligence Agencies') nobody knows where they are or what they do with the billions the clueless 'tough on crime' politicians shower upon them.

We see the end result [of the for profit prison system.] A system that incarcerates millions for possessing a substance that [temporarily] relieves the pain of this existence caused by a system incapable of recognizing JUSTICE even if it were crushing them to death.

Dare I sing the refrain? [Hard to believe we need a place called Hell...]

While we all possess [in varying degrees] an internal sense of 'right & wrong'. Sadly, there is NO [as in none] innate system governing 'proportion' because 'intelligence' varies widely. A 'wise' person knows mistakes are often their own punishment...but only 'smart' people get this. The, er, 'less intelligent' want to have those who wrong them torn to pieces by raging bulls...[and it only gets more sadistic from here. Yes there is a distinct link between sadism and your inner savage...which speaks volumes about the popularity of horror movies...and those who love them. Yes, I'm looking at YOU Ladies!]

How horrific is it that the equation keeps being reduced to single factor?

Given the tendency to 'shoot the messenger' I will [for once] refrain from 'belaboring the obvious'. The ones that understand don't need the equation explained to them [and the ones that don't will never get it no matter how you spell it out for them.]

But, as usual, I digress...back to the subject at hand.

Again, those who 'know' don't need the situation spelled out for them. Justice is just another way of saying 'you'lll do it my way or you'll pay the price for 'failure to comply'.

For most of us, that's the 'reality' of Justice, more apty named the 'comply or die' department. Shame most fail to see the irony of their also being in charge of 'fates worse than death'.

I think we will use the term 'single factor' as our 'secret handshake'. Again, those who 'get it' know what I'm talking about and don't need it explained to them.

Did it again...restarting.

Considering how important the 'appearance of justice' is to social stability we can only wonder why those in charge have turned this particular cannon loose on us at this particular juncture?

Those in charge of justice have zero interest in seeing it done.

Is it a 'dream' to even contemplate 'justice for all'?

I don't think so. Thus did I craft A Simple Plan so the 'reasonably intelligent' wouldn't get exiled just for spitting on the sidewalk. [If that happens, the wrong people have seized control (again!)]

The first step in creating 'an environment of justice' is EQUALITY...the criminals currently in charge allow too many 'exceptions' for their system to ever be JUST. [Under A Simple Plan, the laws will be 'straight-forward' and few...sort of like the commandments without the 'self-serving' parts.]


The assumption here is if you're on the 'right side' of the 'single factor', you don't need this explained to you. You also already understand there can be NO justice without equality!

The Nazis aren't interested in Justice, the operate under the slaver's universal 'comply or die' rubric.

So what does this say about president pussygrabber?

It says there are some truly twisted weirdos running things and if we don't bring them to heel the consequeces will be dire!

Once again citing 'single factor', those running things consider public office putting themselve in the crosshairs, and again, those on the right side of the single factor don't need the rest explained to them.

Much to cogitate...time to get busy!

Until next time head,


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