Greetings good citizen, with the presidency won we have to wonder why El Trumpo is still on the 'campaign trail' doing what he does best, 'catering to his base'.
As has become the habit of the new conservo-whacko party, the folks you see sitting in the audience were likely 'hand picked' invitees [and unemployed so they had no place 'more worthwhile' to be...]
Of note in the speech he gave is something we've all railed against for decades commonly called the 'anonymous source'.
Conservo-whackos have used anonymous sources for time out of mind to pick apart popular policies that didn't align with their 'Me First' ideology.
But that's not the problem here.
The problem is using stagecraft to make it appear that there are more Trump supporters than there are. How many people do you see in the accompanying video, a couple of hundred?
This is 'the will of the nation'?
In what has become a 'one horse' [party] town, that's what they want you to believe.
Supposedly the people posing as Democrats are selecting new leadership and we can only wonder who they think looks/acts the wimpiest?
Because in the end it's all 'theater'.
From the carny barker at center stage selling 'Fake News' to the mouth breathers nodding their agreement in unison. Do you look into their blank eyes and wonder how much they comprehend?
HE EVEN TALKS TO THEM LIKE THEY'RE SIMPLETONS! {but none of them are offended...must be why he's 'their president'!]
Understand, good citizen, it's crowds such as this one that gave us history's unlikeliest president in the fifth consecutive 'stolen election' because rational people stopped voting when they realized it was an exercise in futility.
Once the process was hijacked the rest was simple.
Make no mistake about it good citizen, the 'choices' will only get worse and the outcomes more unlikely because the process has been 'corrupted'.
Very 1984 to be 'stuck' with an outlandishly zealous 'primary party' that only the mouth breathers claim membership in and a paper thin, faux 'opposition party' that stands for stuff nobody genuinely cares about!
Do you see YOUR dilemma?
Government by those who don't have a clue what governments were founded for isn't what ANYBODY signed up for...but soon it won't matter because those who keep the supply chain humming are planning on 'culling' the surplus population.
In a world where NOTHING is secret we can only marvel that the details remain 'undisclosed'.
[Which is likely our 'saving grace'...THEY know what they WANT TO DO but they can't figure out HOW to do it WITHOUT leaving a trail of breadcrumbs that leads directly back to THEM!]
Left to your imagination is IF YOU survive the coming debacle, society WILL change. Will a 'smaller society' make people more valuable or less?
Depends largely on how the tech field stands up. A greatly diminished population would only remain viable with a high reliance on tech and its ability to maintain/repair that tech.
Since most of you suck at history, my warning that the 'social clock' will turn back a thousand years will fall upon deaf ears...until the females of our species find themselves (once again) 'possessions' with NO legal rights.
The 'inhumanity' of it all (if only you'd listened when you had a chance!)
That's right ladies, I'm looking at YOU!
There is still time but not much if I'm guessing correctly...and believe me, I'm guessing. [truth be told I'm astonished they've kept it glued together this long!]
Thanks for letting me inside YOUR head!
PS: Make no mistake about it ladies, if they succeed in 'pulling the plug' YOU are on the Express Bus back to the BAD OLD DAYS.
Don't get sucked in by the Kabuki's entertainment!
As has become the habit of the new conservo-whacko party, the folks you see sitting in the audience were likely 'hand picked' invitees [and unemployed so they had no place 'more worthwhile' to be...]
Of note in the speech he gave is something we've all railed against for decades commonly called the 'anonymous source'.
Conservo-whackos have used anonymous sources for time out of mind to pick apart popular policies that didn't align with their 'Me First' ideology.
But that's not the problem here.
The problem is using stagecraft to make it appear that there are more Trump supporters than there are. How many people do you see in the accompanying video, a couple of hundred?
This is 'the will of the nation'?
In what has become a 'one horse' [party] town, that's what they want you to believe.
Supposedly the people posing as Democrats are selecting new leadership and we can only wonder who they think looks/acts the wimpiest?
Because in the end it's all 'theater'.
From the carny barker at center stage selling 'Fake News' to the mouth breathers nodding their agreement in unison. Do you look into their blank eyes and wonder how much they comprehend?
HE EVEN TALKS TO THEM LIKE THEY'RE SIMPLETONS! {but none of them are offended...must be why he's 'their president'!]
Understand, good citizen, it's crowds such as this one that gave us history's unlikeliest president in the fifth consecutive 'stolen election' because rational people stopped voting when they realized it was an exercise in futility.
Once the process was hijacked the rest was simple.
Make no mistake about it good citizen, the 'choices' will only get worse and the outcomes more unlikely because the process has been 'corrupted'.
Very 1984 to be 'stuck' with an outlandishly zealous 'primary party' that only the mouth breathers claim membership in and a paper thin, faux 'opposition party' that stands for stuff nobody genuinely cares about!
Do you see YOUR dilemma?
Government by those who don't have a clue what governments were founded for isn't what ANYBODY signed up for...but soon it won't matter because those who keep the supply chain humming are planning on 'culling' the surplus population.
In a world where NOTHING is secret we can only marvel that the details remain 'undisclosed'.
[Which is likely our 'saving grace'...THEY know what they WANT TO DO but they can't figure out HOW to do it WITHOUT leaving a trail of breadcrumbs that leads directly back to THEM!]
Left to your imagination is IF YOU survive the coming debacle, society WILL change. Will a 'smaller society' make people more valuable or less?
Depends largely on how the tech field stands up. A greatly diminished population would only remain viable with a high reliance on tech and its ability to maintain/repair that tech.
Since most of you suck at history, my warning that the 'social clock' will turn back a thousand years will fall upon deaf ears...until the females of our species find themselves (once again) 'possessions' with NO legal rights.
The 'inhumanity' of it all (if only you'd listened when you had a chance!)
That's right ladies, I'm looking at YOU!
There is still time but not much if I'm guessing correctly...and believe me, I'm guessing. [truth be told I'm astonished they've kept it glued together this long!]
Thanks for letting me inside YOUR head!
PS: Make no mistake about it ladies, if they succeed in 'pulling the plug' YOU are on the Express Bus back to the BAD OLD DAYS.
Don't get sucked in by the Kabuki's entertainment!
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