Wednesday, August 1, 2018


Greetings good citizen, the, er, 'trend' towards compartmentalizing our lives has caused us to lose focus on the bigger picture.

We have taken our eye off the ball.

United we stand but united we're not.

Seems your relentless focus on the minor annoyances that are and always have been part in parcel with this existence has produced a generation that has no idea what is 'important' or what they 'value'...(no, not even your children! You regularly throw them under the bus by voting against pay hikes for teachers nevermind letting the feckless set the curriculum so your kids are taught 'spirit in the sky' is behind all of this unbridled greed!)

While it is a kick in the shins you are, er, 'forgiven' because we tend to concentrate on the things we can do something about while the things we have no (direct) control over we let slide. [Please pause for a moment and ask yourself how did we get here?]

As the lay-offs and price hikes from El Rumpo's 'trade war' hit the consumer market [don't even want to think about harvest time when Murika's number one export FOOD rots in the fields because no 'self-respecting' Murikan breaks their back in the hot sun for less than minimum wage.

[Momma didn't raise no idiots, they done raised themselves!]

How do you 'lifehack' your way out of failure to launch caused by the class war the rich pretend isn't happening?

Put on a mask and go raping?

Damn good way to get yourself killed but the 'urge' is baked in [it's why 'sexual harassment' will NEVER go away.]

Worse, the same 'drive' is behind sexual deviance! If you can't get it one way, that doesn't stop anyone from trying the 'alternatives'.

Desperation is a terrible thing and it seems the advantaged have made it their goal create as much desperation as they can [pathetically enough because they find it 'amusing'...]

So when the wheels come flying off [Cuz that idiot that raised itself now occupies the White House and he's on a one man mission to derail the global economy (just because his buddies can) so his, er, 'handlers' can engage in spreading more misery upon the helpless. [hint: find a mirror so you're not both 'helpless AND clueless!']

We have let the feckless make a playground of the machinery of survival and now we are going to pay the price for the decades of slashing redundancy in the name of profits [for those who needed them the least!]

How we failed to recognize the psychotic nature of the policies of our behind the scenes overlords is a disaster that lies squarely at the feet of the privately owned media.

Funny how the owner gets to decide what the 'public' needs to know...but you're supposed to believe this is all on the level and they wouldn't throw away the careful planning of our ancestors just because they wanted revenge, would they?

Se habla 'collusion'? This is the stuff Murika's Mayor is asking the profoundly stupid if it is even a crime.

Well, when a group of sub-human morons band together to DEFRAUD the rest of us out of our rightful share, THAT'S WHAT 'COLLUSION' IS!

The 'rich' couldn't have gotten away with their crimes if the media hadn't been in on it...and look at what they got away with!

Now they are planning a behind the scenes cut to the capital gains tax [which only affects share owners] so YOU aren't going to see any of it either.

Talk about a triple kick to the gonads! A trillion to the already filthy rich, followed by a FAKE 'trade war' that ONLY SERVES TO JACK UP PRICES which will result in even more 'profits/dividend income' to the 'idle rich'! Now imagine the cherry on top of this shit sundae? What else but slash the capital gains tax, you'd think Christmas came early [but it's hard to tell when everything you do rips off the 'disadvantaged' that seem unable to identify themselves...

Wouldn't be you would it? Naw, I ain't disadvantaged despite having worked insane hours for what little you've got [that is still mostly bank owned!] (Isn't CAPITALISM 'wunnerful?')

How many of you can spell 'dolt'?

Good, now how many of you can pick one out of a crowd?

[I'll give you a hint, FIND A MIRROR!]

Naturally I take the cake, Trump supporters don't read and here I am picking on YOU...because YOU won't act...

United we stand but united we're NOT!

Don't have to do everything the same but we should all be able to count on a 'fair shake' from the Justice System. [Fair to one is fair to all.]

That's what the government is for, to oversee the justice system.

If you thinks things are 'fair' your ass is out!

Class war has been leveraging the justice system from the start so NOTHING is 'fair'! [Even our 'basic assumptions' about fairness are badly evidenced by the universal failure to abolish slavery on ALL levels.]

United we stand but united we're NOT!

Time to make 'class war' history! [End it! Not pretend it doesn't exist like they do today...]

But you'll find this issue on that shelf we call 'out of our control'...and that should NEVER be.

All things are do-able given the necessary 'motivation'

That's what I'm trying to do here.

Maybe someday one of you will let me know how I'm doing?

Thanks for letting me be the high point of your day,


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