Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Greetings good citizen, today's term is a catch all for the general environment we find ourselves drowning in.

Depending on how you're bent governs whether or not you *'believe' the problem is fixable or not...

Those who 'believe' individuals are corrupt think the problem is beyond our reach...those who believe the PROCESS is corrupt hold out considerably more certainty that a workable solution is attainable.

ASP takes the practical approach of attacking corruption at its root, removing the vehicle responsible for 'completing the transaction.'

[If there is no reward for their treachery most 'opportunists' will shun the 'risk' corruption represents. Some will do it because they can and others will try and leverage their 'boldness', causing them to be punished in a manner they didn't quite think all of the way through.]

Treachery against humanity is a capital crime.

[Not now, we wouldn't have a single sitting politician if the miscreants pretending to represent us were tried for their crimes.]

Ironically sitting politician will become a anachronism. The foolishness of letting others decide how you will live will become the emblem of tyranny we have so long fought against.

Perhaps the leveling of society (fostered by the abolition of ownership and the dissolution of the 'speculative markets' resulting in EVERYONE working for Humanity Inc and a PAYCHECK!) WTF is wrong with you people? Letting the feckless few enrich themselves at EVERYONE ELSE'S expense?

I'd say you need your head examined but there wasn't much you could do about it...short of revolt.

Problem is you will only revolt to win your freedom and now you've been 'taught' you're free. [It's not true by you don't get to choose what you are taught!]

We 'paid' for our freedom with the control of what we all need to live...and in that we weren't given a choice.

This is why corruption is universal and [what passes for] The Law does nothing to prevent it.

Left to your imagination is how do the enemies of capitalism get their arms?

Why from the capitalists, of course. How would you sell guns without conflict?

But your everyday life prevents you from asking those basic questions, doesn't it?

Trying to keep up with the myriad details thrown at you from every direction taxes your abilities beyond their limits and you mostly wish SOMEBODY would 'simplify' the entire process [because 99% of it is bullshit.]

Um, not for nuthin is the word most commonly associated with 'revolt' is 'failed'.

History has shown that revolt is a 'zero sum' game. The leadership changes but the tyranny remains.

You can read Marx until the cows come home but you won't find what happened in Russia anywhere in his [wrong-headed] musings on economics. Worse, once Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin overthrew the Czar the people had no clear idea who controlled what under 'communism'.

Ironically, under both systems, whoever controlled the law controlled the outcome. Business, masquerading as Commerce controls the law under capitalism while the military controls the law under Communism and the 'self-interested' control the law under both!

Worse, the 'chosen of God' continue to dominate humanity's destiny. [You'd think the godless communists would be free of this onus but you'd be mistaken as God's Armies are on the march world wide.]

Again I ask you 'Who is arming the Talibs?' The answer comes back ISIS but where are they getting the guns?

You have to know the answer to these question before we continue to allow the feckless to fund war without end...

Just a curious question but who else could get behind the abolition of cash? [Naturally they could trade weapons for oil/heroin but oil is traceable and can be 'de-monetized'!]

Hey, now we can ask the next question: Where is all of the heroin coming from? [You don't suppose the feckless war mongering capitalists have anything to do with it, do you?]

I have already beaten stupid into the dust. If your mind is too far gone to take anymore my suggestion is to put your head between your legs and kiss your ass good-bye!

We don't have a MONEY problem but we've got us one beyotch of a legal problem on our hands and only WE can solve it.

The revolt WON'T fail if we know what to expect on the other side! [The Law is the SOLE DOMAIN of ALL who agree to live under it. Those who don't agree automatically revoke their membership in society and will be exiled.]

Soon YOU will have to make a choice [because otherwise it will be made FOR YOU!]

And there won't be any 'do overs'.

This choice will affect how your kids and theirs will, er, 'live'.

[Letting them choose for you means your bloodline will disappear from the future genepool.]

Some of you have already self-selected such an outcome...for reasons of your own.

Is that why you're sitting on your hands while the murderous motherfucking capitalists import poison while exporting hatred and YOUR loved-ones die as a result?

[And the HITS just keep on coming!]

Nothing I say will motivate you, motivation comes from within...

Thanks for opening your mind,


* Believe because it's a proven fact that most humans don't THINK!

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