Sunday, August 20, 2017


Greetings good citizen, yesterday a frustrated electorate got out in the streets and protested 'hate speech' [something the Republican's have been pedaling for decades.]

Somewhat surprised to learn yesterday's fizzled 'free speech' rally was organized by conservatives interested in protecting their right to ridicule anyone with the chutzpah to think for themselves.

That's what 'free speech' is to haters!

What does this say about a party where if you're not a flag draped, gun totin' true 'conservative', YOU'RE SCUM!

Gegner has maintained all along that parties exist to DIVIDE, we are ALL human first! There are none greater, or lesser, even the morons...and those so timid they are confused with those incapable of understanding what they are supporting, which is to say the 'go along to get along crowd.'

We are HUMAN and we must stop the self-interested in their ultimate aim of hiring half of us to kill the other half!

Yes, yesterday's 'stand up' was very good...but it wasn't enough.

Tune into El Rushbo tomorrow to see how effective your public demonstration really was. Will the stations that carry him [for free] cease to broadcast his tripe?

It's not the stations but the station OWNERS that give Rush his pulpit. Free content AND a cut of the advertising revenue! Doesn't get sweeter than that...but look at what such recklessness has done to the nation.

SO we return to the 'profits before the public weal' issue again...not that anyone has even thought about profits before people in over a decade, couldn't let it slip that you were 'secretly liberal' because you never know when they were going to start rounding up the liberals and shoving them in those 'detention centers' Homeland had built! [Remember when there wasn't a 'Homeland?' How sad is it that you voted for Reagan? Where did all those millions you were going to retire on from all that money you were pulling out of your money market account and stashing in your IRA, back when interest rates were sky high? Feeling stupid now?]

And the 'defenders of liberty' have been cowering for decades, ever since the money crawled out of the closet and said, enough of this nonsense, start hiring!

Which meant exactly what I referred to in the beginning of this piece.

The One Percent has long maintained they could hire half of the planets population to kill the other half...and since they 'owned' the justice system nobody could do spit about it...and so the 'hiring' began...with El Rushbo!

Well, the people who are finally tired of cowering stood up...and now we find ourselves at a junction. What do you suppose the feckless will do about this 'open defiance' of their will?

They already fired Bannion...the answer to the question is in who replaces him. Do they have the next Hitler in their hip pocket?

A truly scary question since Hitler was a 'made thing' too. Easy enough to make a new one. All it takes is money and a media that tells the public what YOU want them to hear.

We'll see, probably not soon but soon enough.

Thanks for letting me inside,


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