Friday, August 10, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as record heat drives wildfires around the globe we would do well to remember that civilization is only nine meals deep. Three consecutive days without food tears the veneer of civilization and anything even resembling civility completely off.

Naturally it is the destitute that will cross this barrier first (and repeatedly) while the psychopaths hoard what little is left 'for an emergency'.

Man's inhumanity is and will always be need to go there but the driver of this situation is worth visiting because it is short-sheeting 99% of us.

Probably don't even need to spell it out for you either, you already know what I'm pointing at without my typing the 'C' word, don't you?

What rankles more? the hierarchy that has more to do with who is related to whom or the absurd amounts paid to the absolutely talentless solely because of who sired them.

While we all point to the rich-poor divide isn't the real issue the rulers vs the subjects?

No? We rejected 'the rulers' a long time don't say?

What a fool believes! Bizarrely the same fools believe the 'Magna Carta' [all 4 of them] lasted longer than two minutes after the 'nobles' left the room.

Worse, today's fool remains unaware that the Patriot act stripped them of those ancient protections and our feckless politicians didn't even read it first! [Representation at it's finest, eh?]

So, who among you still believes 'the rulers' are long gone?

In as much as you will never see one walking down the street with their 'honor guard' [that's what motorcades are for!] they have learned their lesson about not providing their victims with a target.

So we pretend to elect 'leaders' and they pretend to govern us, albeit weirdly.

A puppet is still a puppet and if the puppeteer is mad all you can do is sit back and watch the show, the puppeteer remains in charge.

Do I need to draw the line pointing at you in this kabuki dance?

Send all you want, this system only dispenses, it doesn't accept 'feedback'.

The collective 'we' are living under the 'there ain't no highway, only 'my way' (and if my way runs civilization off a cliff, oh well.)

Human history is drenched in blood but we have never succeeded in defeating our real 'nemesis', the ruler.

Worse, we fight each other solely so we won't combine forces and fight, er, 'it'.

The part that should be giving you cotton-mouth is they still think of us as 'property' (disposable any way they wish.)

Once civilization reaches a tipping point our 'rulers' feel compelled to tamp down the threat presented by an out of control population.

WWI followed almost immediately by WWII and an unbroken string of 'brushfire' wars since the 'discovery' of nuclear weapons. [We've all heard the stories but sorting out the lies from the facts is next to impossible considering how deft they are at 'misleading' us.]

Not to be confused with how easily cozened we all are.

This is why we need to unite for humanity's future, fail to do this and there won't be one [as our children are now realizing and guess who they blame for this MOM & DAD...

Anyhoo...have a great weekend and ALWAYS watch your back!


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