Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Genius 2

Greetings good citizen, there are many aspects/fragments of society and genius is no different. In yesterday's installment we laid the 'foundation' of new society salvaged from the molting corpse of the established one.

Since the focus of a new society is EQUALITY with justice for ALL the first step towards achieving those goals would be trashing the primary impediments to both and that is the 'entrenched' injustice system and it's patronage riddled support system.

Once the legal system is overhauled by the 'new constitution' (A Simple Plan) Money will be returned to its 'intended purpose' of regulating access to that which is scarce or perishable.

YOU, good citizen will no longer be held hostage by those whose only aim is to profit from your misery accumulating more money than they'll ever need via their false claim of 'ownership' of what belongs to all of us.

I CAN'T own 500 miles? Nope, you (nor anyone else) are expressly forbidden from claiming the ownership of anything, including your progeny! Your kids are born members of society and their life/mind isn't yours to corrupt!

Besides, YOU don't need to own ANYTHING, you just need to have the use of them...and that's what will replace 'ownership', Registered Users.

Being in the possession of major items not registered to you is an exile offense. [You're not going to get exiled if your kid's friend forgets their toy at your place...but if it turns out the item is registered to someone that has reported it stolen then we have an entirely different situation on our hands.]

Unlike 'ownership' where it's only yours until it isn't (thanks to a decidedly corrupt legal system) Userdom is legally stronger. Your usership ends when you die or when the item no longer suits your circumstances.

When work/life takes you from Chicago to St. Louis your Chi-town digs are remanded to 'relocation' and St. Lou will find you suitable new accomodations. None of this costs YOU (or anyone else for that matter) a solitary cent.

Hell, you don't even need to hire a mover, 'relocation' insures the items registered to you follow you to your new home. Now some of your old stuff may not 'work' in the new house so you will be able to 'remodel', leaving your used stuff (to be recycled) in Chicago and getting new stuff in St. Louis.

Um, 'new' can be 'lightly used' as recycling will be a key part of the new non-combat employment picture. [All 'hygienic' surfaces will be replaced with new, the 'war on germs' is neverending!]

The watchword of our fledgling civilization will be 'responsible' [and not taking it for granted that someone else will clean up after us.]

That's where throwing stuff into the nearest body of water came from, the actions of the irresponsible. If you can't see it, it's disposed of. Naturally this was due to people wanted to be paid for letting your cast-offs decay on their property...which is why nobody can own any! We can't afford to wait for stuff to rot on perfectly usable land. [Especially when most of it can be recycled/repurposed!]

How much of what is inflicted upon us is ignorance and how much is pure evil is debatable, what isn't is how much longer we should put up with this treatment?

Understand, your possessions under the current 'ownership' model are YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. Under the registered user model they are tended to in a timely fashion by a labor hungry society. [Everybody works for a paycheck...and EVERYBODY KNOWS WHAT EVERYBODY ELSE MAKES!] (Death to the 'pretenders'!)

Why isn't anybody 'salvaging' the huge islands of plastic floating in the world's oceans? Because it's not 'profitable'.

Naturally that's just stupid talking. Remove money from the equation and shazam, the NEED to get that junk out of the ocean before it contaminates the entire food chain becomes a damn good motivator!

Are we going to exile you for tossing your plastic water bottle into the ocean? Probably, a feckless asshole is still an asshole. Our new society is somewhat militant on the issue.

It is your thoughtfulness that will open doors for you in the future. [Because those who would 'buy' your complicity don't have YOUR best interests in mind...and once you agree to keep silent you are just as guilty as the criminal!]

Which is to point out that you have committed a crime and gleaned no benefit from it. [How stupid is that?]

Stupid isn't the prize anyone strives to win yet it is the universal reward of the 'trusting'. [Attribution damn it! If you steal this you crumb make sure you tell them you stole it from Gegner!]

While everything has 'contingencies' we can crack this nut if we stick to 'basics'.

Let's start with admitting we probably were born/created as slaves with color added so massa could tell which ones were theirs.

We can also take it for granted that once they had what they created us for we were abandoned in place and left to our, 'devices' with 'old habits' dying particularly hard. [They should never have abandoned the 'trustys' because they are the ones behind the '2nd coming' which ain't gonna happen because this place is devoid of whatever they came here for.]

Stupid keeps 'the dream' (of being reunited with the overlords and restored to their positions of power) alive.

As readership sinks [likely because I hit the 'stupid button' a bit too frequently for the 'sensitive] I opine that any honest discussion must be centered on this pervasive fact. That either through self delusion or cowardice the people of our society have chosen to let themselves and their children be rolled by the feckless (albeit deeply entrenched) few.

Even the most cowardly among you must admit that the situation is completely out of hand and a major shift is in the not too distant future.

With billions of lives at stake is all you can say is 'better them than me?'

Again, not necessarily a contender for a Nobel but like stupid, honesty is its own reward...


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