Friday, February 10, 2017

Libertarian revolution is here!

Greetings good citizen, we've seen them on the periphery for decades, those 'rugged individual, get what you pay for [and to them it don't matter WHAT, to a Libby prostitution [even sexual trafficking where the 'provider' is forced to do what they do is 'just a business transaction'.

Well, don't look now good citizen but Mr. 'slash regulations' Trump is paving the way for what may already be a 'fiat accompli'. [Done deal]

Libertarian philosophy {the Libbies have been fielding presidential candidates for decades] is dressed up to be fiscally conservative but socially 'liberal' politics. Ever wonder where all of this political turmoil regarding 'gender politics' comes from? Look no further.

It would take a great deal of 'political capital' to make these issues 'mainstream' but to understand a Libby you have to understand where they came from!

They are the Robber Barons of old! Government regulation thwarted their original plans to turn society into an 'anything goes' cesspit so they 'regrouped' and began again, from the INSIDE.

Turns out it was a simple job to hijack the 'party system and oust legitimate political candidates, they had been studying the process for years and knew where the 'weak points' were.

Not satisfied with one party, they wanted control of the whole process so both parties were, 'suborned'.

Understand what has happened since 'Morning in America'.

The US economy was DESTROYED [and NOBODY even blinked while tens of millions of jobs went 'poof'!] but that isn't enough, then they proceeded to destroy the global economy so we have stories like this from today's NY Times:
Feeling 'Pressure All the Time' on Europe's Treadmill of Temporary Work

In the European Union, more than half [of] the new jobs since 2010 have been through temporary contracts, creating more workers seeking full-time employment.

This is the type of stuff that prevents kids from getting established and leading their own lives.

Could it 'left-handedly' be considered 'population control'? Why yes it could but the means are beyond cruel. We can put an end to population growth via education, it need not be done through coercion!

So the answer to the question, 'When is Junior going to find a nice girl and move out? is NEVER, thanks to our WOULD-BE EMPERORS who no longer admit to being Libertarians.

Yeah, good citizen, the 411 on libertarianism came out and it's EVIL was spread far and wide. While the Libbies [as a political force] have reverted to their former 'third party' status, the 'true perps are still bent on making the world a Libertarian paradise!

Two words, is all you need to know, good citizen. In/under Libertarian rule 'anything' [and I do mean anything] goes...and you have NO LEGAL RECOURSE, the government only exists to enforce the rules thought up on the spot by the rulers!

Since 'opening the doors' to [already] global trade [slightly before Morning in America] we started four, er, 'police actions', deregulated the media, legalized propagandizing the public [a totally reckless move blamed on youthful protesters] legalized loan-sharking [payday loans anyone?] abolished Habeas Corpus [eliminating protection against arbitrary arrest that has been around since the Magna Carta...which had to be signed at sword point FOUR TIMES...just to give you an idea what kind of people we're dealing with here!

Now The Donald is stripping us of what few rights we have left.

I'm beginning to think the tree of liberty is long overdue for watering...but this time we should water it with what the tree relishes, the blood of scoundrels! [those who would deny us Equality and Peace by withholding Justice!

No shortage of scoundrels! we could drown the damn tree but if legend be true, it's a hardy breed that thrives if given the right conditions!

If we fail to remove our Emperor wannabes from the corridors of power we will re-enter the Dark Ages from which mankind may never re-emerge.

Those who feel their thrones were 'denied' them by their selfish ancestors want nothing less than a return to power. We have already seen what they intend.

The question is do YOU want to live under the fickle rule of people who have nothing in common with you and zero regard for your well-being?

Cuz that's a Libertarian, a.k.a. a ROYAL!

It's all good as long as it's the way THEY want it!

They are the type that seriously ask the question, 'Don't they know they're lucky we let them live?'

If everything were automated, you would NOT be so lucky! Worse, only a tiny portion of what is needs to be and suddenly there would be a bounty on your worthless head!

Because it's not [even though it is if you're paying attention] in your face doesn't mean it's not happening and those people, despite being 'gone' for centuries have raised their kids to be aware of what they once were...with some of them telling them they could have it all back if they were 'crafty' enough.

Well, looks like a couple of 'em took grandpa at his word...

Remember, not what to think but something to think about!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Sorry about quality, they just called me in so I had to 'scramble'.

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