Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Accident or design?

Greetings good citizen, like the title asks we can only wonder which force is in play concerning the crumbling of what passes for our government.

The public's 'watchdog' the 'run this not that media' [if you want to still be working here tomorrow. When the truth is held hostage to a paycheck it suffers mightily!] is remarkably 'unconcerned' about the loose cannon sliding to and fro across the deck of our 'ship of state'.

Not being a political historian I have no idea [save that it hasn't happened before in my sixty years here] of how much 'attrition' is 'normal' for a new administration trying to find its footing in a rudderless world.

Since the current environment is 'unprecedented' I am left to speculate that a man widely known for saying 'you're fired' is just staying in character [despite the consequences.]

Principal 'pitfall' of Capitalism is it's founding premise, ownership and the 'god/king-like' authority that ownership conveys. As the proprietor what you say goes, right, wrong or indifferent [and it is almost NEVER indifferent...]

Absolute Power corrupts how is it we have a man raised from birth to believe he is better than anyone else placed [he lost the popular vote] in charge of the very body established to protect society from people like him?

Having lost the popular vote, the 'electoral college' used gerrymandered districts to 'engineer' a Republican win. What did the public do about this blatant cheating? Same thing it did when the party representing it was defunded...slept.

Worse, all save the terminally stupid know this mess was created [and made worse by] Republicanism. [Why Republican's? Because they were always the 'weaker' party...deep pockets but like the society it mirrors, far fewer in number.]

Our nation HASN'T gotten richer in the past forty years. The wealthy few have 'commandeered' the institutions established to keep them in check. Literally bought them [ironically with stocks of all things, the most 'nebulous' kind of money there is!] as the systems 'watchdogs' were 'bought off' with stocks that rose 'irrationally' same way they keep rising now.

If you are too stupid to see you/we are being 'flim-flammed' [again, the primary culprit here is ignorance, both of what's being done and what can be done about it!

And this is where we have to wake up and smell the Ovaltine!

Since THEY [the aforementioned CRIMINALS] literally control what currently passes for the Justice System THERE IS NO LEGAL SOLUTION/RECOURSE!

The feckless have 'legitimized' all of their actions behind the cloak of 'national security' and [no longer] 'our' government serves them and them ALONE!

How do we fix this? The old fashioned way I'm afraid. STOP EVERYTHING [literally]

Yes, I said the old-fashioned way but blood in the streets solves nothing while [more than a little ironically] NOTHING in the streets solves EVERYTHING!

So where do you think this is headed now that we are 40 years into the 'Republican Revolution'? [a.k.a. Morning in America]

If you continue to ignore the situation I strongly advise you 'eat dessert first' because it is increasingly unlikely that you will survive to eat it afterwards.

I told you what to do. I told you why to do it but ultimately the choice is yours. Continue living on your knees for your meager paycheck [until they put you out to pasture] or stand up for yourself and refuse to move until you get a fair shake, like the deal laid out in A Simple Plan.

[ASP = Free housing, utilities, services (including healthcare,) education, transportation. Protection from crime via the elimination of cash, protection against the criminally insane via exile/dueling [seems bad now but you'll be amazed how quickly they will smarten up and back off once their 'peers' aren't there to back them up anymore.] Protection against the rapacious via the Human Anti-Exploitation Law, which makes the whole system just and fair! [no more 'owners'!]

You will NOT see climate regulation nor population control under the current system run by the will see the destruction of civilization and widescale death due [mostly] to civil unrest as the government pretends to be 'helpless' to fight the circumstances the rapacious have created for us.

Accident or design?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


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