Sunday, August 5, 2018


Greetings good citizen, the mission of this blog remains unchanged and I'm sure some of you are surprised to learn there is anything coherent going on here besides an old man nurturing a Captain Obvious complex.

While most posts are my feeble attempts to share the 'wisdom' I've gathered during my long trek along the path to the dirt nap that awaits us all. Once anyone crosses that particular finish line it is too late to share anything.

So it is after pointing to yesterday's ginormous elephant I feel compelled to 're-center' and return to the original mission of fermenting righteous revolution.

While I am fond of speculating that the principle reason revolt isn't an everyday occurance is because you have been convinced that we are already 'living the dream', that our current shit sandwich is as good as it gets...which isn't the whole story.

The myriad 'mini revolts' that occur almost daily are both brutally suppressed and vanish under the cloak of 'non-news'. If it 'makes a scene' that scene is covered up with official BS and it's brushed off as 'one of those things'.

People do crazy shit and we see it all the time (although most 'events' are stupidity related displays of bravado.)

Then there is the 'organized' craziness of the right wing rallies that have suddenly come out of nowhere.

Understand the right has been 'paving the way' for this radicalization since 'Morning in America' fifty years ago.

Wonder if the conspirators will allow the 'founder of the revolt' to take a bow?

I will once again remind readers that the mental poison that has permeated our society was spread FOR FREE by what we used to call the Right Wing Noise Machine...led by that obscure AM radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh.

Most people didn't pay much attention to Rush because by the time he commandeered the airwaves most folks had followed rock to the FM side of the dial. It is here we find the nation's destitute stranded listening to audio poison that is now appearing in the streets as the American Nazi movement!

Bizarrely, they want to 'Make America Great Again!'

In case you were wondering what the 'connection' was...

Think WWII ended well, think again.

Our civilization is led by mimics that are truly 'one trick ponies' and the experiment in global conquest hasn't ended. It merely crossed the ocean to the land of the gullible. [So called because they are purposefully taught not to think or question...and yes, that's going to leave a mark, in fact it already has.]

This has never been about tyranny and freedom, it's always been about rulers and subjects.

Those who pretend otherwise have lost sight of the true mission [and you didn't think there was anything to see here!]

If you don't have a castle to rattle around in you don't even need to guess which category you fall into...although the much fretted over 'middle class' [the ones the rest of us work under, not the 'urban professionals' that earn their living from their specialties] are the critical link between the rulers and the ruled.

The 'rulers' have hopes of replacing the ruled with AI [if they can cook up a 'subservient' machine, if not we may not be slated for extinction after all...but you can see the problem here is of who gets to decide. Our rulers possess thinking parts that are woefully substandard due to 'lack of use'.

Um, an accusation that cuts across sweeping swaths of the population, mostly due to nurture than nature. Think for yourself and be roundly abused by those who demand your instant obedience without question. If you regret it then that's on you. They don't give a F.

Nothing good ever came out of a mindset that BELIEVES 'I can't help it if they are stupid'...

Now there's a dog that needs to find the end of its leash at full gallop!

Stop and shift mental gears while I reprise my Captain Obvious role for a moment: Human history is drenched in blood, so much so that if we were to connect the dots we'd see that it is the same conflict that began so many millennia ago, the quest to wipe out the surplus population.

Zero irony that we have finally reached a level of technology that will allow the feckless to achieve their dismal goal.

Why do you think/believe man is perpetually at war with itself? Thin the herd or is it some programed behavior intended to keep the population 'productive'?

The senseless wars of the past have already become war without end. Worse, war without reason.

Leading us to today's hypothesis, it's NEVER been about freedom and tyranny [because the tyrants always win], it is ALWAYS about RULERS and 'the subjugated' [you to be specific.]

Once again I'm excited to see what you will do with your newfound knowledge, will you crusade against the slavers or will you humbly resign yourself to the 'Lord's will'? (A Lord that bleeds and isn't any more intelligent or worthwhile than you are but he says he's in charge and that has to count for something doesn't it?

No, it doesn't...but stupid is its own reward.

Don't be stupid...and yeah, you DO have a choice!

Thanks once again for opening your mind,


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