Greetings good citizen, the issue of 'Fake News' has stormed center stage as the head conserve-whacko has taken to repeating 'talking points' fabricated by the Right Wing Noise Machine.
Ironic that many, er, 'staunch conservatives' remain ignorant of just how their 'movement' became so...'popular'. It all started with the 'palace coup' that installed one of the worst presidents ever and remains responsible for telling YOU what to think EVER SINCE!
Like 'Skelator's' false news story about the 'massacre' in Bowling Green, KY. El Trumpo was broadcast as informing the world for the first time that the Swedes were experiencing similar problems to those experienced in France and Belgium.
For the first time because this was news to the Swedes too!
Will EL Rushbo lose his contract with satellite radio for this? Of course not. Making a public laughing stock out of the POTUS is collateral damage in the cause of advancing worldwide conservatism.
Power to the STUPID!
[Um, if you're NOT leaning back whispering 'good luck with THAT!' you're definitely part of the Dain Bramaged...]
Ironically, the now venerable Mr. Limbaugh has cemented his 'reputation' as an ENTERTAINER so no court in the land would convict him of 'mis-informing' the public.
ONLY STUPID PEOPLE 'believe' his 'fables'...sort of sad to learn a bit too late that the current POTUS falls into that rather substantial group.
Where are we?
We have arrived at the critical line between 'Freedom of Speech' and the public's NEED to LEARN THE TRUTH!
Can we have 'dis-information' masquerading as 'news'?
Rush lies ALL OF THE TIME but a majority of his listeners don't know that there isn't a shred of fact behind his sweeping assertions and broad generalizations.
Now we have Rush's listeners IN THE WHITE HOUSE!
Seated at the right hand of the Man-child is his 'head of propaganda', a direct pipeline to the 'info-tainment' the conservo-whacko base regularly feeds from!
Libel and slander have both been 'legalized' in the name of 'info-tainment' and that sacred principle enshrined in the Constitution, Free Speech!
How sad is it that Free Speech includes the 'freedom' to lie and dissemble, there is no protection from those who would use this 'right' to 'mis-inform' the public...and now the POTUS is displaying his IGNORANCE!
Like the song says, 'A man he hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest'...
How do you think the nation became so 'divided'?
Could it be because of the lying liars and their lies?
We can't make 'common cause' with one another because, depending on who you listen to, every one of us is part 'other' that the hate mongers tell us we can't trust...when the truth is WE CAN'T TRUST THE HATERS!
We would all like to think that certain things are 'evident' but some people don't comprehend at the same rate most of us do and it's beginning to look like those numbers are rising [largely because they have been immersed in dis-information their whole lives so to them it's all 'true'.
Problem with fiction is if it's repeated often enough it BECOMES TRUE!
Like the Flat Earthers...or the Birthers for that matter!
Like many things in this world we share, it's a dangerous place and even those who 'share' (or pretend to) your interests aren't necessarily 'all that bright'.
Gotta think for yourself if you want to survive.
As you were good citizen! Those who know don't need it and those who think otherwise aren't listening...have the serenity to know which is which and move on.
Thanks for letting me inside YOUR head,
Ironic that many, er, 'staunch conservatives' remain ignorant of just how their 'movement' became so...'popular'. It all started with the 'palace coup' that installed one of the worst presidents ever and remains responsible for telling YOU what to think EVER SINCE!
Like 'Skelator's' false news story about the 'massacre' in Bowling Green, KY. El Trumpo was broadcast as informing the world for the first time that the Swedes were experiencing similar problems to those experienced in France and Belgium.
For the first time because this was news to the Swedes too!
Will EL Rushbo lose his contract with satellite radio for this? Of course not. Making a public laughing stock out of the POTUS is collateral damage in the cause of advancing worldwide conservatism.
Power to the STUPID!
[Um, if you're NOT leaning back whispering 'good luck with THAT!' you're definitely part of the Dain Bramaged...]
Ironically, the now venerable Mr. Limbaugh has cemented his 'reputation' as an ENTERTAINER so no court in the land would convict him of 'mis-informing' the public.
ONLY STUPID PEOPLE 'believe' his 'fables'...sort of sad to learn a bit too late that the current POTUS falls into that rather substantial group.
Where are we?
We have arrived at the critical line between 'Freedom of Speech' and the public's NEED to LEARN THE TRUTH!
Can we have 'dis-information' masquerading as 'news'?
Rush lies ALL OF THE TIME but a majority of his listeners don't know that there isn't a shred of fact behind his sweeping assertions and broad generalizations.
Now we have Rush's listeners IN THE WHITE HOUSE!
Seated at the right hand of the Man-child is his 'head of propaganda', a direct pipeline to the 'info-tainment' the conservo-whacko base regularly feeds from!
Libel and slander have both been 'legalized' in the name of 'info-tainment' and that sacred principle enshrined in the Constitution, Free Speech!
How sad is it that Free Speech includes the 'freedom' to lie and dissemble, there is no protection from those who would use this 'right' to 'mis-inform' the public...and now the POTUS is displaying his IGNORANCE!
Like the song says, 'A man he hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest'...
How do you think the nation became so 'divided'?
Could it be because of the lying liars and their lies?
We can't make 'common cause' with one another because, depending on who you listen to, every one of us is part 'other' that the hate mongers tell us we can't trust...when the truth is WE CAN'T TRUST THE HATERS!
We would all like to think that certain things are 'evident' but some people don't comprehend at the same rate most of us do and it's beginning to look like those numbers are rising [largely because they have been immersed in dis-information their whole lives so to them it's all 'true'.
Problem with fiction is if it's repeated often enough it BECOMES TRUE!
Like the Flat Earthers...or the Birthers for that matter!
Like many things in this world we share, it's a dangerous place and even those who 'share' (or pretend to) your interests aren't necessarily 'all that bright'.
Gotta think for yourself if you want to survive.
As you were good citizen! Those who know don't need it and those who think otherwise aren't listening...have the serenity to know which is which and move on.
Thanks for letting me inside YOUR head,
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