Like most 'normal' people I avoid the Right Wing noise machine so the Q phenomenon as well as the MAGA 'tour' (apparently nobody knew Making Murika 'GREAT' again really amounted to a pep talk that involved 're-imagining' the facts to make them appear better than they actually are...) both had 'cult' followings.
While few acknowledge it, Rush had (nurtured) a 'cult' following among those who used yardsticks to measure their patriotism and worshiped 'injustice.'
Well those 'sickos' have rallied behind a new leader they call Q and they claim their president is Q's champion in the fight against 'Deep State', a liberal conspiracy (invented by people that can't spell liberal) to take away gun ownership and lie about God.
[Top this all off with a healthy dose of homophobia, just to kick 'er over the top!]
Reporters from CNN were...'accosted' by the mouth breathing crowd that doesn't know (or care) about the difference between freedom and liberty.
Calling El Trumpo on his lies = BAD! and they were having none of it!
This was THEIR rally and they didn't want nobody fact checking 'deal leader's' lies! Where did them reporters think they wuz, Murika or sumpthin?
Reinforcing my assertion that if the voting requirement were raised to 100 IQ points Trump wouldn't stand a chance. [Actually Republicans wouldn't stand a chance. Only the (profoundly) stupid vote conservative.
These days we need to amend that to only the profoundly stupid vote. There isn't another viable political party to support. [Which is to belabor the obvious, 'party politics' must cease.]
The practice only serves to divide those who have no concrete disagreement with one another.
This is especially heinous when the ONLY difference between candidates is the 'alleged' party affiliation after their name.
Both serve the interests of the owner class by feigning to 'disagree' in public while voting in tandem in private.
You only THINK you are being represented but in fact NOTHING goes 'your way'.
Where do you think you are, Murika?
Murika is an idea, this place ain't got nothing to do with that place!
That's the er,problem 'situation', good citizen.
The public has divided America and its ideals into a fantasy that has nothing to do with the reality they wake up to every day.
Prosecutors won't even put killer cops on trial...maybe it's time we hold these 'appointees' responsible for their inaction.
Being the backbone of the criminal organization that brings us 'America, the shit show!' every day they have already foregone trial, they will be summarily executed where they stand (along with any and all defenders.)
Sounds malicious but is there any greater crime than the perversion of the rules intended to protect us all?
In this failure to do your job harms EVERYONE.
It is here above all else that 'I was just following orders' doesn't cut it. Didn't save the war criminals at The Hague and it won't save YOU!
Is this the 'Deep State' the profoundly stupid are so up in arms about? Hell No! It's the courts letting all those lezbians sue your ass for complimenting 'em! That's who 'Deep State' is and Preznint PussyGRABBER gets me because they are down on him too!
And that's about how 'deep' support for the moron on chief goes.
I'll remind you again Conservo-whackos don't THINK, they FEEL and it's not about facts because the facts have always been against the terminally stupid, it's about 'principles' and the fact that they have NONE!
IS THAT who YOU want in charge of the FUTURE?
Well I got bad news for you. You can kick the Republican party to the curb come the mid-terms but it's deeper than that and they have been paving the way for this for fifty years and ain't no 'ballot box' going to stop it.
It's not about turning Democrats into spineless jellyfish and Republican's into mouth-breathing cheerleaders for the uber-rich, it's about ending 'participatory politics' and your 'say' in any aspect of your life, which isn't 'yours' to begin with, it's theirs...and YOU (as far as they are concerned) are an ACCIDENT.
Yes Virginia, living just became 'optional' and the option isn't even yours, it's theirs. [The KINGS could have you 'put to death' on a whim. The fuckers that carried out the orders never slept again but that wasn't the king's problem.]
Who created this MONSTER? The eye that never blinks. Who let that one loose? The money.
How ironic that money is WORTHLESS...too bad you are 'too simple' to see that.
Someone, somewhere is roaring with laughter over how ludicrous it all is. That same someone is trying hard to ignore the irony because that's the part that makes IT uncomfortable.
IT has the same mind that you do and the only difference is IT knew it was spoofing, you didn't.
What a way to die, eh?
Thanks once again for letting me inside your mind,
While few acknowledge it, Rush had (nurtured) a 'cult' following among those who used yardsticks to measure their patriotism and worshiped 'injustice.'
Well those 'sickos' have rallied behind a new leader they call Q and they claim their president is Q's champion in the fight against 'Deep State', a liberal conspiracy (invented by people that can't spell liberal) to take away gun ownership and lie about God.
[Top this all off with a healthy dose of homophobia, just to kick 'er over the top!]
Reporters from CNN were...'accosted' by the mouth breathing crowd that doesn't know (or care) about the difference between freedom and liberty.
Calling El Trumpo on his lies = BAD! and they were having none of it!
This was THEIR rally and they didn't want nobody fact checking 'deal leader's' lies! Where did them reporters think they wuz, Murika or sumpthin?
Reinforcing my assertion that if the voting requirement were raised to 100 IQ points Trump wouldn't stand a chance. [Actually Republicans wouldn't stand a chance. Only the (profoundly) stupid vote conservative.
These days we need to amend that to only the profoundly stupid vote. There isn't another viable political party to support. [Which is to belabor the obvious, 'party politics' must cease.]
The practice only serves to divide those who have no concrete disagreement with one another.
This is especially heinous when the ONLY difference between candidates is the 'alleged' party affiliation after their name.
Both serve the interests of the owner class by feigning to 'disagree' in public while voting in tandem in private.
You only THINK you are being represented but in fact NOTHING goes 'your way'.
Where do you think you are, Murika?
Murika is an idea, this place ain't got nothing to do with that place!
That's the er,
The public has divided America and its ideals into a fantasy that has nothing to do with the reality they wake up to every day.
Prosecutors won't even put killer cops on trial...maybe it's time we hold these 'appointees' responsible for their inaction.
Being the backbone of the criminal organization that brings us 'America, the shit show!' every day they have already foregone trial, they will be summarily executed where they stand (along with any and all defenders.)
Sounds malicious but is there any greater crime than the perversion of the rules intended to protect us all?
In this failure to do your job harms EVERYONE.
It is here above all else that 'I was just following orders' doesn't cut it. Didn't save the war criminals at The Hague and it won't save YOU!
Is this the 'Deep State' the profoundly stupid are so up in arms about? Hell No! It's the courts letting all those lezbians sue your ass for complimenting 'em! That's who 'Deep State' is and Preznint PussyGRABBER gets me because they are down on him too!
And that's about how 'deep' support for the moron on chief goes.
I'll remind you again Conservo-whackos don't THINK, they FEEL and it's not about facts because the facts have always been against the terminally stupid, it's about 'principles' and the fact that they have NONE!
IS THAT who YOU want in charge of the FUTURE?
Well I got bad news for you. You can kick the Republican party to the curb come the mid-terms but it's deeper than that and they have been paving the way for this for fifty years and ain't no 'ballot box' going to stop it.
It's not about turning Democrats into spineless jellyfish and Republican's into mouth-breathing cheerleaders for the uber-rich, it's about ending 'participatory politics' and your 'say' in any aspect of your life, which isn't 'yours' to begin with, it's theirs...and YOU (as far as they are concerned) are an ACCIDENT.
Yes Virginia, living just became 'optional' and the option isn't even yours, it's theirs. [The KINGS could have you 'put to death' on a whim. The fuckers that carried out the orders never slept again but that wasn't the king's problem.]
Who created this MONSTER? The eye that never blinks. Who let that one loose? The money.
How ironic that money is WORTHLESS...too bad you are 'too simple' to see that.
Someone, somewhere is roaring with laughter over how ludicrous it all is. That same someone is trying hard to ignore the irony because that's the part that makes IT uncomfortable.
IT has the same mind that you do and the only difference is IT knew it was spoofing, you didn't.
What a way to die, eh?
Thanks once again for letting me inside your mind,
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