Friday, August 17, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as democracy turns to tyranny around the globe Scandanavia has escaped the tyrant's grasp

Conservative ideology says that Denmark’s policy choices should be disastrous, that grass should be growing in the streets of Copenhagen. Regan was, in effect, describing what her employers think must be happening there. But if Denmark is a hellhole, it’s doing a very good job of hiding that fact: I was just there, and it looks awfully prosperous.

And the data agree with that impression. Danes are more likely to have jobs than Americans, and in many cases they earn substantially more. Overall G.D.P. per capita in Denmark is a bit lower than in America, but that’s basically because the Danes take more vacations. Income inequality is much lower, and life expectancy is higher.

For most humans the final point is the one that counts, you can't argue with SUCCESS!

Um, that last remark about GDP per capita is a highly loaded statement because it only includes 'workers'...and the US has a HUGE segment of its population that can't be employed AT ANY PRICE THANKS TO F-U, PAY ME Capitalism.

Reversed, the U.S. has huge 'government supported' liabilities, starting with 'corporate welfare' and continuing to foot the tab for maintaining 'War without end' on a global front [ironically, without which we'd be flat on our ass because our principle export is FOOD and that's dirt cheap, thanks to subsidies.]

Funny that the people screaming about 'socialism' are ALL ignorant morons, many of whom are 'Pete the Plumber' wannabes that claim socialism is preventing them from buying their boss's company and becoming financially independent [although the lack of a plumbing license and the quarter of a million dollar price tag also presented formidable obstacles to this 'socialist' plot to keep Pete down. Turns out, also thanks to life under capitalism, Pete had a credit history that made success unlikely indeed, yet another symptom of the 'intellectual dishonesty' that is so much a part of Conservative Ideology!]

Denmark enjoys a healthy society because it didn't get pushed down the rabbit hole the stupid led us down.

Now I have to back up and explain, "What rabbit hole is that, Gegner?"

[sigh] Economics 101, commerce DOESN'T exist to enrich it's OWNERS, it exists to SERVE SOCIETY [Which is why OWNERS (and their feeble minded wannabes) are so down on SOCIALISM!]

Capitalists believe commerce exists to enrich them and Devil take the hindmost! [The people 'left behind' by low wages and high prices become SOCIETY'S problem, not the Capitalists!]

Zero irony it is these same people who were left behind by predatory capitalism that complain the loudest about the 'Socialism' the keeps them out of sight or from being 'pressed' into becoming a marauder! [Remember 'press gangs' from history? Here's a refresher.]

What is a marauder you ask? Like the Dark Ages, few actually know so I'll explain.

Criminals aren't stupid. They take society's outcasts who can't earn an honest living and hold their families hostage, then they send their victims out to rob and pillage with their families safety insuring their success.

This way the criminal reduces the risk to himself and his 'hostages' insure that ALL of the loot gets turned over.

What, you DIDN'T KNOW this is how criminals operate? Boy, are you gonna be shocked come the revolution! Guess who is going to do the 'defending' against all those the angry rebels? [Beginning to see who 'the criminals' really are?]

When the bottom drops out and the boss 'magnanimously' offers to let you and yours join him in his fortified compound [the one he hired Merc's to've got the wrong idea.] The mercs are there to guard the 'hostages', YOU are being sent out fight off the mobs! (and you'll do it too if you want your wife and children to live!)

Funny how some things never change but this too circles back to 'can't argue with success...'

Commerce exists to enrich THEM is only the icing on the cake!

Again, I apologize to the erudite who know full well of what I speak.

My mission is to save the ignorant who have been hoodwinked by empty promises and benefits they will have to die to enjoy.

A hat tip to the esteemed Mr. Krugman for another illustration of 'it doesn't have to be like this...

and no I'm not going to parse 'this' for you.

My mission is to save the ignorant, stupid is on his/her own.


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