Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Unending conflict

Greetings good citizen, just spitballing here but do you suppose we, er, 'tolerate' a state of perpetual war because it keeps the thugs off the streets?

While we'd like to think 'lesson learned' we obviously haven't learned anything cuz our education started beck during the Crusades [to 'save' the 'holyland' from the heathen Muslims...]

What do you suppose 'the lesson' is from religious 'holy war'?

Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?

How about you don't have a 'winner' until there is only one belief system remaining. Holy war doesn't end until one side eradicates the other.

What usually happens is one side 'beats down' the other to the point where a truce is called so the losers can 're-group'.

Then when their numbers refresh, the fighting resumes.

So the 'replenishment' of troops in Afghanistan still doesn't have a stated goal...and if you can't figure it out, re-read the above!

If a 'diplomatic solution' isn't reached the conflict in the Middle East will never end.

What YOU need to understand is what's really behind the fighting. This isn't Jaweh vs Allah, it's about the hopelessness of living in an economic desert!

You're living in your parent's basement for pretty much the same reasons the Taliban wages jihad on its own people...because them that has are fighting to keep what they stole.

No different here. You're living 'a life without a future' because them that has is doing everything in their power to keep what they should be sharing.

The 'solution' to this? Change the economic system OR engage in bloody revolution as we have so many times in the past...because it seems we are incapable of 'learning'.

Things don't change because we keep letting morons have their way.

I think we're all longing for a 'George Bailey' moment when the realization hits us like a bag of hammers that we are the victims of our own stupidity!

Until that glorious day we shall continue to mine for gold in cesspools and count ourselves lucky we have something to do.

So much waste, so little concern. It truly is a conundrum.

Well Head, thanks for stopping by...tell the meat suit I said Hi!


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