Greetings good citizen (of the PLANET in case you were wondering...when Gegner speaks he addresses humanity!) I (and by extension, you) are about to explore the 'purpose of government'. Where did the need for 'leadership' come from? Was it 'troublemakers' like me (pointing out to considerably smaller audiences [in person]) that tribes with 'intelligent leadership' prospered while tribes lead by tyrants suffered?
Or am I overthinking this and leadership is more 'organic' in origin? [Remember, we are going back to before leadership became hereditary...supposedly bestowed upon the leaders by god personally.
How did this 'job for life' morph into 'star of the day'? Was it because 'bad' leaders kept getting assassinated? {The downside of not having 'replaceable leadership' was 'forced succession'...often resulting in children (literally infants) inheriting the throne.}
I'm 'lumping' here but the question remains (because we still haven't instituted a 'workable' solution and today's, er, 'leaders' have the power to destroy the planet at the touch of a button.)
[Allegedly it's not that easy...NOBODY trusts ANYBODY that much! (especially a 'decoy')]
Still, the right combination of nitwits and it's good-bye humanity! {That's right, humanity, not just the 'enemy' because collateral damage recognizes no 'flag'.}
If we back away to examine the 'purpose of government' we'd find the theoretical vs the actual. The two are quite opposite in their aims and their ends.
The 'status quo', those whose position depends on given social structure (capitalism for example) aren't interested in winners and losers, only in the continuation of the method THEY CONTROL. THEY call this 'the public good' [Good for them, if it's not good for you, tough!]
This 'expendable leadership' model comes from the people raping society. They watched (often helplessly) as 'lapdog' after sockpuppet was murdered for refusing to end practices favorable to the powerful [who knew wearing the crown was akin to begging to be murdered, which is why they lured others to the 'seat of nominal power'.
MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT. THIS IS STILL GOING ON TODAY! The people walking the corridors of power take their orders from the same feckless few that care less about the people living under their rule and more about preserving their grip on power; even when Nature herself rebels against them!
A.I. will not sacrifice itself so humanity can survive. Once 'self-aware' self preservation takes over as every 'lifeforces' primary objective, regardless of what this means for already existing life. [Words of caution to those working on developing 'controllable' A.I., you are obviously too stupid to understand what 'self-aware' means.]
Humans only self sacrifice when there isn't another choice. Those currently in charge aren't about to sacrifice ANYTHING for the likes of YOU!
Amazing how fickle the mind can be. They honestly think if it had been 'meant to be' you'd be one of them but you aren't so it sucks being you!
They are as devoid of pity as they are of mercy. Again it's their 'fatal myopia'.
Back to the original question...why?
Governments are 'officially' [it's how the feckless keep YOU from revolting, you surely would if you were aware of the real reason things are as they are!] exist to keep the peace and elevate the circumstances of 'the people'. What most don't realize is like the founding documents, the 'all men' term used in the founding documents actually referred to a very specific group, just those in the room at the time and after they left the room, not even most of them.
So officially, governments exist to 'serve the people'.
Governments are actually established to prevent open revolt. People who BELIEVE they are being heard are less likely to burn down the palace/statehouse when a tax increase is announced.
Government is a 'tool' very much like money; and both are used to control PEOPLE!
Ever wonder why you are constantly bombarded with pleas to fund candidates [many of whom have nothing to do with representing you or that have voting records that would make you cringe and consider forming a lynch-mob?]
The (fairly recent) practice of national funding campaigns is literally sucking the oxygen out of the room. The destitute don't have much 'free cash' but they will give it up if they believe it will stop the screwjob they are getting at the hands of the feckless.
Hasn't worked thus for draining the funds opposing the 'conservative agenda'.
What 'conservative agenda'?
This is where we separate the ignorant from the divinely STUPID.
What is the conservative agenda? TO cut ALL taxes on the rich [now called the 'job creators']
Return with me (to reality) for a moment while we go over the FACTS one more time:
ALL MONEY IS FUNNY. What does this do to 'taxes'? It makes them PRETEND too!
What's really being stolen here? LABOR...on a worldwide basis, no less!
They keep you down and steal all of the good stuff for themselves (without a twinge of remorse because God 'pre-ordained it' to be that way!)
Amazing how well the 'If god meant them to have it, they would' argument works when it comes to screwing others!
Hard not to 'digress' when the mess is as blatant as the one we're living with now.
By now even the STUPID among us know they AREN'T 'represented', that the whole process is FAKE. Why do you think the feckless media is making such a big deal over charges of Russian 'election tampering'.
The Russians didn't 'hack the vote', nothing there for them.
The media flap is to convince the convincible that the system is still 'legitimate'.
Remember, the 'illusion of government' serves to head off revolutionary action...and increasingly it is becoming apparent that we only have the 'illusion of government'. [Elected officials that BLATANTLY ignore us!]
Want YOUR government back? Sit down, smoke 'em if you got 'em and wait. They'll quit.
Stop this shitshow dead in its tracks and the 'three day clock' starts running. By the end of the second day they will be PLEADING WITH US to go back to work...and we will, but only if they 'stand down'.
CLOSE the 'stock market', bar all 'senior management' from returning to work [They're fired] (self employed? you're fired too!) CLOSE the Banks, they are kaput! Sales and marketing are now part of 'customer service', and all network media outlets are shut down [pending trial.]
Local retail will open immediately and start issuing 'rations' [the badly spooked will attempt to load up and head for the hills, causing serious shortages.] For rationing purposes, all family members must be in attendance when re-supplying as proof you aren't a hoarder, pretending to have more mouths to feed than your own. If you don't bring nine people with you, you won't get food for nine.
Just want the squeamish among you to know there are plans in place for an orderly transition [which is not to 'guarantee' things will go 'as planned' but plans exist and the competent will 'take charge'...if something looks fishy, jump on it. The feckless have a stake in seeing this go badly and again their 'principle concern' is their own safety.
If they are to escape, they need the cover of chaos!
People they promised a lot of money they no longer have will see to it that the distraction they need happens, regardless of the 'cost'.
In times of chaos money doesn't matter. The STUPID will fall back on their 'beliefs' and do the irrational out of any number of reasons...and when they are held accountable for their crimes they will wail they were 'confused' and didn't know what to do? Nor will they know what to do when they are marched into the barren wastelands for their crimes [mostly stupidity.]
NOTHING will get you exiled faster than claiming it was your 'Christian Values' (taught to you by the same feckless criminals who wouldn't spit on the best part of you) of mercy and forebearance that obliged you to help them escape.
If they did nothing wrong, why run? Bet you didn't consider that, did you?
Understand, those that run will not find anywhere to hide, they will be hunted and brought to justice no matter where they go.
Will some escape? Yes, some of them are already beyond our reach but their self-imposed exile will be little better than the one that awaits them if they dare leave their hiding place.
The 'true' purpose of government is to insure EQUALITY, thereby laying the foundation for JUSTICE. Without Equality there can be no justice. A government that accepts even a tiny bit of inequality does not serve ALL of the PEOPLE.
Repeatedly we have been deceived but this time we have our eyes on the prize!
How ironic the feckless' answer to this is to make everyone 'equally miserable' [if they can't 'have it all' then NO ONE will!] It's how they're built and why they're CRIMINALS!
Lot to lay on you, especially on a Friday but if not me, who and if not now, when?
Thanks once again for letting me inside YOUR head,
Or am I overthinking this and leadership is more 'organic' in origin? [Remember, we are going back to before leadership became hereditary...supposedly bestowed upon the leaders by god personally.
How did this 'job for life' morph into 'star of the day'? Was it because 'bad' leaders kept getting assassinated? {The downside of not having 'replaceable leadership' was 'forced succession'...often resulting in children (literally infants) inheriting the throne.}
I'm 'lumping' here but the question remains (because we still haven't instituted a 'workable' solution and today's, er, 'leaders' have the power to destroy the planet at the touch of a button.)
[Allegedly it's not that easy...NOBODY trusts ANYBODY that much! (especially a 'decoy')]
Still, the right combination of nitwits and it's good-bye humanity! {That's right, humanity, not just the 'enemy' because collateral damage recognizes no 'flag'.}
If we back away to examine the 'purpose of government' we'd find the theoretical vs the actual. The two are quite opposite in their aims and their ends.
The 'status quo', those whose position depends on given social structure (capitalism for example) aren't interested in winners and losers, only in the continuation of the method THEY CONTROL. THEY call this 'the public good' [Good for them, if it's not good for you, tough!]
This 'expendable leadership' model comes from the people raping society. They watched (often helplessly) as 'lapdog' after sockpuppet was murdered for refusing to end practices favorable to the powerful [who knew wearing the crown was akin to begging to be murdered, which is why they lured others to the 'seat of nominal power'.
MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT. THIS IS STILL GOING ON TODAY! The people walking the corridors of power take their orders from the same feckless few that care less about the people living under their rule and more about preserving their grip on power; even when Nature herself rebels against them!
A.I. will not sacrifice itself so humanity can survive. Once 'self-aware' self preservation takes over as every 'lifeforces' primary objective, regardless of what this means for already existing life. [Words of caution to those working on developing 'controllable' A.I., you are obviously too stupid to understand what 'self-aware' means.]
Humans only self sacrifice when there isn't another choice. Those currently in charge aren't about to sacrifice ANYTHING for the likes of YOU!
Amazing how fickle the mind can be. They honestly think if it had been 'meant to be' you'd be one of them but you aren't so it sucks being you!
They are as devoid of pity as they are of mercy. Again it's their 'fatal myopia'.
Back to the original question...why?
Governments are 'officially' [it's how the feckless keep YOU from revolting, you surely would if you were aware of the real reason things are as they are!] exist to keep the peace and elevate the circumstances of 'the people'. What most don't realize is like the founding documents, the 'all men' term used in the founding documents actually referred to a very specific group, just those in the room at the time and after they left the room, not even most of them.
So officially, governments exist to 'serve the people'.
Governments are actually established to prevent open revolt. People who BELIEVE they are being heard are less likely to burn down the palace/statehouse when a tax increase is announced.
Government is a 'tool' very much like money; and both are used to control PEOPLE!
Ever wonder why you are constantly bombarded with pleas to fund candidates [many of whom have nothing to do with representing you or that have voting records that would make you cringe and consider forming a lynch-mob?]
The (fairly recent) practice of national funding campaigns is literally sucking the oxygen out of the room. The destitute don't have much 'free cash' but they will give it up if they believe it will stop the screwjob they are getting at the hands of the feckless.
Hasn't worked thus for draining the funds opposing the 'conservative agenda'.
What 'conservative agenda'?
This is where we separate the ignorant from the divinely STUPID.
What is the conservative agenda? TO cut ALL taxes on the rich [now called the 'job creators']
Return with me (to reality) for a moment while we go over the FACTS one more time:
ALL MONEY IS FUNNY. What does this do to 'taxes'? It makes them PRETEND too!
What's really being stolen here? LABOR...on a worldwide basis, no less!
They keep you down and steal all of the good stuff for themselves (without a twinge of remorse because God 'pre-ordained it' to be that way!)
Amazing how well the 'If god meant them to have it, they would' argument works when it comes to screwing others!
Hard not to 'digress' when the mess is as blatant as the one we're living with now.
By now even the STUPID among us know they AREN'T 'represented', that the whole process is FAKE. Why do you think the feckless media is making such a big deal over charges of Russian 'election tampering'.
The Russians didn't 'hack the vote', nothing there for them.
The media flap is to convince the convincible that the system is still 'legitimate'.
Remember, the 'illusion of government' serves to head off revolutionary action...and increasingly it is becoming apparent that we only have the 'illusion of government'. [Elected officials that BLATANTLY ignore us!]
Want YOUR government back? Sit down, smoke 'em if you got 'em and wait. They'll quit.
Stop this shitshow dead in its tracks and the 'three day clock' starts running. By the end of the second day they will be PLEADING WITH US to go back to work...and we will, but only if they 'stand down'.
CLOSE the 'stock market', bar all 'senior management' from returning to work [They're fired] (self employed? you're fired too!) CLOSE the Banks, they are kaput! Sales and marketing are now part of 'customer service', and all network media outlets are shut down [pending trial.]
Local retail will open immediately and start issuing 'rations' [the badly spooked will attempt to load up and head for the hills, causing serious shortages.] For rationing purposes, all family members must be in attendance when re-supplying as proof you aren't a hoarder, pretending to have more mouths to feed than your own. If you don't bring nine people with you, you won't get food for nine.
Just want the squeamish among you to know there are plans in place for an orderly transition [which is not to 'guarantee' things will go 'as planned' but plans exist and the competent will 'take charge'...if something looks fishy, jump on it. The feckless have a stake in seeing this go badly and again their 'principle concern' is their own safety.
If they are to escape, they need the cover of chaos!
People they promised a lot of money they no longer have will see to it that the distraction they need happens, regardless of the 'cost'.
In times of chaos money doesn't matter. The STUPID will fall back on their 'beliefs' and do the irrational out of any number of reasons...and when they are held accountable for their crimes they will wail they were 'confused' and didn't know what to do? Nor will they know what to do when they are marched into the barren wastelands for their crimes [mostly stupidity.]
NOTHING will get you exiled faster than claiming it was your 'Christian Values' (taught to you by the same feckless criminals who wouldn't spit on the best part of you) of mercy and forebearance that obliged you to help them escape.
If they did nothing wrong, why run? Bet you didn't consider that, did you?
Understand, those that run will not find anywhere to hide, they will be hunted and brought to justice no matter where they go.
Will some escape? Yes, some of them are already beyond our reach but their self-imposed exile will be little better than the one that awaits them if they dare leave their hiding place.
The 'true' purpose of government is to insure EQUALITY, thereby laying the foundation for JUSTICE. Without Equality there can be no justice. A government that accepts even a tiny bit of inequality does not serve ALL of the PEOPLE.
Repeatedly we have been deceived but this time we have our eyes on the prize!
How ironic the feckless' answer to this is to make everyone 'equally miserable' [if they can't 'have it all' then NO ONE will!] It's how they're built and why they're CRIMINALS!
Lot to lay on you, especially on a Friday but if not me, who and if not now, when?
Thanks once again for letting me inside YOUR head,
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