Thursday, August 23, 2018


Greetings good citizen, in a tale lifted straight from the Brothers Grimm we have the Russia investigation, started by one candidate who rightly figured out that the one thing 'The Donald' is famous for is being on a first name basis with every bankruptcy judge on the East Coast.

The poster child for 'capitalism sucks' is such a deadbeat that 'concerned citizens' had the government investigate his ties to the Russian mob...which the 'less than blameless' media has turned what started as the investigation of a World Class deadbeat's connection to organized crime into a three ring circus centered on the Russian government committing an 'act of war' in a fruitless attempt to undermine American Democracy.

It's not the Russians that have fantasies about Democracy collapsing worldwide, it's the F'n 1 %

Newsflash for conservo-whackos...Russia IS NOT 'communist' anymore. China is communist in name only otherwise it is a military dictatorship just like every other Banana Republic on the planet.

What is it with Conservatives and REALITY? Is it too much for them to process?

Rhetorical question: the feckless behind the Conservative revolution work very hard at disguising their motives. They feel they were 'born to rule' and 'democracy' cheats them of, 'birthright'.

You want a New Deal try this on for size! And they proceeded to roll back civil rights and wage gains across the board while their bought and paid for politicians/legal system turned a blind eye.

Society's 'watchdog' has been rewarded for its 'cooperation' although it lives in a constant state of fear of being found out.

Do you want to know why 'Fake News' is so effective? Because we all know the media 'colors' and sometimes even outright ignores events that show the consequences of its complicity in burying the truth.

The media can't be trusted because somebody 'owns' it.

Um, same goes for the 'justice system' which is owned 'at arms length' by those own (and pretend to govern) society...

Why oh why can't people wake up and put a stop to this game of 'let's pretend'?

Survival is NOT a 'game' good citizen and we can no longer afford to let the 'cool kids' lead us to... their doom.

Which is to point out the obvious [Not to everyone just the few who are paying attention] those who pretend to run things know the wheels are about to come off and they don't care! They crave the fear they are driving into the hearts of those who trusted them to lead us away from danger.

Now the crash is imminent and the 'players' have already moved on to the next phase of their plan. [Selecting their new titles and drawing up the borders of their respective 'fifes'!]

T.M.I. good citizen? Still searching for commies in the former Soviet Republic? The undermining of democracy plays well with US citizen's mindset because of capitalist fears that COMMUNISM would undermine CAPITALISM [in the end no one cares what you 'vote' for (or against for that matter.) We voted down a seat belt law four times in a row by a 75% majority and we still got a seatbelt law...'democracy'?

Oh and it wasn't done for your 'safety'; it was done to condition you to accept the frivolous as necessary and reinforce the comply or die mindset. [TSA anyone? Especially TSA asking if you're a citizen! WTF!]

How many Conservo-whackos are blaming that on 'libruls'? TSA is a wholly owned subsidiary of W's Patriot Act...but stupid can't figure out that all things rotten in this nation have been brought to us by (because I said so) Conservatism!

Not that voting for the alternative would have produced a different outcome...fmr Speaker Pelosi is the wife of a billionaire after all.

She got her seat the old fashioned way, she bought it!

So in conclusion let's rewind back to the beginning. What Trump is calling a 'witch hunt' started off as the search for a smoking gun connecting the world class deadbeat to the Russian mob [and ruining his 'electability']

The connection turned out to be true but was suppressed by the lapdog media and transformed into the 'witch hunt' Trump claims it is to reinforce the myth that the 'communists' hate our freedom and are using the internet to hack our democracy!

A Democracy everybody knows is a sham from the start.

3 months til November...what are you gonna do?

YOU CAN'T VOTE THEM OUT and it won't stop until YOU STOP IT!

A Simple Plan, an idea whose time has come!

Wake up head,


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