Saturday, August 25, 2018


Greetings good citizen, the feckless are fond of pointing to money and blaming everything on that but the real 'root of all evil' is legal and our increasingly 'fickle' justice system.

Income inequality (and its root cause, the private ownership of what belongs to us all) isn't a money problem, it's a legal dodge!

Money itself exists to facilitate specialization but those who control money use it to leverage the very best FOR THEMSELVES! The problem with this? THERE IS NO LEGAL REMEDY...although there should be.

The ROOT of A Simple Plan is 'paychecks all around' and the ladder of skills one must climb to increase one's salary. With each rung on the ladder achieved, perqs and other benefits are bestowed along with the increased responsibilities that come with higher office.

Also central to the mechanics of ASP is the FACT that 'money's singular useful purpose' is to regulate access.

So the law includes the 'rule of ten' where each pay grade [read ladder rung] is not to exceed ten units from the one below it. Over the course of a working career the individual will participate in 32* test cycles [Entering the workforce at 18 and achieving 'retirement age' at 50 [still young enough to enjoy one's 'twilight years'.

Our median wage [it costs exactly the same to feed a rich man as it does a poor one] is arrived at upon the 'mastery' of your chosen skill. There are 12 GENERAL fields of endeavor that are called the 12 divisions. Upon completing your 'basic education' which WILL teach you how to survive on your own! [Flunk this and you'll end up in Special Services, a nowhere, make work position that offers no advancement.] The typical individual should achieve mastery of their specialty inside ten years...and Masters pay WILL be enough to provide you with an average lifestyle.

At this point the tests become 'optional' the requirement to participate ends and moving up becomes a choice. SOME will never achieve mastery and will be doomed to spend their career taking the masters test but this should be rare. If you'd rather volunteer for Lord of the flies Island than be someone else's boss planting yourself in a master's seat becomes a 'mission accomplished'. NOBODY is penalized in the tests. Let's suppose you take and pass the test to become a manager then lose the spot in the next competition. You retain all of the benefits you accrued when you return to your master's seat. [you may also be offered a 'peripheral' position rather than returning to your former position but under no circumstances will you be out in the cold.

Work is how we 'participate' in society and those who don't want to work don't like people nor do they crave the belonging that comes with being part of the team.

There's a reason the lone wolf is better known as the ROGUE. ASP has zero room/tolerance for 'rugged individualism.' Those who champion this trait do so because they want you to fail.

Survival is a team effort but the feckless 'honor/glorify' the rogue because it justifies/symbolizes their own selfishness.

It is NEVER 'I human' but TEAM HUMANITY!

Look at where I 'the man' has brought the brink of collapse as the benefit of being a team member has been stolen from you by the feckless few.

The ones JUSTICE turns a blind eye towards.

You all don't suppose we should fix this ME problem?

It starts by putting the LAW beyond the reach of those who would bend it to their own benefit.

No more badges, no more judges and no more 'OWNERS', if we are to survive then this world HAS TO BE OURS!

We should ALL be 'rich' in ways the feckless never imagined. GOLD truly is worthless and money is the LIE we all agree to, it should never be the 'be all end all.' [That's why under ASP your money is for YOU and YOU alone!]

What will you do when you reach 50? Join the military? Under ASP the minimum age to join the military is more sending our kids off to die...and by then there will be a 'Space Force' because we will live on a 'united planet' run by people that have humanity's best interests at heart. People who understand the value of teamwork and relish their place on the team!

The beauty of this team is the only requirement for inclusion is being HUMAN, if you're a self centered dolt, membership revoked and you'll receive free of charge, an all expense paid trip to Lord of the flies Island, there to live out your days however you wish, free of the 'tyranny' of having to care about others.

And that's what our 'rogues' think about the rest of humanity, they aren't worth the consideration never mind the courtesy.

How disturbing is it that their parents RAISE THEM TO BE LIKE THIS!

Um, perhaps it will be easier for you to understand my rage at how far removed we've become from what we could be to what you see today.

Death to the rogues! [which the feckless will deftly point at the destitute (they have made) and say, "that's them over there!"

The 'Two Americas' made famous by St. Ronnie and clarified by W. when he told us who his 'constituents' were in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS {the HAVES and the HAVE MORES} must end with the nation's first (and last) billionaire president.

ASP is DESIGNED to sweep the planet, not by military conquest but via trade. [It will be illegal to trade with non ASP nations]

Once the feckless have been removed from power (simply by declaring their money illegal) Their power structures will 'self destruct' when cash is eliminated.

Who knew justice could be so swift?

You may not be 'sold**' yet but believe me the alternative, less than an arm's length away is worse, much worse!

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


* if you strive for leadership...and anyone can, along with everyone being encouraged to!

** zero irony your fear that you might be considered a moron by your peers and end up exiled...and some of you rightly so understand that exile is the ultimate punishment and reserved for the most unsalvageable cases. [Those who have repeatedly demonstrated a 'callous disregard' for the rules we all agree to live by.] ONCE is not enough...except for murder, then you can bet it's 'one and done.'

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